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Everything posted by Strixs

  1. Well of course it would be done by a class or even a spec by spec basis. We certainly would not want to mix classes. You bring up a valid point in the stacking of stats however. at this stage in the game wearing anything but PVP Expertise gear though is pointless. I say pointless because they have no made expertise the sole stat you want which is to expected for a PvPer. And as far as mods without the ability to add expertise. Well there is not much point in stacking certain stats above certain lvls anyways. a Simple fact is almost all stats including and especially surge has a Soft cap and a Hard cap. Once reached there is no point in continued stacking. Which is easily able through homogenization.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Subatomix In any game or contest ... When you are awarded a statistical advantage over another player... To create an unequal playing field... No matter what the reason... That's called a handicap. Call it what it is folks. Jedi should speak the truth. Quote: Originally Posted by Bazzoong Spot on, access to all gear for everyone as soon as they ding lvl50, gear acquired this way will only be usable in wz-pvp. Everyone will have the same tools this way and no handicap whatsoever, and pve will not be affected.
  3. to say you don't like fluff items but at the same time you play for gear is a contradiction. As gear is a fluff. it is a status symbol and a hey look what i did badge. If all the gear looked the same but at different stats from tiers you would not play. because that would be boring. I am not asking them to take away gear as a whole. No you can still get your Gear your look and your fanciness on with pretty colors and your choice of design and style. And making Pvp still worth something. By only allowing those select few who are good to achieve the gear look/style they want. maybe ships they want and so forth. No one said to take that out. But just Homogenize The stats upon entering ""PVP"" i am not talking about Pve gear that is something different. This way no matter what you are or who you are or what you play or how often or how little you play. You have just as much a chance through quickness, dexterity, and coordination. You can and will defeat and destroy your opponent in Player vs Player.
  4. How is it going to create further class imbalances. That does not make sense when it has and still works very well for the lvl 10-49 bracket. That is proof that it is a working mechanic that people have and still enjoy in TOR. Again the 10-49 bracket continues to contradict what you are saying. Global changes do work for pvp. If gear is not a issue. There are actually less Issues. That is what makes 10-49 so much fun. Expertise cannot homogenize anything when everyone does not even have a equal amount of it to make it viable. because it depends on the gear Tier you have. There is of course a variation in skills. its called classes / Ranged vs melee / Talent trees. that is all the difference that there really is anyways if you get a 8 vs 8 group with all BM gear fighting one another. ........ A Stat Variation is not necessary at all in fact. Because all the Top Arena teams in WoW have the same cookie cutter gear and it works.((even though u have to grind mindless to get it)) Same for Guild wars... all the same stats and gear and often the same exact cookie cutter skills. If a stat variation was truly necessary then they could not allow a full group of 8 Battlemaster geared people to fight a full 8 man group of battlemaster geared people because you just said they need a stat variation to play against one another.... And there is no reason to say they cant have your Bolster stats work off of your chosen spec in one way or another.
  5. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=388021 This is my 2 cents about continued progression in a game. Progression should be favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform. Improving upon the game and its mechanics and story line as well is community is what will make it shine imho. And there is nothing wrong with an achievement system such as what you are talking about it. City of heroes had a Posted Board in each sector where you could see who did the most healing / dmg and took the most dmg on a daily / weekly basis. It was cool. And So does Battlefield 2 / 3 / 2142. Statistics are up on who does the most head shots and knifes and plays the most kits. And all those people who enjoy those games are happy enough with that. And i enjoyed it myself.
