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Everything posted by Strixs

  1. That's nice that you tend to negatively judge a book before you read it LOL. Basically in a lot of "decent" Racing games like need for speed. The more you progress with your story / car the more loadout options / color options / mufflers / side panels / headlights / ect you will eventually have access to.
  2. I am having a nice time with the galactic starfighter at the moment. I just have a few qualms though. I do not understand why both my legacy/legacy lvl & my multiple lvl 55's have no affect on my starships ((other than having a companion accessible / getting titles/achievements for my character it has no accomplishments after that.)) Right now all my companions have max affection and all quests done. So i really enjoy the feeling of my accomplishment with having max Presence on 8 chars. Especially for when i am leveling a new character, it makes it more fun. Now that i have Max Reputation with a few different places i have access to more fun gear to wear & dyes to make with my artifice. If i could see something like that how you accomplished this with all this ingame here that now supports your starship in some way and vica versa. That would be wonderful I am not a developer and i am not sure how to intertwine the 3,(GS / Legacy / Ground game) without breaking 1 or the other, But i really wish they would. Here are a few ideas i was thinking of some not so good hopefully others will contribute. 1) Oh you have Legacy lvl such and such? Oh you are also a subscriber? Here is your ""Need for Speed"" style options that we are giving you so that you may customize every little bit of your ship. 2) Have a reputation vendor like makeb/oricon ect... where you can get new recipes for dye's/legacy armor/mount 3) future tie ins with Cybertech for customizable appearances & Artifice/Biochem Dyes for ships Augments from Armormech/Synth/Armstech giving maybe just 1% differences so it isn't going to break the game in a team battle...... But it may give you the edge you need in a 1v1 dogfight. I just would like to see more intertwined mechanics utilizing both ground and air games. To support the use of your main character/Legacy to accomplish it. I am sure others have better more exciting ideas and i wish you would share. I am just wanting to extend my story / legacy of my character(s). And have the game as a whole continue the progression of my character(s).
  3. he is probably exaggerating. I personally started the exp weekend at 7pm Central wed... and then all day mostly except for dinner on thur.. then all day fri cept for eating... at work now on sat, but soon ill be home on swtor again. In that time i took a lvl 12JK to 40, a lvl12 consular to 40... and a lvl 27 vang to vll 33. 28 + 28 + 6 lvls = 62 lvls gained so far throughout these 3 days(wed-fri). Though i can only play so much or sit so long!! srsly!!! so that is about a 60 hour period since starting roughly at 12pm wed central. so yah now i could not have possibly played 60 hrs straight but anyways. average about 1-5 lvls per hour depending on what lvl you are currently at. starting 10+ id say. your lvl per hour decreases as you get higher of course. and TBH 20% more mount speed is negligible. now mind you i am doing the class quest and main planetary quest exclusively as well as 1-2FP's a day This is not the optimal way to lvl as it will have you running all over and so forth. Express leveling would be to stay at the current mobs/quests lvl that is where you will get the most % of exp per kill/quest. However doing "IT MY WAY" will almost guarantee you 2, 1 hr 25% exp consumables per planet. ((by doing class/main planet quest)) For express lvling if you jumped to tat at 24, did just the first 1 -2 sections of planet and as soon as you hit lv28 moved to alderaan, then hit 32 and straight to balmorra then hit 36 and straight to quest.... that would be optimal IMHO because the quests are clustered, next to one another, easy to get to, not usually far off... and you do not waist time with endings /beginnings of chapter 1 / 2 you would speed lvl quicker. by doing just the beginnings till you hit the lvl cap for that planet.
