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Everything posted by darksidetank

  1. idk, but i dont really hear alot of suggestions just ppl whining about a release date? have any of u actually programmed a video game? Its not as simple as it being done on a specific date. Im not a fanboy or anything but ppl need to layoff Bioware its ridiculous. I do at the same time understand the anger of the fans tho. Free to play wont kill this game it will bring more ppl and give swtor a better exposure in the the public eye. Also dont really understand why everyone is saying GW2 is gonna steal all these subs away. The game looks exactly like WoW with modern graphics. THe armor is gigantic compared to the person and the person themselves look like something u would see in a comic book. GW2 is the exact same product as rift, WoW, and every other fantasy mmo out there. They are a dime a dozen. After the newness wears off ppl will quit similar to what happened with this game. Its simply the reality of the genre. it takes a new mmo about a year to get really good so for those of you that think its supposed to come out and be spectacular I challenge you to find an MMO that was perfect at release and you wont find one. Dont say WoW either cuz that game had massive problems when it started too except the market was basically empty so the subscribers had nowhere else to go. BTW GW2 is completely gay and retarded all in one and has epic problems of its own so if u wanna quit swtor for that go right ahead it has worse problems then swtor did and alot less money to fix them. All im saying is give the game a full year, wait for some more content then judge. WoW didnt start off with 50 raids day 1. It takes time to implement all that content
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