  6. Ill lump this together because it applies to both. You should read what you both have written to be honest. I am shocked myself personally. You both Focus on gear like it is the reason you play a game? Like that is the best incentive you can receive? and you consider that to be the most enjoyable part? Please look at this post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=397242 I have played MMO's since i was 11 yrs old. Through out my life i have usually been playing 20-40 hours a week on games till i became an adult. i started out on Everquest and i played my fair share of Counterstrike and Battlefield. I have never considered **gear** my ultimate goal as my reward for me playing. I played simply because i enjoyed the game. Whether its mechanics / play style / Story line. These are the reasons people play these games like TOR. If it was really all about Gear gear gear. A lot of people would not play this game and others. They Would and could just Play Sandbox games where they can just create their own gear and then they'd be happy. Fun has always trumped everything else at least for me. Never feeling like something was a grind was the most fun of all. If you can play for hours and hours and not consider this work or a grind, or when you get up feeling like you just got on... That is a fun game.
  7. Taste? well then it tastes very bitter indeed for most. If you consider this PVP genre progress or having progression then you are sorely mistaken. By Defining the word progression it means: favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are What we have now is actually a lack of progression in MMO mechanics. Because EQ had it, WoW has it, Rift has it. it is just a continual grind for the next best thing to be able to destroy anyone else quicker simply because you have happened to receive better stats because of your equipped gear. So in essense Star Wars has chosen a stale path in pvp. Stale in that is is unchanged in its mechanics that are being used in several other games of the same genre. While this doesn't necessarily ruin PVP for me. It certainly makes it less enjoyable then it could potentially be for me as well as a large number of the community. its hard to find a pvp player who hasn't at one time or another complained about how he has been beaten simply because of a min/max issue by someone who has gotten better gear or is a PVE'er who Crossed his PVE gear with PVP gear to have a better stats overall. If 1 player has 4 50's now and has just gotten his 4 lv50 to max after a total of /played 7 days because he took his time to enjoy the pve content and play constantly lv10-49pvp matches because he enjoyed it. While another lvl 50 player who had reached lv 50 in 3 /played days because he didnt want to take his time. But is also now at a total of 7 /played days. it is silly that the person who has just played more at the lvl 50, level automatically can and will be destroy the other player simply because of a gear issue because he had a longer time of accumulating the gear at lvl 50. while they both have the same amount of time played.
  8. I do not understand why no one considers this a reasonable idea and i have no responses. Many games are successful in pvp because of these qualities. While i played guild wars I had a enjoyable time because once we were all maxed it was simply a question of better coordination and spell combination on the player and their team. This can also be applied to a lot of our favorite FPS's CoD / BF / Counter strike. Sure you can have different weapons and perks and so forth for different situations.((which is basically the same as having different classes with Star Wars weapons/talent trees)) But in the end you still all have the same chance because you have the same amount of HP and so forth. One of my greatest pvp experiences for Star Wars was actually not in this game at all. It was in Battlefront 1 / 2 and Star Wars Mysteries of the Sith / jed knight games. if you don't know these games 2 are FPS's for SW's and the other is a RPG.** I would play these games forever for the pvp even though there was never any gear or status rewards. Simply because the pvp was fun**. Everyone had a chance to roflstomp someone else. It was very homogenized and Especially in Battlefront you could snipe a jedi/sith in the head and feel amazing. Whilst also in Mystery of the sith you could have ""Gunz**"" like battle Without the need of pvp stats and gear, it is no longer a question of you or I getting beat because of gear issues. it is simply a matter of you or I are not good enough, quick enough, or there is an actual balance issue between classes which is for the norm unlikely. Not that balance issues cant be a culprit at times. it is however more unlikely. But it would certainly be easier on the developers if they had everyone in pvp having balanced stats and gear so that they could better assess. Is this class vs this class truly out of balance. ** here is a nice thread explaining why rewards make pvp a grind which in turn make pvp frustrating and annoying. And why Gear in pvp is really quite silly. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=397242 **Gunz is a fast paced, Hack and slash, korean small arms combat game based on fast lightning movements with swords daggers and guns. Very much a Shooter cross between a ninja gaidan game.
