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Posts posted by Savej

  1. Not that I'm gonna play it on this thing, just wanted to point out that this console may not be the reason for ability puning.


    That's the most confusing part of this. They seem to have an agenda that they aren't telling us. Any experienced dev should know these sweeping changes made to all classes will cost them a significant chunk of their most loyal players. And without them their servers are going to turn into ghost towns. They have to know from just a few years ago that ghost town servers don't retain new players, even casual ones, at all.

  2. .............



    That specific thing you said there isn't true.


    Every time I show that to be the case you keep moving the goalposts to avoid admitting fault. "That doesn't count" "If they specifically do X,Y, and Z at these specific times under these specific conditions then they'll get kicked out."


    You made a broad/general statement that can be shown to not be the case or not true and again instead of saying "Okay maybe I was exaggerating" you keep trying to fight it tooth and nail.


    Why do you feel you can't admit to being wrong about that? Do you think it'll suddenly invalidate you as a person or everything you've ever said or felt?




    This is literally not true.


    Just one example of her saying something bad about Bioware and/or SWTOR disproves that blanket statement you're making. For exaxmple her saying Bioware was foolish to waste resources on Anthem would be her bashing the company but she woudn't get removed from the creator program for saying that.




    Yes, she can and has done so in the past.




    If she did that repeatedly maybe but that's not what you initially said nor claimed and I've seen other content creators for other games with similar-sized audiences openly bash the game and devs they're creating content for wihtout any repercussions. Just go look at Warframe's content creators and see how "overwhelmingly positive" they always are about the game.




    I already have.




    Solely as a content creator and not at all as a fan of the game huh?




    And yet plenty of other content creators for other games will openly talk about how bad updates are without getting kicked out of their creator programs.


    Content creators like Xam, Swtorista, Kid-Lee, etc, have not always been super positive about the game nor have they completely refrained from bashing it. The real difference is that compared to other games SWTOR only has like 5 content creators. Combine that with the fact that SWTOR updates so infrequently that there's rarely anything to talk about. That's the real reason you don't see a lot of SWTOR hate or doom and gloom from their content creators.


    The content creators that exist still enjoy the game and are still making content for it whereas so many others aren't able to stick it out with SWTOR because they either burn out or get fed up to the point where they don't want to make content. Does that mean the creators aren't allowed to bash the game though? No, all it means is that they're either more positive people or there's not enough new information coming out to the point where they have ability to bash the game/company to any significant degree in terms of new news to talk about.


    I noticed you also completely ignored the part about how you claimed I agreed with her. Was that because you were very clearly wrong there and didn't want to acknowledge that you made a mistake?


    Explain how I was changing the goalposts. I repeated myself several times. Was it the "bashing isn't the same as disagreeing"? LOL! OK... Something else you're wrong about. You haven't "shown" anything.


    I did claim you agreed with the article you linked. If you say you don't agree then you don't. You did apparently think her opinion about the new expac is relevant and/or significant in some way; I don't.


    This is all coming from you posting a link to a currently or formerly BW affiliated fan-site. Whether or not she was in fact being totally from the heart in her article (for all I know she was), she had reasons to not be. It was the exact opposite of a credible source for a review or for anything, the same as linking to someone's facebook page but worse because (was/is) affiliated.


    And again I don't care about other games. I've watched a few youtubers but not the ones that are part of any obvious programs, especially not the ones being critical. All I know is Anthem's affiliate program was different than SWTOR's is even though they're both EA. If you want to post links to videos of people bashing games they had deals with without losing those deals maybe I'll take a look at one or two.

  3. You generally don't like influencers or content creators because you believe they tend to be positive about situations or things you don't agree with. They're not validating you so then in order to justify that or validate that view point you jump to "Well they're obviously not allowed to bash the game or else they'd get kicked out the creator program." but you don't actually know that for certain that's just something you tell yourself to make you feel better.


    I've listened/watched/read most of the content creators. I like them fine. ootinicast just had a poll about the latest pts patch reception and less than 10% of the people that tried it liked it. I used to listen to Bad Feeling podcast every week until it stopped with 6.0. I've seen most of swtorista's non-twitch videos. Xam Xam, Snave, Vulk are/were all good for this game, we need more like them, not less. Eric Musco started out as a podcaster and he's been great for swtor, too.


