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Everything posted by Losse

  1. Just coming back and looking for some friendly players, the more the better. I raided a 50 commando/dps a lot in the first 2 ops that came with the game, didn't do much raiding after that but raiding isn't a must. Prefer PVE but I usually do some PVP also.
  2. The first operations that came out had puzzle bosses which I utterly hated. They were also often badly bugged. Did they even fix those bugs AND are there more puzzle bosses in the new operations?
  3. Trying to decide on one of the 2 for heals.
  4. I am looking for a break down for something like this. See Title.
  5. Its very confusing because of the crappy itemization of relics. I have to take one with lots of endurance to get the good ability to increase crit. I have to take the one with defense ability to get the end/power stats. Which relics do you u guys go for. I am just looking at the light relic vendor and whatever is on the GM.
  6. Or will the stack net the same chance for all in the stack to give new schematics?
  7. I saw this web page which gave a suggestion about which consoles to press to complete the pylon puzzle. Has anyone tried this and does it work? My guild just presses the same console over and over as fast as possible but i was wondering if this would work? http://www.forcejunkies.com/eternity-vault-ancient-pylons-puzzle-helper/
  8. Sorry i cant find it, anyone know what forum or link i can go to for this discussion, i know it has to be out there somewhere, i looked around. Search dont work so... Just wanting to know if bioware has aknowledged that it isnt working and if they plan to make it work at some point?
  9. So i was wonderin, which one should i drop to get slicing? I assume i will have to get slicing to not be broke? I am leaning towaards getting rid of either scavenging or investigations, prolly investigations but wanted opinions. Does this setup get me any cash later?
  10. Im level 40 and i dont think i have used it since i got grav round. Or am i missing something? Only think i could think of is the damage type for level 50 raids or something?
  11. And yeah i know there are pvp relics but maybe i dont want to pvp and besides they dont look as good as the light/dark relics.
  12. Wondering how i can gain in either side if i am nuetral at 50 and i have done most of the world quests. Also wondering if I am 5 light, how would i go about getting down to 5 dark?
  13. You can sometimes find decent techblades on the auction house.
  14. I went into .ini settings, copied the chat info from a new char into an old char, saved, and then i had the default colors again.
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