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Everything posted by Mangzane

  1. Situation: Imperial Agent stuns me. The animation is of my character being electrocuted, with hands and legs flailing about. Glitch/Bug : I assume this is supposed to be a 4 or 6 second stun. However It has lasted 8+ seconds ,10+ seconds, or until death, as I am being attacked throughout this stun. It doesnt happen all the time, but I can tell when it does happen, because after the normal amount of time usually given from the stun, I can attack targets that are in front of me. The problem is from the glitch, I am rooted and my character still does the stunned animation It doesn't happen too often, but it happens enough to be an issue needed to be fixed. Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks for your time, and whatever comments you contribute.
  2. I actually pay players on my team (less than lvl 14 ) $5,000 credits to leave so that our team can gain a more useful player who will most likely fulfill the role more adequately.
  3. Just as you would receive commendations through flash points and questing, we recieve commendations through war zones. And just like the PvE aspect of the game, in which you can turn in those commendations, we do that as well with PvP commendations. These PvP vendors are found in your factions Combat Center. While you lvl 1-49, there are lock boxes you may purchase which contain a random drop. But honestly, don't spend your time buying those. At lvl 20 and 40 are PvP sets of armor that you may buy, and are generally the top of the line gear for those levels. Once a player reaches lvl 50, it is then that they spend all commendations earned on a lvl 50 PvP bag. Which then abides by the same system of using commendations to purchase gear. Hint: Save 1000merc/1000 war zone commendations before you get to 50, that way you may purchase 5 lvl 50 PvP bags. Mercenary commendations are bought with war zone comms. Every 30 War zone traded in gives you 10 Merc coms. So total it would be 3,000 war zone commendations. Hope that helps!!
  4. How....each champ bag contains 15 comms. That's more than enough to buy one piece of gear...
  5. Have the new PvP bag dynamics been implemented yet? I am lvl 46 and not really questing at full speed because I do not want to deal with RNG pvp bags. I saw the post from the Dev saying bags will contain 15 Cent and I believe 7 champ tokens each. Is it still RNG or the new system? Thanks guys, Mang
  6. Darth Vadar would take wirt's leg and make a secret cow lvl, and unleash the cows upon everyone!!! Release the Cow King!
  7. Who else is going at 12am this Thursday, dressed in some type of star wars costume/apparell for the midnight showing of Star Wars Episode 1? Raises Hand
  8. 8 person premade? Groups are limited to 4. Please Explain, unless you mean two premades of 4
  9. Haha, thanks guys. Really appreciate the advice. I was unaware that I could only have 1 bag in my inventory pre-50. That's a let down I will definitely try to accumulate as many weapons as I can, and just gather the 1k/1k, and cross my fingers at 50!
  10. Hi guys! Mang here, I wanted to ask what your thoughts and opinions are on my "plan". Currently I am lvl 36, and valor rank 22. I was thinking of continuing to dedicate more time to pvping then questing, because I am skeptical about lvl 50, and entering in as a "fresh 50" and getting owned. My question is, should I continue to do this and save up a lot of bags now, Or just hit 50 asap to start the dailies and weeklies? Currently I have around 800 merc and 300 warzone saved up. << Random info I guess. Lol Anyway, I appreciate your help! Thanks.
  11. .... You don't make sense, at all. You quoted someone, but you never addressed the quote. What does champion and battle master gear bring to the table to counter Seria's comment about players using gear as a crutch in the 50's bracket? If anything, you just supported the counter argument which proposed that gear gives players an advantage over others because the way in which they acquire that gear has nothing to do with skill. More over, that player with "Luck" ( as you stated ) has a bigger advantage through expertise, gained though the gear. Aka, gear is a crutch. Please leave. Thank you. Good Day, Sir.
  12. "They were" "go and try their" Until you can correctly speak ( type ) with proper grammar, I suggest you move this attempt of a troll thread somewhere else, as there are plenty of suffice reasons to play 10-49 PvP.
  13. If you read the PvP forums often, you would find posts like this : and To be the general consensus. The problem clear to you now?
  14. We need and will get a response concerning the PvP RNG bag system. 1. Who was behind this and why did they implement this. 2. What are they doing to fix it. 3. Are they going to be fired? Thank you for quick response. We appreciate your swift action in this matter, and your understanding that our money funds this game.
  15. Wow. Bw, please hire this man. Implement something of this nature. Go fix this. Thanks for following the orders of the people who are paying you. We appreciate your quick and timely response and action in this matter.
  16. Report the player. Screnshot it, email it to swtor support. Wait for it.....wait for it......banned. Now play voidstar while having fun. Heck, if they are imps, ban em all! it will even out the server!
  17. Mangzane

    Did a Test

    I wonder what the stats would be during a loss.. But I see your point, and it is absurd. On Infinite Empire, 2/10 matches have an afk player in a warzone. And it is usually the same person from the day before that, and the day before that...ect ect...because BW does nothing
  18. But hey, I understand if you have no friends that PvP. But hey, I understand if you didn't join a PvP guild. But hey, I understand if you don't PvP as your main reason to play. But hey, I understand if you want to QQ Edit To make this post constructive: To the OP, I agree, and I had made several tickets back in beta for this as well. I have noooooo idea why they have not done an easy hotfix to keep a group together after joining a warzone. But hey, we only asked them 8 months ago in beta for it. Not like they had time
  19. so......like alteric valley in WoW...except, open pvp. I like it.
  20. Because they are playing the game as intended, with a 4 man pre-made? LOL, go QQ in your moms arms, and cancel your account.
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