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Everything posted by Alithia

  1. The announcement is really poorly explained. It is just choose story, choose adv. class of the damage type. What happens to companions? Let's say I choose the Inq story and play as a Marauder. Will I now have Khem in my Mara loadout?
  2. At least it is something new that they can advertise. I'd rather see people exit WoW to SWTOR instead of to FF14.
  3. What about companiosn? Say I play the Inq story as a Mara. Will I now get Khem?
  4. A new player doesn't know how the Sith Warrior or Inquisitor story will go anyway. You could always add a 3rd Advanced class. As I understood it my Sorcerer can't become a Marauder. If I want to play Assassin I have an alt for that. I can understand it for people who don't want alts and now have technically 4 advanced classes as a Sith. Still, I don't see the overall benefit of this feature. Will it bring old players back and new players in? Still, only thing I want is weapons in the outfitter.
  5. I am all for ability pruning, e.g. incorporating slows and stuns into other abilities, but was this combat style system necessary? By now old players no all stories and for new players everything is new. I don't see the benefit of this at all.
  6. Imagine WoW's transmog system, but you are not able to transmog your weapons. Also, 20 slots wouldn't hurt. This is where Bioware's money is coming from.
  7. If they do it I will contnue to play SWTOR. It is extremely frustrating to not get an official comment on this. Haven't they learned from Blizzard?
  8. Wondering if there ever will ne an official statement. Cosmetics mean money for Bioware.
  9. This is the most important feature for me. I put SWTOR on hold. Why buy another lightaber if I already have 50 and can only use one?
  10. This has been requested since they introduced the outfitter. I hate to have 16 lightsabers in my inventory. Example: my Revan set goes ofc with a red and violet lightsaber, my Tulak Hord set with Tulak's lightsaber etc.
  11. And mine are, and I own 16 lightsabers for 16 outfits for my Sorc.
  12. What about the bug that you have to delete the Bitraider folder and then wait 5 minutes to actually play.
  13. Weapons as part of an outfit Seventh quickbar Ingame dot/CD tracker ...think WeakAuras from WoW
  14. Preview window for Holographic Tunic and Jedi Blade with crystals not working.
  15. Desperately want to check out the new Ancient Jedi Blade und new holo tuning.
  16. Search YT for Upcoming Cartel Market Items 6.1. Set is called Exiled Padawan.
  17. 16 outfits on 16 toons, had to delete some. More than 100 modded, augmented, and gold amped weapons.
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