  4. it is called a hack and slash game mentality. It is very much korean standard of gaming for mob grindage look at Aion especially at the beginning. Look at Tera Online, especially lv30+ and endgame dungeons. It was not created by MMO's but mostly by games like the older Devil May Cry and so on. Where all you wanna do is kill either big monsters or lots of monsters. Nothing new Sorry it isn't computing for you, but it is very simply. They wanna enjoy the game at the current level of the planet. Some people the game is always about endgame... For a lot of people it is not. If you take a look at most Console games the game is centered around you lvling up and going through a long storyline and gaining power as you go.. experiencing the whole game.. there is no rush in console games to get max lvl. your supposed to just enjoy the story and game. And with swtor being a story mmo, and based off KOTOR which was a console story game. People expect and enjoy going through a whole planet and doing every quest and listening to all the dialog. That was what it was for. But when your quest rewards and your difficulty is deteriorated because you lvled to quickly it sucks.... Its like diablo 3 why play easy mode.. when you are a vll 30+ character... get on a more challenging fun hard mode srsly. It will be more fun the more challenging it is. That is why most games give you easy/medium/hard then you finish it and then you can do the whole thing again on Higher modes. But when in SWTOR you out lvl everything its weak and lame.... Some also like to combine their questing with crafting which is a ton of fun to.. Especially since you barely craft anything for yourself when your max lvl. but at low lvl you can craft everything for yourself and companions. which is a Fun time sync for some.
  5. Not crying just "foruming" it up bored at work. reminiscing about old adventures whats ahead and looking at newegg for deals. I just care about a community feel. Hoping whatever swtor decision is it is for the better of the game rather than just because enough joe shmoes wanted it. And there is something to being said to raiding with the same people or regular people only on your server. You develop nice mates that you have a reason to go do more content with. Like a lot of people enjoy leveling as a duo but it is hard to find someone unless you meet them from say your guild... or so on... and how do you build your guild but by having raids and regular groups with the same people. I am not a person with friends sadly, but a lot of people surprisingly do feel that if their friends are not involved in the game and/or move on they are also inclined to do the same. In turn costing revenue for the dev's which in turn can affect content updates. Happens to plenty of guilds especially atm, i am in a few guilds and i c plenty of people left their guilds dead for a while to go play FFXIV ARR. However now they got their max lvl and a plenty are coming back and starting to raid once more or missed swtor's pvp and playing that again. Of course now the other guildies are excited to see there buds back and now have become more active and are participating in more raids / pvp because of this. Which helps to make a happy healthy community when people play together hence... MMO If it is just all randoms you won't get the chance in the future to plan special activities, leveling times, and maybe switching to a "gun fps game" with that friend/guild for the day because your both bored of swtor after your grind of the evening. So i guess if a guild/community does not build and you do not make mates... you are less inclined to stick around, play longer, & so on..... You will just be in it for the quick que.. get your gear... seen the content.. leave.. good bye.. cancel sub till next update.... bad business
  6. While they had improved survivability with merc/comm healers with the ability to not be rooted/snared and run with sprint with our little CD... it still imho pales in comparison to Sages Immunity bubble + Speed boost that breaks and prevents CC & Scou Roll away/ insta stealth / insta cast healing over and over when below certain HP% Not to mention we do not have a good HoT like Scou, i know sage isnt much better but at least bubble + theirs is still a leap and a bound better.
  7. Question how does WoW experience sink an argument? Swtor wants to make money, be a success and do well. Rift / Elderscrolls Online / The Secret World / Wild Star / GW2 / FFXIV ARR / ect all want to do the same, be successful. If they didn't take the time to check out the competition to see what they are doing right or wrong. How bad at business would they be? Heck would swtor or any of those had been made or even still be here? This just like everything else in the world is about business, making money, and some markets are more competitive than others. Not an argument. Merely an observation of why it may be a bad thing to add in cross server for everything except like i said "ranked". People often times want something that may turn into something bad because they have no eye for the future. It is always here and now. Give me this now. Instant gratification. The population is not diluted. I view different game modes as enjoyable. Why do we have to all just concern ourselves with gear progression in a pve and pvp environment? i Welcome a healthy change up from that, that still utilizes my guild friends and my characters i worked a long time for. IE Spaceship battles WoW has some zero's sure... But the numbers are not what they used. People do get tired of working on content just to have it useless for next content update.And server merges are soon to come for plenty of realms. They already server merged technically because Dalaran / Cata / ect zones are already cross realmed because of how low the pops are. Rift's developers didn't think they were ever going to go to F2P they just assumed the market would act in such a way that people pay for a few months. Then move to the next game but always come back later when they feel like it again or new content is updated. And that is not always the case because they did go F2P. Do i think F2P and Cross server business hurt the social aspect of a ""mmo""? yes Do i think if the social aspect is hurt and "continues" to deteriorate will it cause people to leave? yes Do i think in general if peoples friends leave the game will they in turn leave it? yes
