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Everything posted by Lonsecia

  1. I never really found it that boring because of the fact that there are some pretty decent stories, and some rather enjoyable playstyles. I'd only gotten one character to 50 back when the game launched (my BH) and had an Inq at about level 40 or so before taking a long break. When I returned properly, it was with the 12x bonus, so I could skip all the superfluous stuff on planets and focus on the unique dialogue within each story arc. There's also the fun of weaving enactable class story into RP and working out what simply can't work keeps it fresh. I'd say the main reason there aren't more people with the 8 class stories done is because even with skipping all superfluous content, it's still between 10-14 hours of playing to get to SoR, then a little more beyond that. That's stil qute an investment of time across 8 characters. It works out at close to 100 hours without any prior level 60's and that's not taking into consideration the time required on those that you did manage beforehand. Certainly my BH and Inq had over 50 hours combined on them alone. I do hate that some specialisation paths have terrible AoE utility though, which given how mobs are in the game feels criminal.
  2. From my experience, you will have his act as though you're in a relationship, as I accidentally ended up at a point where I had to turn characters down (the new system for companions story unlocking through main story rather than affection messes it up a fair bit). My PC's get mail from them so you should be fine.
  3. I'd say partly the reasons people talk about the Jedi Knight story as being KoToR 3 is precisely because it's a fit-all story where almost any type of character could do it, yet also ties heavily into the themes of prior games in the series. Personally, I really liked most of the stories, but some were so far removed from not just KoToR, but even Star Wars as a whole because they were so self-contained. The Trooper felt like a Mass Effect MMO (even down to having missions where you actually use your whole squad), the Agent was quite unlike anything else I've played, but with so little Jedi/Sith interaction (all of them could have been replaced by men in black or generally sleazy politicians and corrupt officials). That's not a criticism of them, simply that you'd not think of those as KoToR 3. Inquisitor was also a strange one because for the most part it's about personal growth/survival only. Any element of you saving others tended to be a by-product of your machinations, whether dark or light-sided. Bounty Hunter felt very specific to the class, and again more about personal growth. The Sith Warrior is probably second to the Knight in overal feel, and that's probably in part because of them being mirrors mechanically, and in their initial ideaology. The Knight feels more so simply because it's a case of started closer to the point where being light or dark side feels like it's a fit (even down to the tempations towards dark are more pronounced in the Knight story, whereas in the Warrior one, the underlying tone is that of someone after power, even if you play light-sided) Smuggler was a bit of everything, but not as grand in scope as the Knight. Consular very much about the grand scheme, and seemingly little about personal growth. It could have been an equal to the Knight in feeling like KoToR 3, but the actual Player Character felt a little bland. The Knight, regardless of dark or light-side, goes through some very major things, and is in many ways the one most tied to the full story of the game. Of course, some people may disagree, but that's how I felt about them. Something that bothers me a little is that several Pub storylines and companion arcs tie into the Imp ones in a way that's not reflected back. By that I mean one of the Knight's companions specifically, but also in companion stories, there are cameos from Pub characters. I can't really think of any time it's the other way around.
  4. I had the exact same thing happen with Torian. I suddenly found my BH all lovey-dovey and huggy with him, going doe-eyed whenever they started talking and yet never once flirted or suggested she was into him, then I get a marriage proposal. In fact, I found this with every character of mine (I only came back to the game relatively recently, and only maxed affection on characters I liked, rather than romance ones), and I'm guessing it's an issue with the affection ratings no longer defining how they actually feel about you. I'm guessing they won't go back and re-record dialogue, but hopefully they can add in something like they've done with the Chapter IX/X break with non VR'd dialogue where you can talk to your companions and specify how you feel so you don't look like a complete hypocrite. Honestly, more of the romance options should have a very early way out of actual romance if you're not interested in realtionships/marriage. My IA ended up somehow in a deep relationship with Vector, my Jedi Knight acting as though she's conflicted about a relationship I never instigated, and my Consular in a similar position. What makes it worse is the dialogue for ending a relationship (or trying to) tends to be really brutal and in many cases really not what my character would say, especially as in almost every case, I didn't persue a relationship anyway. My light-sided Sth Warrior felt like she was going to kill him when she tried to get out of a romance with her (forced) LI.
  5. Here're Mine: http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/bfprg http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/bfpre
  6. The one thing I keep going back to with all of this is that what if the two V's are actually twin brothers/clones/father-son? It's even possible that the Empire that we are attacked by is in fact where the Emperor is originally from, and the invaders are his bloodline. It may help explain why there's still the same inherent ambition to conquer, but not the same method or reasoning. Of course if this is true, then it's still possible it could mutate into something else, leading to a renewed Emperor. Of course, I could be way off the mark.
  7. That's what I'm hoping. I've just played through the Sith Warrior story-line as a Light-sided character and honestly, there are some companions I'd request leave me if they didn't want to do so themselves. Though that also brings to mind the inconsistency in dialogue for all classes where sometimes all the options still make you sound like a jerk or a po-faced and sincere Bringer of Light. My Sith Warrior's Jaesa is Light-sided, and with Vette, we're basically three ''goodies'' on a ship with people we can't trust. It's interesting, and it's the kind of thing I'd like to see them explore a little. I wonder if they'll add dialogue options only available to Light/Dark/Neutral characters. Preferably not with the tiers restricting you. I'd hate to see a Light/Dark option greyed out because I'm 10 points off the tier. Currently, it often feels like some I've been able to make, I shouldn't - and wouldn't, but it'd be nice if they were instead replaced with alternative options. I'm not sure I'd want it, but I'm surprised they've not added icons similar to those in Dragon Age II/Inquisition to the dialogue options to denote the intent of the statement. I do find that sometimes the intent and the initial example of a reply aren't really the same sentiment.