  9. I just do not get why we put ourselves in a gerbil wheel and keep running to gain gear. Do we all really want another WoW experience of get our arena gear... then the next season is here.. okay do it again? Seriously? I don't id rather them work on other types of content then gear. like Warzone design / World pvp Design / pve dailie design. Content like this http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=388021 Why "don't" we homogenize it so that the dev's have a easier time balancing. And at the same time the PVE geared out community cannot effect the pvp population. Because all our stats are set at a certain number based on our class and maybe even further customized to our spec if possible whatever. it works and i do not understand why only Guildwars 1 has done this with there PVP pack.
  10. honestly with all the frustrations that comes from the grinding of gear in pvp. The grinding of Comms, set bonuses, and mods and so on and so forth. Why cant we just Homogenize pvp stats... Simply upon entering a pvp world or zone. Everyone who is 50 has their Stats adjusted to the appropriate lvl and we are all equal. Equal ground, equal footing, equal chance of winning 1 on 1 or team on team. There would no longer be a need to qq about gear differences being so drastic. No more sadface mods and set bonuses not working. We would all just be able to enjoy pvp for the purest purpose, to Player vs Player. And Gain fluffy stuff like ships / mounts / pets / designer clothes / party favors / So on and so forth. No longer feel like you have to grind or feeling of winning is everything and losing means you should just leave. It is all just for the sake of your side be it rep or imp and for yourself. And most importantly wear what you want. Wear nothing. Wear ship comm gear. Wear anything it don't matter put a dress on! Can't find the quote but it is true you. If you enjoy something just because its fun.... Then later you put a reward/gains for it. It stops becoming fun and your focus is now the grind for gear rather then why you started just for giggles. That is why most of us enjoy WZ's 1-49 leaps and bounds over lv50 WZ's. Its more about just having fun doing some dailies and chilling.
  11. Strixs

    What is with PvP?

    exactly, it is like why bother having the developers fix people who min max PVE and PVP gear. Why trouble the devs with fixing silly balance issues when if we are all just set to max hp / stats yadda yadda based on AC / Spec/ whatever. The game would be far easier to balance around. And TBH i may be generalizing but it is the truth. Anyone who really enjoys pvp for the sake of competition and fun teamwork. Enjoys being at the same lvl as everyone else it is a good playing field. If you don't enjoy that, then your just out to gank people and make people feel bad / ruin their day. and I have sadly met plenty of wannabe PVP'ers where all they say is ... man i wanna kill someone... man i wanna make him have a bad day and just pwn him... its like really... really... are you really playing an MMORPG right now... Really..
  12. Strixs

    What is with PvP?

    I would have to agree. I myself have trouble playing any games now that don't have some kind of magical reward i get to keep long term. If i don't get something shiny to keep that others can't have i don't feel like i have enough incentive to wanna play. When I was 12 and playing EQ1 i never gave a crap about gear. And the pvp i did was duals and it was just intense even though i gained nothing from it. It was fun! It was the best journey i ever had in a game. So i assumed every other MMO id play would be similar. i know NeverWinterNights was pretty good like that. the journey was amazing. And so was City Of Heroes till i started caring about Min / Maxing then City Of Heroes was ruined for me. Then nearly all MMO's was ruined for me and other games. So it has kept me from playing games like Final fantasy / Ratchet and Clank / Assassins creed. Any game that do not give me rewards for my efforts that i keep long term. And i can continue a grind are ruined for me because of this mentality. I Hate that it has been beaten into me by myself. I used to enjoy games just to enjoy them now i just play to grind and pretend i'm somehow doing it better or going to be better with my l33t gear. Needless to say. I would have loved all MMO's giving everyone instantly the same stats / gear once you went into pvp.. and the only thing you get would be Ranks / titles / fluffyness... Then it would truly be about having fun. Knowing your skilled. and thats it. and to the poster who said the PVPers who have come into this genre are all wrong. You are so right they are the wrong type of players and they do hurt the game for their wants and whines. I wish pvp gear was "homogenized and uniform" Then everyone wouldn't have to be so gear crazy. PVP would be about just fun and ranks. And then you could spend more time on the journey. So my solution is.... Just when you enter a WZ your automatically set at a gear standard that your bolstered to and that is that... no grind... no OP'd.... no min maxing.... you get what u get..... Your titles / ranks / valor / fluff. but that is just my 2 cents. I guess that is why i am looking forward to Planet side 2. The devs in the alpha testing videos say. No one will be out gearing someone else even if they play more. So its all homogenized you just get different looks and fluffs. So i am pretty excited and hope it lives up to what they say.