  8. Out of the spirit of competition and because some want to be known throughout all the servers as the best. I do think ""Ranked"" and only ""ranked"" should have Xserver. Why? because the que times need improving. The skill/challenge pool needs to be bigger..... Fair enough give it to the hard cores that is cool But they should not fool with anything else. Including Cross Raid/Group/Regs WZ's and here is why. Just to give a bearing i started out in EQ1 and was vanilla in WoW as well. After reading a lot about why people have left WoW i have come to some understanding of why I and others left. And i mean reading about people who were there from the beginning Vanilla and BC. People who enjoyed it from the get go. So here is some excerpts of how WoW has failed in the opinions of others. I agree with them so i will post it to hopefully enlighten people as to why Cross server may be bad.... I personally enjoy doing my dailies on oricon and seeing similar names everyday emp or pub either way. (Excerpts from commentary of http://www.tomsguide.com/us/world-of-warcraft-dying,review-1803.html) Back in Vanilla when the game was young, before the cross-realm nonsense (which started as a pvp\battle ground thing and now escalated to the actual world\pve) if you saw someone, and then took an action against them, that someone had a name, a name worth (maybe) remembering, for you would bound to meet again, and next time odds might not be in your favor, same works for helping out a "foe" with some mob\quest It was a community, you had foes, you had friends, there were inside jokes, it was awesome. but when you introduced cross realm - you simply render it all impersonal, once battlegrounds became cross realm the first thing that happened was that everyone ""was"" happy, no more horrible wait time for games, oh joy, yeah but... you never again saw foes that you cared for, everyone you meet in battle became just their class and gear (and don't, be it gear score or their actual gear from what you can tell of it in a glance) it became just an "do your automated rotation vs that X combo" and not "oh my god its *Specialname*, run for your life" (**specialname** being a nickname of some feared warrior, for example) and then just to put a final nail in the coffin they added an automated cross realm activity group matchup system (LFR [looking for raid]) similar in nature to non team-based battle grounds (pvp) this one was for dungeon it would simply dump bunch of strangers in a dung, instant queue at times of the day. (miles and miles away from having to set up a "guild [build community]" "select people [make friends]" defeat boss together after months of attempts [enjoy the true game]) Back in Vanilla, most players were in greens. Most were still learning how to play. There was a small percentage of the player base that was hardcore and everyone looked up to them because it was obvious who they were. Epics were nearly impossible to get on your own. Hell, blues were out of reach for a large section of the population but that was important! It made most players humble. I'd hear things like: Man, look at that item, I could never get that! I'd have to join a top guild and quit my job and put lots of hours into raiding and socializing. People would genuinely "FEAR" bosses! We'd talk about certain bosses with reverence to their difficulty. We'd feel like kings for a day when we finally took down that boss we were stuck on. That feeling is gone from the game now. The last 3 expansions have lowered the bar to excellence so far that even the most mediocre, casual player feels like they should be able to topple the last boss. Nobody on my server even killed C'thun until the next expansion came out. Blizzard's biggest mistake came when they decided that all players should get to see all content. They freaked when they looked at their metrics and saw that less than 2% of guilds were doing Sunwell but that made the dungeon actually epic. Could they not see that what made the game so magical and mysterious was knowing that some content was out of reach? I remember going to school and talking to friends about how world first guilds just downed such a boss. I remember the awe, feeling like these people were celebrities to me and my friends. I remember getting attuned to Naxx40 just so I could go in with a friend and LOOK at the instance! I remember feeling so accomplished for getting attuned to instances and working my way up the progression ladder. I remember it took me and my guild a YEAR to get ready to run Kara! We would run content we could do and backed off the hard stuff until we knew we were ready. We knew where we were in relation to every other guild because it took months of prep to move up a tier! You knew that someone had killed X boss because they were wearing Y armor. Progression mattered. There was no jumping up to where the rest of your guild was just because they were running harder content. Accomplishments were palpable. You wore your boss kills. "Your guild name was your reputation." All of that has been washed away so that anyone can feel epic. Now however... I could roll a character and within 3 weeks be maxed out. This wasn't impossible before the changes, it just required a LOT of friends. This need for others to speed up powering your character has been largely removed. The fact that you can be 90% as strong as a raider by yourself cheapened the experience for everyone but the kinds of people who ragequit and call people *******. Those people, in Vanilla, would get nowhere because your characters strength and prestige was directly related to how social/nice/friendly you were. End. 9 yrs ago i was a teenager and WoW was geared towards 16-30 yr olds.... Now 9 years later some people have kids, careers, and moved on... Maybe WoW is being designed towards the next new generation. Maybe instant gratification is the marketing key to keep subs? I do not know. But just interesting to think of where MMO's as a industry are heading and why many of us move from 1 game to another. So yeah taking the moment to read through a lot of things ive realized what i missed from EQ1 and WoW... the hard to reach content. The difficult battles. The struggle to get 20-40 competent people lawl it was annoying at times but fun. Anyways just thought id share.