  8. I've been using the commendations to gear myself up, and until about level 30+, I don't tend to have enough to gear a companion as well. The other issue with that is I'm still essentially tying myself to one companion as to make them all viable at any given moment would ridiculously time-consuming. Not to mention the fiddly nature of buying mods and such in singles - is there a way to bulk-buy them? I've not found a key-press combo like Shift+left click that works. As for legacy-wide mounts. I've not seen any unlock for other characters at all. I've not seen a way to purchase the option, either. I'm not saying it's not there, just that I've not spotted it.
  9. There're a few things I'd like to see added/changed in the game that have been bothering me, though some feel as though they may be sorted when the next expansion hits. Some of these I know people will disagree on, and that's fine, but I'd like to at least put them out there. One: Companions having to be geared. To me, it feels as though their stats should either scale wholly with your level, or else be based a lot more on your Presence, so as to make keeping them useful a lot more reasonable to achieve - especially noticeable when you're a sub and have the 12x exp from story quests. I suspect they may do something about this, but it does feel weird to have to spend credits I don't have to make them even remotely useful. This is also because sometimes you want to take a different character out with you for whatever reason, but feel like you have to take the one that's better-geared. Two: Companion AI. I did a Jedi Consular mission with a very nasty mech that killed my companion because unless I specifically tell them to stop attacking, they'll be eaten by it's ghastly AoE. I then have to set them to attack again. Similarly, I had a mission where I had to attack a guy who jumped on power pylons, and my companion not knowing what to attack at the right time. The window to do this is rather small, and so the chance at failure is rather high. This is particularly noticeable if you've even the tiniest amount of lag. Three: Story mission boss balancing. Some of them are just plain horrid, and it's not changed since Vanilla. I remember on my BH levelling without really having any way to access a guide (this was at launch, and I'm a pretty quick leveller) so some bosses where just horrendous. This is also in part because some are clearly more balanced for specific role types than others. There was another where a mech was in the room just before the actual boss and turned out to be harder. Harder to the point where I was glad to be shadow and could just bypass it. Four: Legacy-wide mounts and pets. This one feels particularly odd given you can set characters up as being married to one another, or siblings, children, etc. Whether or not the availability of them would be tied to their relationship is another matter (rivals having access to the same would be a bit silly). Five: Dark/Light side and companion affection rebalance. Partly because of subbing, but also because almost any way you play the game, getting affection, or Dark/Light levels high requires a lot of gift-giving or grinding respectively, where it really should be that certain key decisions should have huge impacts on them. I don't think it's unreasonable to like the idea of a system where a few incredibly cruel acts is enough to send me way down into the dark path and destroy relationships with good-natured companions, just as the opposite should affect it. Though I'd also quite like to see certain things have irreversible affects on affection, such as callous/altruistic behaviour, etc. Light/Dark is harder to create irreversible affects as they'd be far more impactful on a Dark-side character trying to seek redemption than a Light-side falling. The latter in fact doesn't need greater amounts of light/dark gained for the duration of the game (my Consular only did story quests once she left the starting world and easily hit Light III+) but rather have some actions perhaps permanently shift how far up or down you can rise/fall. I'm fairly certain any Republic character that threatens the child when trying to get medicine is probably asking for that to be impactful. Honestly, I could be way off on the way Light/Dark works, but it felt to me that you could max do really dark things and still end up with surplus Light, and it shouldn't work that way. Actions should have real consequences. I'm hoping with the CGI for the new expansion, our choices will have that impact, so hopefully this'll be moot anyway. I think that's all of the things that have been on my mind. I don't know how doable they are, but I'd like to think I'm not alone in seeing some room for improvement/ease-of-life (in particular point four).
  10. I am aware of that, but it never felt as prevalent, and it was less likely to be followed by a reply of 'sorry, your gear's not good enough' as would be the case with people who saw GS as the be all and end all of how to tell if someone was going to be able to pull their weight. To a degree it's useful - especially if their gear is clearly just not good enough (all greens and no hit on a tank would not end well in pretty much any circumstance). At the same time, people should have learnt by now that bad players exist, and sadly do end up with amazing gear. I kinda preferred when people asked you to link achievements, though even that was a bit silly if you were trying to go into a raid for the first time. At least if people had one relating to no-one dying you could at least assume they were fairly competent though.
  11. I mostly didn't mind addons in WoW until GearScore. That freakin' thing being mentioned for almost every PuG raid or whatnot, when anyone who can play knows gear doesn't automatically make you a better player. I saw people in amazing gear who could barely compete with people in blues, yet all anyone wanted was a GS of over <insert current patches average GS here>. I never installed it, which meant I could only really raid with friends... Not actually a bad thing.
  12. I half expect it to eventually be revealed that he is merely a 'Keeper of the Force' or somesuch and that rather than die as is typical more rises from the ashes with each death. Only at the end of ROTJ does he finally rest as the prophecy regarding Anakin/Luke has finally come to pass, and balance is restored. Though he dies before this, Yoda's wise enough that the way he acted with Luke would indicate that he kinda knew the boy would do good. Heck, Yoda even loses his temper, and attacks Luke with his walking stick. Not very Jedi-like. That, or maybe he's a batty old codger with one too many memories of 'when I was young we <insert old man cliche here>'
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