    BUT influencers are not objective 3rd party sources of different perspectives on major changes to the game. They're good sources of info, especially when they're given previews (which doesn't happen much in this game), but they can say "this is gonna be great" 'til they're blue'er than Chiss cosplayers I won't care.


    One of the reasons <I think it was> Eric cited in an interview or stream a long time ago for the Influencer program was to help guard against waves of bad sentiment like that which came initially with 3.0 and was sortof a surprise to them. That was probably the biggest and best update this game has had, but it was received poorly. And this is where posts like those from Xam Xam come in, as an example.

  4. I'm just highlighting how the exact thing you said wasn't true.


    You said it's her job to spin and that they're not allowed to bash the game but there's plenty of evidence to the contrary of that.


    It was something you were simply wrong about and instead of just saying "Okay maybe I was exageratting" or whatever you've contiunally tried moving the goal posts to try and avoid doing that.


    Why though? What do you think is going to happen if you end up acknowledging that you were wrong about something or that specific thing?


    Got a quote? She's not allowed to bash the game/company. She's allowed to disagree (do you see a difference or not?). If she wrote articles like "Combat styles are death of game" and put them on the front page of her site she'd be losing her influencer status sooner than later. Feel free to prove me wrong. But, as a content creator, she has reasons not to want swtor to fail - a really poorly received update could hurt it which hurts her traffic too. Ergo, biased.

  5. Is your opinion objective? I don't think so. I seriously doubt anyone posting in this forum has a subjective opinion.


    Me? I'm a player. I'm coming from the perspective of what's good for players like me in this game. I'm more objective than Xam Xam. I never claimed to be objective.


    Linking an article on a 3rd party gaming site could imply that the site had some sort of independent game enthusiast/journalist writing the article. In which case there would be at least some implied objectivity. That is not the case here.

  6. So based on what you're saying it would be impossible for me to find anything where she's objective or overly critical of the game? Not on her site or Twitter or anywhere? Because based on what you're saying or suggesting SWTOR content creators can't do that.


    Strawman all you like, she's free to disagree with various things (bashing BW/swtor repeatedly would be another story). But it's in the best interest for her site that swtor does well. By itself, that means anything she publishes on her site could very easily be biased. Other than maybe one or two of them, I don't trust any influencer to be 100% objective or candid (besides which they are under NDAs), no one should. The best you've got is someone posting an essay on their own swtor-affiliated/promoted site instead of the forums and you agree with her.

  7. No I didn't. I said was it was a different perspective, which it was. Whether she's wrong or not doesn't mean it's not a different perspective.


    You're the one that made the situation out to be something it wasn't claiming that it's part of her job to spin. Then I pointed out that there's evidence to the contrary of that when it comes to content creators and you kept trying to move the goalposts.


    She's the propaganda wing of swtor, her web site is all about swtor. Whether you've seen ppl bad mouth other games on youtube in the past doesn't really matter - there's no way her "perspective" is remotely objective.

  8. And I am sharing my experiences from those I've known who have done content creation or been part of creator programs for games and it can restrictive but the rules about what they can and can't do or say tend to be largely the same across a lot of games.


    Even with games like Disney Infinity which you think would be insanely specific or restrictive due to being both Disney and targeted at children, was still largely the same set of rules as most other games I've found.




    I'm using other games as examples because they apply to the situation and establish a bigger picture. Don't tell to not mention them just because they hurt or invalidate what it is you're saying/claiming.


    Lol! You don't have a position. You quoted an article from a content creator as if it was something it wasn't. Keep trying.

  9. What about all the other games that don't have millions of players where the content creators are highly critical yet not kicked out of the program?


    I'm talking about swtor and things I've overheard from people who used to be content creators (not sure if they still are or not but they stopped creating content awhile ago). If you want to talk about some other game go to those forums.

  10. WoW has been having a pretty big backlash as of late and whose voices have been the loudest about that? Content Creators.


    If it's a content creator's job to spin then I'd say a lot of them are doing a pretty bad job of it with the online gaming genre right now outside of FF14.


    Swtor has a "content creator" program. If "content creators" bash the game they get kicked out of the program. And aside from that, content creators want swtor to do well because when it dies so does their content creating.


    Youtubers bashing wow have an audience because wow still has millions of players and there's a lot of angst to capitalize on. Furthermore many of them are taking money from multiple sources (Square Enix, for ex).

