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Everything posted by Tilvius

  1. Tilvius

    Sex change

    With 12x Class XP coming for subs on may 4th, you can get a new toon to 60 in no time with out the "sex change" which Bioware wouldn't do anyways.
  2. I really was hoping it is Revan but that is wishful thinking. I mean the fact that he lived that long to potentially start a new empire just after a rebellion would be an awesome concept. Anyways! I really lovd the trailer and all doubt about Abrams is out the window now. Excited for this Christmas.
  3. This may be a rant or what ever but I'm not here to start a flame war or anything. I'm just adding my experience and why I want 12x XP as I am a customer(subscriber) in the end of the day. I'm going to start with a funny sentence. I really don't consider myself apart of the swtor community anymore... What I mean by that is that I play alone. 99% of the time. My mates wont come back because of the current business model ( F2P ) and the fact that there isn't anymore Australian servers. So it's just me, myself and my lonely one man guild. Some say I should just start recruiting but with my "casualness" and time constraints, I just can't be stuffed to run one. Mates wanna play other games and I play with them. When I'm on my own, I'm in SWTOR. Now I might take advantage of daily group finder quest but I hardly talk in chat. I I won't PvP because well... EA have shut down Australian servers like mentioned before, PvPing is horrible with bad ping. I can't help that. If there is anything I love about this game, it's the story. I just feel that the 12x XP would benefit the casual players like myself that just want to play the game for its story. If this kind of boost was out I could see myself with alot of characters in Pubs side and Imps. I don't know, may not be a good reason to have it in but I feel like I would be able to accomplish alot more story telling with that boost. I was hoping that the next patch will bring in 12 x XP. Upset that it isn't. I still support it though, and I'll wait for it.
  4. Really looking forward to the stream! Pulling a all nighter here! ( Kinda watching Fanfest while I wait lol >.< )
  5. Bump because I love all these ideas! Would also love Trandoshan to be a playable race... I do hope some of these ideas come to the game. I mean this game has so much potential when it comes to idea's for future content.
  6. Well your right about SWTOR making more money then GW2. /sigh... I really don't know what I want with this game now. I absolutely love this game! I love the setting it is in but I've been jerked around by EA that I kinda wish I didn't have to support the game by subbing anymore. Sounds like a rant but what I mean by that is that when they released Australian servers for this game, It was really awesome. Great ping for competitive PvP and PvE. The game was enjoyable and this was going to be my MMO till whenever. Now they have closed Australian servers for good, we had to be merged to a US server, I lose my characters names, I lose my legacy name, I need to pay US exchange rates to buy a sub instead of buying a game card here in Aus and most of all which really ticks me off is now I have to play with a high ping and I cannot enjoy anything as I go ranked PvP and Im to blame for the lose coz of my lousy "execution". I get strung up even if I tell my situation with ping and my predictability. I get put as public enemy number one and no one wants to PvP with me. Bloked and ignored. I could go to The Harbinger server where most other Aussies are but you know what? There are US players banking on the fact that they have a ping advantage over us and they decimate in PvP. It hurts that I can't be as good as I can be when ping plays a factor. I could pay for "battleping" service or whatever other tunneling service to improve ping but that really doesn't help. Im at the point now that I'll come back to SWTOR when a new expansion comes out to play the story, pay for 3 months and level up my toons and experience the next chaper of the story, maybe buy some stuff in CM in that 3 months and just unsub after that till next expansion. Sure, sure you know third world problems right? Thats the reason why I hoped this game would be somewhat similar to GW2 and soon ESO in the business department. Keep the Cartel Market, keep the subs and just add more benefits to subbing but lose the escrow credit restrictions.
  7. (( "What restrictions are being placed on the game and players now that subscriptions are no longer required to play? None. The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited is the full version of the game, with all previous updates and content additions, including the new Champion and Justice systems. " )) Thats from the ESO FAQ. Pretty much saying the game won't have any restrictions. So it is like GW2 business model where you buy the game and you can play it without restrictions ( except when an expansion comes out which you will have to buy ). Sure there is a sub option for ESO and the benefits are really neat and attractive to those that have the money to spend it. If only SWTOR was like this. I think they would have more of a player base. Has there ever been games where they have gone from F2P to B2P or is it to late for SWTOR to change it's business model to a similar direction of ESO or GW2?
  8. I think the point was made regarding sub payments a few posts back now... Lets move on now. The question that needs to be answered is can this games current business model change to a B2P like I mentioned in my previous post or is stuck like this for the next 10 years?
  9. Ive said this a million times and its been brought up many times before... Turn this game into B2P. Like Guild Wars 2 and soon ESO. You should be able to buy the game and just play it as is with no restrictions. Keep the cartel market, and give subs the monthly CC and a bonus to xp, crew skill leveling or critical chance, increase research rate, add some extra stuff for subs to make it mote attractive and then you would have a game that matches GW2 and other similar games.
  10. With EA's assets ( server farms ) you'd think one server would be alright... Im not pleased that I have to play on a server where my ping is higher then normal. There goes most of my gameplay ( competitive pvp ) and well raiding sucks coz you always get hit by boss attacks. Im just here for the story content. SoR was great but I guess ill be back when the next expansion comes.
  11. I like SWTOR...I really like it ALOT actually. The story, the timeline, the in game characters, the community. FPS problems I'm not having much issues with but if there is anything this game needs is to be the same business model as ESO:TU or EvE Online and soon WoW with the plex/tokens for game time. B2P would have suited this game. The pay gates when your a FPS is horrible Oh and bring back at least one Australian server back.
  12. I feel that it's hard to be competitive in PvP with such a high ping. Since the whole merge with the US servers, I haven't touched PvP and really does get boring as I just get back to the game when a new bit story has released... Also it's not like EA can't afford it. They should have server farms here in Aus I thought.
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