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Posts posted by Ortonic

  1. I would agree with the comment made that picking a PvE server and complaining about the PvP is a bit of a moot point. You should have known at this point that more PvP, especially open world PvP, takes place on a...wait for it...PvP server!!


    While your unhappy that they are creating brackets designed for level 50 players, there is a louder voice out there that is drowning you out crying for a level 50 bracket for an increased challenge in PvP.


    I can almost guarantee you that even if they do implement the bracket in Patch 1.1, you will still have a shorter waiting time than most que's in WoW. Grab a drink, take a p*ss break, enjoy a website, do something than just stare at the screen during the wait time. Everything will be ok.

  2. You know, the "lack of end-game" during the launch of a new MMO always frustrates me. A large majority of the ones who are complaining haven't even hit 50, much less stepped foot in Eternity Vault. There's also a large chunk that complain that haven't even beat every flashpoint on hard mode. To be quite honest with you, don't b**** about it if you haven't completed it.


    It's hard to compare Vanilla's end game content to TOR's for a few reasons. Many of you are throwing in five man's to the "end game" category. I consider actual raiding to be end game, NOT five man content. That's just filler content or dungeons designed to help you reach the raiding content. The second thing is the majority of the Vanilla end game was patched in after release, much like what TOR will probably do.


    I've also seen a few people talk about how they hit the level cap so much faster in TOR and this bothers them. Remember, your probably a veteran of the MMO genre now. You understand the most efficient way to quest and level, compared to the beginning of WoW where it was new to many of us, including myself. Although I'm not 50, I've leveled at a pace I feel comftorable with because I know the routine now. Not only that, but I'm still not space barring through all the quests. I'm enjoying the content that BioWare worked hard on and quite frankly, it's a great change of pace for me instead of the WoW "accept quest, kill boar, next quest, don't care about the story" feel.


    Although we really can't track achievements in TOR, I wish I could see a lot of you who are complaining about the end game content and where you stand on completion. I would bet that you haven't completed the end game, so don't cry about it. Otherwise, go back to sitting around SW / Org waiting for the next major content patch to come out because you've already cleared the Deathwing encounter.

  3. I had the same exact struggles as you before I turned to the forums for help. After getting the advice of using the two interrupts that I have, the fight was MUCH easier!! Spam any and all interrupts that you have. You'll have him beat before you know it!!


    Another thing I would recommend is make sure your close to one of the walls when you fight him, that way when he throws you back your not tossed back as far.

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