  13. I am in agreement with Ejedi. I have 4 lvl 50's all in full purple gear. lvl 30 legacy and 2 more 50's alrdy closing in. If i lose my names or my legacy name or both. I am done. This may seem trivial to some. But this is my Starwars Playtime this is my story and immersion style. If that is taken away from me. That is the only thing that would stab me in the back.
  14. ""This Does add to the main point but read through to understand"" ________Epic Quests__________ Epic quests, That is a pretty significant deal with star wars. its big enough each class has their own epic storyline to complete. This is somewhat feels lost at lvl 50. Currently for 1.2 there is going to be a new world boss put in on the planet Voss. Big mobs are great and world mobs are great. However it would be nice to use this implementation of these big monsters to a larger scale. The Dev making the Voss World boss was very excited and exclaimed that was his main focus of the 1.2 patch. Which is wonderful however when it comes to world boss's. ?whats the point and don't bother? That is unfair to the hard work that has been put into the content. ______________Suggestion_________ So here is yet another suggestion to make Big world bosses and the planets they are on and other content worth while. Epic Appearance armor / even more special colored crystals. Along with only epic reward mounts and more. I'll take a note from EQ1. In the beginning of EQ1 everything was in the world. There were no separate instances tailored to your group. So when you wanted to kill the big boss "The Sleeper" it took participation from many guilds and lots of time. I would like to see this implemented in a story way to make each world worth while for lvl 50 advancement in a different way the mentioned above. I do still want whats on my Original post however this is an addition. In EQ1 each class had a Epic Weapon. The big one was a warriors sword that could be either combined into a 2 hander or unclick and made into 2 swords to dual wield. It could take months for someone to accomplish this. Not only just the time but also the effort of his guild and other guilds to down all the content necessary to receive this reward. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is what i would like to see in Star wars but in a star wars way. We could use epic boss encounters. World bosses and of the like. Traveling and working hard on a giant epic quest to receive the best. fluff or look or whatever reward you wanted. would be great. Each world could have several bosses and much much more.
  15. ? well i tried to condense it but. not sure how it deviates
  16. Also the same can be done to space PVP "if" they were to add it in SWTOR. It would be similar to either SWG / EVE / a Flight Simulator / Star Trek Online type combat with our ships.
  17. but what about reactive dailies, to the goings on of the galaxy? to feel more immersion and make what we do more interactive in star wars?