  9. 100% agreed. I personally did my half off 5k coins for 20 dollars. Then immediately spent another 39.99 for another 5k. Then i had some CC left over from my last 39.99 purchase last week. purchased over 50 packs in one sitting. You just do not know how upset i was when i received these stupid jawa items (and a few other things yes like exp space stuff and such... yes i kno i can sell it.. but the value is so low because it is so common it is a waste of money tbh) So much of it wasting up my inventory. i feel like i wasted my money. I feel cheated. I feel so irritable about it that i am like you i will never purchase another pack again. I just was so floored at all the crap inside the packs to fill my inventory/bank with. And yes i understand that if i want something i can buy it off the GTN. thank you captain obvious'. Yes again i know that i am not forced to purchase from the CM and it is my choice thank you again major obvious'. I understood that there was a few things that you would get that were of lesser quality. I certainly did not expect it to be to this extent though. TBH because of this i am far less inclined to purchase any CC in the future. I am just miffed and hurt about my purchasing experience. Which as a customer who spends his money regularly i have every right to be.
  10. careful to many people complain about not having macro's imagine if they had to look at the battlefield rather than red bars just going up and down. There would be a """"FIREFIGHT"""" :wea_02: :wea_03: :wea_04: :wea_05: :wea_06: :wea_07: :wea_08: :wea_09: :wea_10:
  11. For housing we may as well just have upgradeable ships / fleets that we can add onto or buy newer bigger ships. Since we won't need ours for space battles there is no need to not offer that as a form of housing which would be easier for them to implement. This is an empty dream but i would have loved if Bioware would have gotten together with the creators of Battlefront 1 & 2. And have mini games of Battlefront 3 into swtor. Playing as clones / droids / so on yep... oh and hire them for space battle because they did a neat job imho.
  12. Continuing my rant...... sorry please scroll over if you've had enough. How do you even expect a company to continue to produce quality content, fix bugs, and generally improve gameplay if they cannot retain employees to make it happen. We all want neat new features and special items ect ect. We want new raids, pvp maps, more battles. It takes teams of people to create, produce, and quality assure this game. And now for the roflbbq moment SERIOSUYL!?!?!? COME ON SERIOUSLY ?!?!?!?!? HOW YOU DO YOU ?!?!?! NOT UNDERSTAND?!?!? COME ONE MAN!!!!!!! COME ON !!!!!!!!!
  13. What would the point of loosening it up be? They can get 1-50 without buying a single thing if they so choose. This company needs to pay its employees so they can continue to develop and produce content for this game. How do you expect them to do that if they don't charge for what they deem is appropriate? I personally P2P just like i did before they even went F2P. This game already gives so much free vs' so many other games on the market. I just do not understand the mentality. If you buy a xbox 360 game you pay for it initially and then they have tons of additional content they choose not to put in the game right away so you are nickel & dimed right after or additionally later. If you want to either have the special additional items or additional content releases Example: Borderlands 1 & 2, Fallout#, GTA ##, ect, ect. Since when is it so hard to pay for a product that people make/produce as their job to support their families?