  11. An article from MMO Bits "Why I’m excited about Combat Styles"




    I'm just posting this as I think it's interesting to get a different or positive perspective on Combat Styles as opposed to the more one-sided convo we've been seeing.


    The article isn't reflective of my views just thought I'd share it.


    The author thinks that combat styles is an overhaul of swtor's combat system. And Ms Haywood seems to think SWTOR isn't going to be a tab targeted game in 7.0. She's just guessing and assuming on too many things to list, riding high on vagaries from Jackie's pr post. She's also wrong on too many things to list. Furthermore, the author's not a neutral 3rd party reviewer, she's a Community Content Creator. Part of her job is spin.

  12. ...

    If you want an argument that isn't full of giant holes, maybe take the following and run with it:


    For a new player there are so many abilities that it takes a long time to learn which ability should be pressed in anticipation of what the game is telling them will occur in the near future. That makes it hard to transition from the very slow "surprise" type of reaction time to the much faster "partial anticipation" sort of reaction time.



    I don't have anything to argue about on the rest of your post. To the above I'll just point out that new players aren't dealing with more than a few keys unless they do things to skip the leveling process. I don't care about players that skip the leveling process and then complain about too many buttons. Similarly I don't care about players that "return" for a month or two every couple years and forget everything about their layout. They should give themselves time to relearn the game or stick to story content with just a few buttons or not bother.

  13. You should never have problems with world quests. I wear gear every time I level with nothing in the shells, except for my MH/OH which I keep upgraded with green barrels/mods/enhancements from the vendor.


    Nothing else is needed to faceroll all planetary quests, and class missions.


    Since KotFE's broken bolster system, yes. I was referring to when the max level was 50.

  14. This is kind of your schtick isn't it? To make long-winded paragraphs across multiple posts touting unfounded assumptions, then refer people to your previous post in another thread that reply to a different poster. Am I now supposed to break down your posts sentence by sentence?


    I'm not taking any abilities off of my bars, nor am I removing my gear. When I play a game, I use every tool available to me.


    I've been around since launch, so you don't have to tell me how the game used to be. I used to solo the old H2's and H4's to be better at my class(es). And a level 23 on a level 40 planet would have been mobbed by... mobs... at 50-70 meters because high level mobs detect low level toons at greater range. This game is incredibly watered down now, so it's my hope that some revamping of classes might also be coupled with a revamping of game difficulty.


    I try to be quick and concise in my posts. You're not obliged to read them, nor am I obliged to read a treatise on nothing, especially on a video game forum.


    The only reason the game's easy on lower level planets is because of the garbage bolster. My characters that were in their mid-high level 40s in full blues and purples were having plenty of problems with Corellia and class and world quests and that was with more abilities than they are giving us on test. Of course overleveling story content became easier and easier over the years and without bolster reducing people's levels that was easy too. My point is that plentiful dcds aren't the reason solo story content became very easy.

  15. I like the idea of faster kill times in PVP. I also miss the days when completing your class story required some basic knowledge of the class and its abilities. So, if the revamp succeeds in reducing survivability across the board, I would be a happy camper.


    But, in terms of whether this move makes sense at this point in the game's lifecycle, I don't understand why they would go to the effort. Numbers have been dwindling for years now, and I don't see that changing in a fundamental way. The engine is terrible, the game is outdated, and the only reason we Star Wars nerds stick around is because it's the only game in town.


    If it were my call, I wouldn't risk alienating the existing playerbase of a 10-year-old game in a genre that seems to have past its prime. But, here's to hoping the devs know something we don't. I'd love to see this game get popular again.


    Reducing kill times in pvp is about reducing healing and tanking/taunt mitigation.


    From what I've seen it's more likely that more players will be playing tanks in pvp because they are going to be much better in duels and fights without healers. To an extent those conditions exist now, they are getting worse with 7.0. In the case with more tanks, kill times will not be going down in pvp.

  16. ...

    A lot of people clearly don't PVP in SWTOR ;)



    And a lot of people do. The last time I counted on an old server (a couple years ago) there were more people in pvp instances than in flashpoints (MM or Vet). I suspect that participation has dropped since then, the last couple years has had bad pvp in general, but I'd be very surprised if even story mode raids have "tons of participation" by comparison. When swtor was first released, one of the dev blogs noted with some surprise that just under half of everybody was trying warzones. Interest has always been there and it's always been one of the top queueing activities in swtor.