  18. Using the carrot on a stick mentality. Swtor could make every planet we have now more usable at lv 50 and have a point. Measures could be put in place where each zone could be useful for PVE trials and PVP. ________For PVE__________ Good suggestions for PVE are Halo reach / ODST playstyle of mass amounts of mobs spawning whilst defending objectives. A continual progression of difficulty and range of mobs as you go. Very similar to Rifts / Warhammers public quests but hopefully on a larger scale. A very simple idea to make these changes actually have a worth while goal so people show up is by doing what Warhammer did. You Offer a Instant Action button for people to get right in. And you also offer daily / hourly quests to keep the fighting and community going. So If A player just logs in and its 3:50 and his guild mates who are all lvl 50 are alrdy on Alderaan PVE ing against a random bug people invasion to save the town and get phat lootz. he could join them by traveling there. Or in 10 minutes they might have defended it completely and boom a new report comes in from the Republic military line saying Hoth is under fire from pirates at the special secret republic base. Player A now joins his guildies there with instant action button. These things bring me back to playing EQ1 where random guildmasters would spawn events for us for funzies. Or City of heroes where on specail days around the year we would have nearly serverwide Evil baddies invading our city and we would all group up and have funzies together. _____Rewards____ from pvp or pve___ Increased Guild exp, Guild Rating, Guild credits so on with / Valor / Social points / special lvl 50 daily / hourly commendations / Faction wide BUFFS or buffs for your alts and yourself for increased exp,credits, so on ect / Fluff / Titles / Daily credits.... Any number of things would make this enjoyable. ________Consequences of losing_____ To win or lose should have a actual point. To me having a true purpose is very important. If this republic group defending against the bug invasion wins, they get buffs for different things that can assist them throughout the day or more. If they lose it to the bug invasion. Negative effects can happen. Things such as loss of a vendor in that area. or the imperials now have to have a chance at it because rep failed and imps have to clean up the mess. ___________For PVP_________ Good PVP would be random objectives capturing, taking, holding so on and so forth of bases and the like. with Instant action button. Each world has its own city, Forts, and bases. More could be done with each planet to increase its story, its playability, and longevity in the star wars universe. For the PVP side of it you may have to have some of it be instanced city type PVP where there are caps or "population limits". Which is better then it being a lopsided fight. Other Suggestions for world pvp on each planet is Planetside 2 / Warhammer mentality of capturing everything else to be able to move on to the main or next objective. For each capture, each defending, and each assault everything should be worth something. Maybe even add in side quests for smaller units Similar to alterac Valley in WOW where you could send 2-4 people into a mine to gain resources if mine is captured. Or in warhammer where you could send 6 people to go capture a flag/outpost that has come off of lockdown/cooldown to take it from the enemy. Which encourages less zerging and more skirmished gorilla fighting. And then more is gained for those people doing this.
  19. You forget the carrot on a stick mentality. Swtor could make every planet we have now more usable at lv 50 and have a point. If measures were put in place each zone could be useful for PVE trials and PVP. Good suggestions for PVE are Halo reach / ODST type mass of mobs spawning whilst defending objectives. Good PVP would be random objectives capturing, taking, holding so on and so forth of bases and the like. A very simple idea to make these changes actual have a worth while goal so people show up is by doing what Warhammer did. you Offer a Instant Action button for people to get right in. And you also offer daily / hourly quests to keep the fighting and community going. So If A player just logs in and its 3:50 and his guild mates are alrdy on Alderaan PVE ing against a random bug people invasion to save the town and get phat lootz. he cant join them with either Instant action button. Or in 10 minutes they might have defended it completely and boom a new report comes in from the Republic military line saying Hoth is under fire from pirates at the special secret republic base. Player A now joins his guildies there. Valor / Social points / special lvl 50 daily / hourly commendations / Faction wide BUFFS or buffs for your alts and yourself for increased exp,credits, so on ect / Fluff / Titles / Daily credits.... Any number of things would make this enjoyable.
  20. really "son"? don't know whether to laugh or feel awkward. Anyways you misunderstood again I use kolto cloud + slow release med pack + instant cast heals to get by. Taking away a HoT on me that is on me at all times will make it more difficult for me to stay alive. Again Kolto Cloud + 2 stacked slow release med pack + Emergency mad pack, used in combination helps for me to stay alive. If 1 HoT is taken away it will not have a positive outlook on a healing smugglers survivability.
  21. I know what he meant i just wanted to point out he misunderstood me and he did not know what I was talking about. That i wanted it on me 24/7 because i need it to keep myself topped off because i am always tunnel visioned because once they realize the guy they attacking is not going to die i am auto switched to and focus fired.
  22. Very well put, and bringing up a good point. This is a team based game. It is not solely based around 1v1 matches. It is based on team coordination. Team efforts. a Healer is always useless without a team to back him up properly and visa versa. If i get an extra guy on me. my team should have the sense to give that one off me.