  14. Can't really blame them for wanting to try something new. Everyone wants to of course. It is however difficult for a new mmo nowadays because they are often compared to older more developed and well maintained mmo's. So between them rushing to max lvl skipping the enjoyment factor of just exploring the world... Also missing their old game or just have so much invested in it that they do not wish to give it up. Or of course getting upset that it isn't polished to their standards of what they are used to from their previous mmo(s) they leave. This makes it harder and harder to get into the mmo market. Especially when you have a few giants who of course have a "well established" development team already in place. That keeps it fresh/innovative with constant or frequent content updates. Hence why i love p2p games. If we can pay their staff to stay on. They can continue to update and improve our game that we enjoy playing. They can also plan ahead for future content, hirees, and so on. They have a constant cash flow to plan with. Which is why FXIV ARR has stated they will stay a P2P game.
  15. Actually bioware is the Developer of this MMO and it is based off KOTOR mechanics which was released (the original at least) 2003. Working with companions. Which is ultimately based off of their NWN semi mmorpg which was released in 2002. Which is ultimately based off what is called MUDs which are old school mmorpg's per say. Which that is ultimately based off of D&D Pen and paper mechanics. Which ultimately all MMORPG's are based off of. WoW/COH/EQ1/eq2/Gw1/Gw2/Warhammer/SWG/TSW/D&D online/Neverwinter online/Aion/Rift/Tera online/ ectectect
  16. Yeah ^^ would be fantastic. Honestly i really do not like Open world PVP. yeah it works good for planetside 1 / 2. However Look at Darkfall it is just a hack and gank fest of Open world PVP Warhammer as well did not do it for me, i did enjoy the scenarios but that was it. I tried to get into Open world i got lv 40 , 34 , 32 , 30 and 4 other lv 24-28's but i could not stand Open world it just is a zerg fest of whoever can get the most friends / guildies or who has the most online. GW2 same thing the battleground are okay but the idiocy of following around the guy with the DOT on his head while you zerg it up to capture anything in WvWvW i am bored. ((yes i know you can get a decent guild and play a thief / ranger / ele and do what is called roaming but blah the game is still built around zerging for most objectives.)) ((and then you have the whole other issue of no lockout times or to many lockout times and the oceanic players taking down what you did bla bla bla enough just use "instances")) WoW did it right with big 40v40 BG's though. You are capped so you all have the same amount of people. You can work in a zerg or in groups of 2-# to capture other objectives. Reminds me of BF2 / 2142 / 3.... when you each have the same amount of people but multiple objectives where you can all be in your "own squads". It is really enjoyable.
  17. Coming from a player who has been gone over a year. I recommend this for you. Roll a new character. Trust me because i did it with all my mains. I just rerolled but on the opposing faction same classes. It eases you into the game quite nicely. You relearn the class/game mechanics at a nice easy pace. You enjoy a new storyline as well huge bonus. And discover all the fresh new things along the way.
  18. This is for PVP only... i know this may sound dumb. But it is what i do. For my lvl 49-55 chars i throw blue lvl 41 mods/armors/enhancements on adaptive gear priority stats is Main stat > power > Surge for healers/dpser's Wear Light/Dark side lvl 43 relics from vendor in GTN section of fleet. and wearing lv 40-45 ear/implants helps as well. what this does at lvl 49-55 is boosts your stats to maximum expertise / hp Unfortunately wearing lvl 53 blue mods/armor/enh makes you have less hp/expertise because of how bolster works you will hinder yourself. Basically with my lvl 55 guardian in full lv53 blue mods i am at 26k hp w/ bolster. However with wearing lvl 41blue mods. i go to almost 31k.... so yah. I got conqueror relics and i switched them out with my green relics and i actually lose a little overall hp/exp it is a tiny amount but still quite annoying. hopefully this helps and you don't get raped so much
  19. just trying to run Swtor on ultra graphics w/o fps issues and also FFXIV ARR. Please help, is this decent or shall i wait for a better deal from newegg on/after thanksgiving http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboBundleDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.1465390 i do not wish to upgrade my current system. I would rather do a overhaul. So this is my best option for building my own computer imho as far as i can see i can get all that for cheaper as a combo then buying it individually.
