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Everything posted by Miquiztli

  1. True, true. Now if only BW would make friends lists apply at the account rather than the individual character. >_< /altoholic first world problems/
  2. Like I said my guild doesn't have enough people to do ranked, so I have to pug it up if I want to do them. That doesn't lend itself to developing a good group dynamic when the group is never the same. I'm fine playing either ranked or unranked though, I just enjoy pvping. You are right that the benefits of ranked don't outweigh the queue time or issues in getting with a pug group. It isn't like I'm hurting on gear though. Between my 3 lvl 50 Imps I have like 19 pieces of EWH already.
  3. Probably true. I mean hell, my strongest attacks were barely scratching your guys in a 1v1 situation. I've hit people in WH/EWH harder than I was hitting your guys despite some of them wearing BM gear.
  4. It was a pug. No strat or thought to group make up. I'd love to do some rated on a team that does have strategies in mind though. Unfortunately my guild is lacking in the volume of players, so I'm only able to pug.
  5. If I'm on and you need another player for a team I have three Imperials in full WH with EWH weapons. Miquiztli - Assassin - Darkness/Madness Hybrid Mi'ngh - Jugg - Rage Perro - Merc - Pyro I also have a Scoundrel, but he is still in BM and a few recruit Tokab'lunt - Scoundrel - Healer
  6. Only if they weren't leaped to in the first place. If the do the knockback first then I agree.
  7. Also, after reading this I realize I shouldn't post right after work.
  8. There are ways to mitigate smash as well. Knockback the instant they force leap to you, if you have a force defense ability like shadows/assassins, etc. Most people I've seen just take the hit outright, and see half their health disappear.
  9. So "who can do the biggest hit" doesn't interest me at all as the situation always varies. What would be interesting to see though, is how those same attacks affect different ACs / builds / gear set-ups. For example: What would the smash look like for a smash specced jugg/guard on the different classes assuming the same level of gear. How would it look on different levels or setups of gear eg. recruit / BM / WH / min-maxxed WH. And of course how the smash performs using different types of gear. Maybe the results come out that there isn't an enormous difference, or maybe it is huge! We all have our anecdotal evidence, but that doesn't mean a whole lot. Or maybe it is too much work seeing as it is just a game, and we should just have fun. At the very least it would confirm/refute the argument that pvp is all gear based.
  10. I am having issues with the resolve changes, lack of back filling, and server lag. I like that they reduced the range on many stuns, but the resolve changes just lead to a stun lock plague. I liked the original resolve system much better. If it filled up too quickly then too bad. People just need to learn to use stuns and snares effectively. Don't hand hold those that can't. I'm hoping the back filling and server lag issues are temporary, but while they exist pvping is just a chore. I too pvp on 3 different 50s, and when I'm in game after game where it is 6 or less against a team of 8 the entire game I'd much rather do something else. I can't comment on ranked as I never play those, but if I did I'm sure I would be even more bored with the game playing against the same few teams over and over. Maybe I'll just play some other games for a while hoping that things improve, because when they worked I really love the pvp. -------------------------------
  11. It is the zone where players can go and rank wars by various metrics. In this case we will be ranking wars based on expertise. For example wars with the largest number of participants with art history degrees.
  12. I'm in a similar position. Both my merc and my assassin are full aug WH with 1 piece EWH so far (1370 exp each). I can't remember exact numbers, but my Jugg is over 1200 exp as well. If you want to set up a group and need 1 more let me know!
  13. Well I'm glad we cleared that up. Now on to something very serious - my preferred regional sports team is better than your preferred regional sports team.
  14. I'm not pointing fingers. Just saying that threads like this are entirely subjective, and have no merit other than entertainment.
  15. Really this is just an epeen thread. It doesn't really matter. For a more accurate comparison not only should it be broken down by adv class but by role, situation (1v1, premade, pug / defense, attack, etc), map, etc. Who really wants to spend that much time collecting and breaking pvp stats down?
  16. Sweet! Now I won't have to resort to this:
  17. I have 2 50s in full augmented WH, and a 3rd toon almost there. Do I get a cookie? Maybe a banana sticker?
  18. I need to start doing ranked WZs. My guild never has enough people who want to pvp to do them.
  19. Have you tried reporting the accused? On the server I am on there were a few obvious people using bots. After a day or so of people reporting them they were all gone.
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