  23. First off since your choosing to be offensive / rude / and cursing and cannot keep it civil your showing that you cannot hold a intelligent conversation over matters. Either way i'll at least give you a response even though your being rude to me even though i am ""Not passing judgment"" but Giving "my opinion" and how i feel on the subject which is what this post is partly about. You see in pvp, people take dmg, Wars / Knights have Smash/Sweep. Troopers / BHs have Mortar Volley, SMugs / IA's have Aoe Cone Dmg, And Sage / Sorc have channeled Aoe DoT's. So when you get a few people piled on 1 ball handler people usually start throwing there AOE dmg's at them, and I PERSONALLY usually have 1 dps' trying to CC and kill me 75% of the time for a huttball match so "i need to keep Kolto cloud "on me"" and i need to stack it on my buddys, so yes i run into them so that they are within reach of the ability here ill link the tool tip for you. Kolto Cloud Instant Energy: 30 Cooldown: 12s Range: 30 m Heals up to 4 allies within 10 meters for 0 over 15 seconds. So yes i want this ability on me and 3 other buddies who are standing at a door about to get AOE'd cuss their guarding it. Or Running with a ball handler ill pre cast it because i kno i am about to get CC'd till im white barred and i better start the pre healing hot's on them. Its what a good healer does. PRe healing. In PVE if you wait to cast your big heal till your tank is 10% all the time your going to die. If you cast it preemptively before your MOB hits the tank and the heal lands right after the hit. Your a good healer. The 15 Seconds is a major life saver as well. So yes i enjoy it as it is. If it gets buffed in % only i am cool. But to increase its CD and lower its duration is upseting to me
  24. Sometimes in certain situations yes a Commando or Merc could turn the tide of a battle. But finding someone that good is hard, and finding the enemy that stupid to not jump on him is hard, and not only that even if a commando or merc is top notch is meaningless if all your dps is crap or your tanks don't protect you. And i am okay with nerfing commandos and mercs. But Do it with small changes till they are knocked down to where you want it. Maybe 1 or 2 things at a time. Maybe a increase in the CD or Uninterruptable affect of there CD be shortened. To out right Nerf nearly every heal they are with 1 patch. Rather then hot fix 1 ability this week then next week do this till they get it where they feel comfortable is ridiculous. Commando / Merc And yes interrupt abilities do not affect every ability however on my commando I often have more then 1 person CC me so i get constantly spammed with interrupts if my CD's are blown. and Commandos / mercs only have 2 good spammable direct heals. AOE kolto bomb / Bacta infusion are on CD"s and reactive shield is to small to prevent pure burst dps. If locked down by a healer / dps or more then 1 dps you cant get either of your heals out ((and CD's blown)) cannot survive like a smug / sage. So there is a lot of debate to be made whether its really fair to do that and make all my abilities locked for a second. and if you can do that to me then i should be able to de taunt you and have your abilities do 50% less dmg to me and do a flame hand ability where your unable to wield a weapon and attack me for a short duration. To be Fair of course. ((both abilities from mythic team in MMO warhammer very nice abilities)) however you wouldnt like that i assume.
  25. You only think of it one way, burst dmg and burst healing. I think of it that way but also over time dmg vs over time healing. I spam the aoe 4 person Regenerative heal each time its up by running into a group of friends and keep them topped off 24/7 because it is a low cool down. And because of this i can be the only healer and virtually no one will die. Take away its low cool down and i cannot continue to just keep 4 or more people topped off with that + slow release medpac as easily. Most intelligent DPS will often use the long CD aoe dmg attack like mortar volley to slowly nullify everyone's health bars whilst they still focus fire 1 person down. However To combat this having a regular AOE heal with short CD is very easy to combat multiple aoe Smashs / Sweeps / mortar Volleys / Death from aboves. so you regularly hot 4 people with 1 click and then spam slow release on top of it. its called win.
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