  17. The game or more specifically its combat shouldn't still essentially be what it was in 2011 though.


    You talk about how the patch WoW did in which it pruned abilities was poorly received but prior that patch WoW at least evolved and changed it's combat before they ever did any pruning. The same can't really be said for SWTOR.


    SWTOR's combat needs some kind of overhaul. It's needed it for a while now. I'm not saying Combat Styles are the right way to go but they need to do something more than the nothing they've mostly been doing with the combat.


    Combat styles isn't the issue. Neither are loadouts. We don't have details on those yet, we weren't working with those on test.


    They aren't overhauling or changing combat, at least not so far as I've heard mention. I'd be at least interested in seeing an overhaul of guardians and classes in general. I've changed specializations for expansions in the past a couple times without complaining. This is not any of that. This is someone with scissors looking at my character sheet and deciding arbitrarily "one character, one 'load out', shouldn't be able to do all of that".

  18. Bah, yet another thread mouthing off... this is getting really old.


    Most of those i talk to are really interested in it. I for one am really excited for it.


    It's like the PVP (and lesser extent OP) crowd have Stockholm Syndrome or something. They've gotten so used to a bloated and clunky system we've had for so long, they've grown attached to it.


    We've "gotten used to" the game as it was given to us in 2011. The number of keys to bind hasn't become significantly worse over the last decade unless you think 2 or 3 more keys to bind on top of the 25+ we started with is a lot.


    BW isn't making the game "less clunky" with 7.0, they're just reducing the number of abilities we're going to have access to at any given time. In every other game I've played that's called a nerf. A lot of the people who like the idea of these changes haven't seen what's going to happen to the characters they actually play. Wow did the same thing SWTOR is doing now and they regretted it. The patch that started it is still remembered as the worst the game has ever received.


    If you want to start playing 7.0 now you're free to: just take your current character and unbind half the keys. Let me know when you start having fun with that.

  19. Let's face it, there hasn't been any attempt to revamp any of the classes in a long, long time. The combat team gives us a new ability every expansion without really taking one away. So if you wanted to revamp and rebalance all classes/specs while preserving the class/spec's "feel," where would you start?


    My guardian started the game with over 25 things to keybind @50. Over the last 10 years he's gained 4 new things and lost a couple (that I don't miss). My level 75 guardian on test has less active abilities, far less, than my level 50 had in 2012. That's not an accident or a bug, it's by design according to the explanation we were given.

  20. If you follow the pvp forum at all, a lot of pvp'ers have been complaining about too many dcd's, stuns, slows, immunities, etc for a while now, long before this pruning was announced. I wonder if the pvp changes mentioned in the livestream have something to do with all of the pruning.


    That's not what this patch is addressing, though. This patch is reverting my guardian to something less functional than he was in 1.0 but he will still have his stun, his pushback, an aoe snare if he wants it and an aoe mezz if he wants it. And current dps guardians aren't one of the classes anyone's complaining about going up against in ranked. And he's losing his cc-breaker of all things. Or it's getting "changed", who knows if it's for better or worse they won't say. Currently it's gone.


    One of the other things complained about is tanks. Currently the tank guardian is much better in a fight than one or two dps guardians.


    Does it sound like they're thinking about pvp to me? No.

  21. Do you have actual argument for streamlining the gaming experience for people who cannot handle 30 buttons, sometimes physically, or do you not? Because I brought it up twice now towards you posts. You ignored it both times.


    I have friends with disabilities of upper limbs that play SWTOR. I personally suffered due to medication that caused me lowered reaction time and situational awareness that made it borderline impossible to play high level PVE and PVP in its current states. I've known people who suffered from depression and anxiety, and found it incredibly hard to play the game at the high level due to how much management it requires.


    You have, across all threads that you have been active in thus far, provided no arguments for what should be done to make the game more approachable to people, other than "Yeah, it's all their fault because they don't do research, when it's really simple". Because it's not, and no amount of "Git Gud" will fix that.


    That's actually the dumbest, slimiest argument you could make. "But what about the crippled kids?" There are things I've never been able to do physically. When I'm on the field does that mean everyone else has to tie their shoelaces together? Or rather make sure everyone always ties their shoelaces together in case people like me want to play? No, I would hate that more than anyone.

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