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Everything posted by Noesis

  1. Yeah. I actually like the current system. I've seen 46. Hopefully there is a 50 bracket.
  2. I enjoy it as well; I would love to lifetime sub (first time I've ever been tempted) if there was the option. I've very curious to see how this game will develop.
  3. Hah, you're joking right? You're taking a limited experience and applying it to everyone. Likewise, it's a fact that WoW players are have no manners. It's science. All the same, maybe people like role playing jerks because they're so polite in real life. And the fact that you mentioned honor...I wouldn't use the H word on the internet. Ever. And expecting other people to adhere to your set of values is an exercise in frustration and disappointment.
  4. Yeah, kinda hard to heal when raid frames don't work. All the same, I pretty much only play healers.
  5. Is there any way to disable camera shake? I know there is no in game option, but I'm wondering if I can add a line to the file found below. Thanks. C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic\swtor\retailclient client_defaults.ini or \AppData\Local\SWTOR\swtor\settings client_settings.ini
  6. Agreed. Here's to hoping it's in the next patch.
  7. I wouldn't call it next gen MMO. It's nailed the RPG part, the MMO aspect could use some polish.
  8. I agree with some of your critiques. But I'm a much different gamer. I play a lot, but I don't consider myself hardcore. Even if I've done a flash point a dozen times, I still don't skip the dialogue. I really also don't understand why all the "WoW Flair" (e.g. guild perks, etc) that were developed 5 years into WoW are now mandatory. I know, you want to copy what works. But really, those are non-essentials. I don't want WoW in space. I'm content with getting the voice over and story (the core of the game in my opinion) up front, and have the flair added later. If they don't add it with in a year, granted, I'll be surprised. The biggest test will be how frequently and how soon updates roll out. I'm not talking new content, I'm talking combat log, addon support, whatever. In my opinion, the game got rushed a month or two for the holiday. Understandable. I also understand what I'm buying isn't the end product. tl;dr I don't want WoW in space; ultimate verdict on TOR will depend on how frequently patches/updates are released to finish polishing it.
  9. Lol, the things people get worked up over. This game has children being kidnapped, forcefully given drugs and made to kill people. But heaven forbid they have any hint of breasts... Move on.
  10. Your Holiday Wishlist for Santa BioWare This is a post/thread about what I/we would like for the Holidays from BioWare. Just a list, not an argument, no explanations necessary. You want it because you want it, end of story. Feel free to let the holiday spirit move you...can be taken seriously or not.... So girls and boys, assuming you’ve all been good this year, what would you like from Santa BioWare? My list: Target of Target Ability to Customize UI Addons Ingame macros Dual Spec Looking For Group Finder (a better one) When minimized, have the tray icon blink when attacked, warzone pops, get a pst (a la Rift) Disable camera shake, more tweaking for graphic options, such as... FOV -- adding back the shift/control + Mouse Wheel Commendation Trade In -- 2:1 Korriban to Dass, etc Smart camera disable Import settings from other characters Combat log and/or have icons by the floating numbers for each ability (a la Rift) Afk kick for Warzones Force Potency -- No Global Cool Down Raid frames show proper health values Queues -- grace period for disconnects And most importantly.... Slave Girl Costume (or a Holiday Slave Girl Hybrid Costume) for Kira/Vette. And T7.
  11. I thought this thread would be about what criteria we personally use to award MVP... So on that note, my criteria: -If someone is duoing with me, or has a clutch save/run -Sort by objective (can be buggy) -Sort by heals. Healers never get enough love -People who communicate. I hate a silent warzone
  12. Yeah, the health values show full for me all the time. Really hard since I'm a healer...
  13. Color me impressed. Nice guide. Now if only I could find one for tweaking graphics...
  14. Yeah, new game and all, queues, I get it. I don't mind it. The issue is with getting booted from queues because of problems on their end. That's a problem. And this whole "man you should have seen it with game x,y,z" is an invalid argument. Because someone does something worse doesn't give you an excuse to do something poorly. Not raging, since I've had no wait until today. I am surprised that there are queues before it's even launched. That speaks of a mistake.
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