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10 Good
  1. Sounds like I should visit for the story. Would be good if Ilum was upgraded to 55. In fact why not add 55 content to all the planets, they are planets after all so there should be room...
  2. I used the double XP weekends to get two characters to level 50 but never got as far as Ilum. Now I have access to Makeb. Will I ever need to go to Ilum?
  3. We should start a campaign to include Ewoks and Gungan (Jar Jar's race) but they must be useless and made to suffer. For Ewoks instead of lightsabers and blasters they get sticks and stones. Anyone trying to pick them as a character gets redirected to my little pony online. Gungan characters will have a * 5 threat (hate) generator and can be hit by freindly fire. Healing a Gungan will actaully damage the healer.
  4. ugnaughts or some other gnome/dwarf like character. Wee Nasty can not be made until this is addressed! Whatever race Yoda is would be epic (wont happen as Lucas is a Pr...k) Ewoks - but they can only heal and hug people. Gungan - They are not allowed to wear armor and explode when they die. Hardcore mode only
  5. Looks like Lightning recovery is a required talent (two post saying keep it). My next option is to drop swelling shadows which seems to only help dark charges proc and from what I've read these procs are not that great. Thanks for the insight guys. WND
  6. Is Lighning recovery more a PvP skill than a tank or PvE skill? I can see in PvP how this would make a difference. But back to my question: How useful would dark embrace be to a tank? Do we need all that extra Force regen at the start of the fight or will it really make no difference? Thanks WND
  7. Looking at the tank builds (25/0/16) I wondered if it's worth losing 2 from Darkness to get Dark Embrace (23/2/16). Seems like we start fights from stealth so will this help? I'm only level 18 so have no clue so looking for advice. I plan to get the 2 points from lightnign recovery. Thanks WND
  8. Anyone remember Hellgate London.... No. That was the worst MMO/single player mishmash worst release ever. I was on just after the release and no queue, no lag on a high pop server. Saw lots of people running around. Seems fine to me. Op needs to take a chill pill.
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