  20. http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/09/20/soe-will-ban-players-for-online-abuse-outside-of-their-games/ If i see more of this i would not mind it at all. To see not only SOE but then EA / Microsoft / Blizzard / Ect ect ect do this would be hilarious. in their TOS they can do whatever they want. Just like you can say whatever you want. Start banning miscreants who do nothing but troll & flame. Who act malicious and disgusting just ban em all. TBH they will be back. Purchase another account key and end up spending more money anyways by doing so. If they do not you will generally have improved your community by .001% at the very least! just a few thousand more bans to 1%! Wish i had a link of this but...... I once saw a show on african chimpanzee's. They have a hierarchy just like most societies. However there was one community of chimps who had all their ""bully/jerk"" males die off. Several years later the then older and more calm males kicked any bad ones out or taught them to act appropriately and overall their community is better than others. They are more calm in general and after blood tests show they have better blood pressure compared to the other communities of chimps. Needless to say .... Kick the inappropriate out and you have a nicer healthier community... dun dun dun!!!
  21. Just looking for someone who can explain bolster to me. I have a lvl 54 Guard who has full lvl 53 blue cybertech mods. lv54 purple biochem implants, and lv53-54 artifice purple hilt and mods. my HP in warzones is at 26k... everyone else lvl 31-50 has more around 30k hp.... Needless to say i am confused and now i need to regear myself based on how this all works obviously. So if someone has the time and knowledge could explain to me if i should gear myself in lvl 10 mods or lvl 40 mods to have the most benefit? & Once i reach lvl 55 should i use lvl 10 mods? lv40 mods? or lvl 49 mods? to get the appropriate bolster so i have a optimal fighting chance?
  22. People have been listing what to gear treek with However no one is saying how she "does" with Pure Aim > Power > Surge in tank stance VS How she does in tank stance with a full absorb > Shield > Def > End stat priority. If someone could describe how well she tanks in each set of gear/stat priorities it would be appreciated. I was planning on having my Cybetech/artifice make her a full set of purple lv53 mods/enh/armor and it would be nice to know whether a tanking set is worth it before i actually spend the money to do it. If based on previous experiences people could enlighten me that would be great. If somehow Treek can tank 2-4 heroic quests with full on tank gear that would be amazing.. highly doubtful but if someone would enlighten to me how she does with full tank gear at lv55 i would be ecstatic.
  23. Strixs

    Rest XP?

    Yes but does it truly vanish? Or is it saved for you once you resubb? i stopped playing for over a year, came back and resubbed then logged back on and all my chars had rested exp to full it seemed like. So did it save it for me because i could have played before that but of course i would be pref and not a sub
  24. Of course any class will do with sorc. but if you must have something that has a huge impact on you both taking heroic 4's together... I would say have your friend go mercenary. That way you both heal.. your first comp is tank his is heals... And you are both able to have 2 long Crowd Controls to take down 2 mans and 4 mans with ease. Also you both have decent AOE dmg able to blow through crowds of mobs faster than say a sorc / op. You are also both Ranged You may say why not Operative they can do that to... because first off they are melee dmg orientated which is not a compliment to the sorc... and the sorc cannot stealth and smuggle aoe stealth takes a while to get so just not worth bothering. Besides being both ranged and aoe specced merc/sorc and time their aoe abilities together to constantly auto kill most things.
  25. Well a trooper is a BH..... and a BH is a trooper while their abilities look different they are exact mirrors..... Imp agent: operatives are smuggler: Scoundrels btw A Mercenary(empire) is a Commando(republic) a Vanguard(republic) is a Powertech(empire) So pick the 1 you like on either side look wise... and then play both and be happy that you get to play both of what you want but in two different awesome storylines and enjoying both different sides of the player base. Personally i like the vanguard more republic side because i like the armor look combo with blaster rifle. And mercenary for empire side because i like dual blasters with the armor look. No i am not a big fan of either 1 blaster or 1 giant cannon so it made it easy for me.
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