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Everything posted by Seelvir

  1. I've heard it said, but never validated, that the companion kills thing only works if you're the first person to zone into a given instance. In other words, if you're running Eternity Vault, and you need to get 1000 kills with Nadia Grell on your Consular, then your kills in EV only count toward that achievement if she was your active companion AND you were the first person in your raid team to zone into EV. I've long assumed that the HK-51 PvP kills Achievement works the same way, that you have to have him as your active companion, and also be the first player to zone into a given WZ. Again, I've never validated this through empirical testing. It's just something I've heard.
  2. Please ... please tell me that we'll have to defend our trains from masked bandits mounted on steeds of some biological or mechanical variety. We need a whole mini game where we ride Collicoid-Games-Esque turrets mounted on the tops of our Stronghold-Trains, and when we get overwhlemed and the masked bandits board, we dismount and defend the train with our sabers and blasters. Rewards? I think a weekly crate with a guaranteed 248 sounds about right. A SELECTABLE 248. Also, please PvP this too. I don't think that's asking too much. That's like, what? A few days of development? At MOST? Oh, almost forgot, guild stronghold trains can be used for guild-v-guild PvP for like a dozen crates of 248 gear per winner per week. That's like, a few extra hours of dev time. I'm looking forward to this content. Thank you! EDIT: ALSO, the reward crates should be delivered by a swooning companion of the player's choice. This needs a whole unboxing interface of epic companion swoonage, like the new unboxing interface you guys unveiled a while back. That's like another few hours dev time. Totally.
  3. At a guess, I'd say that most raid teams with rDPS in the form of Mando/Merc and Slinger/Sniper have mDPS in the Sent/Mara category. When the Mando/Mercs and Slinger/Snipers don't log in to raid, what are the Sents gonna do that week? Answer: also not raid. Total healers and tanks went down ~30% also. Basically, the teams whose rDPS didn't log in to raid, no one on those teams raided. Also, consider that we're talking about Starparse submissions here. When people are bummed that their specs are Fd, their DPS is Fd, and they decide to raid on alts and begin the depressing CXP grind on a new character, they may not be bothering with running Starparse - even though they ARE playing. I know my team's utilization of Starparse drops by 75% when we're not raiding with the full compliment of people playing their mains. When we have alts, rerolls, subs, and we know we won't clear our progression content, we just smash storymodes for the CXP. There's always those guys who will run Starparse when they're in EV/KP storymode for the lulz, but a lot won't.
  4. Keith, I understand (to whatever extent is possible for an MMO consumer vs an MMO producer) what a herculean task it would be to remaster ALL the 1.0 class stories like you guys did for the Class Intros ... but ... dude ... this is a case where the word "remastered" doesn't do justice to what a difference it is. I just did all 8 class stories again for the DvL event last year, and, curse me for saying this ... I would do them all again, AGAIN, to see these amazing stories retold through the lens of Bioware's and the SWTOR-team's continuously evolving mastery of camera and lighting and blocking and ... just all of it. Wow. You sorta ninja'd these class intro remasters on us, so I honestly doubt you'd commit publicly one way or another on doing the rest ... but ... if you CAN comment publicly, omg please do.
  5. Well, I'm glad my thread got trolled and derailed to infinity in the first few posts. Any chance we can get back on track with "yay new Class Intros" and "will we get more of it?" Of course not. I yield the floor to trolls, and to useless people debating useless points.
  6. Rightly or wrongly, I get the feeling this was someone's passion project / proof of concept / side-job-just-to-see-what-people-think. People love it. The best stories in this game are still the 1.0 stories. Sure, I agree, new content would be great. But if I had to choose between more KotFE/ET and remastered vanilla ... easy choice. And besides, I get the feeling that the team responsible for the stuff that goes into the remastered Class Intros has the capacity to do both. But to know for sure, we'd have to hear it from the Source.
  7. There are only 2 types of PvPers who complain about not having the best PvP gear: 1 - players of inferior gear sick of losing to inferior opponents sporting superior gear, and; 2 - players of inferior skill who rely on superior gear to win. The complaint that goes "boohoo I'm a HIGHLY RATED PvPer and I care SO HARD about PvP gear" is either a troll, or a case where the complainer believes he would be even MORE highly rated if gear was even (ie. an example of #1 above). The rest of us realize we are at the mercy of the tides, the inevitable and timeless ebb and flow between developers thinking "PvP should be about skill" and developers changing their mind to "PvPers don't enjoy PvP if they aren't getting gear." Players in 248 gear are gods right now. Does it suck for those of us who aren't in full 248? Sure. Them's the breaks. It'll ebb the other way soon enough ... unless Bioware is going to continue increasing the item level with each new Operation Boss released in the next 6 months, in which case the average player will JUST get caught up to 248 when 254 comes out and the wrecking begins anew ... and they'll JUST get caught up to 254 when 260 comes out and the wrecking begins anew. Maybe that's all part of Bioware's nefarious plot to gut the game of average PvP players over the next 6 months
  8. eric, These are welcome changes, but they don't fix the underlying problem, which is "player perception." Players want control over their fates, or at least the perception of such. With higher drop rates from Command Crates of set-bonus bearing items, the problem shifts from "I never get gear I need, it's all useless greens and blues!" to "I never get gear I need, because I keep getting all these purple set-bonus pieces that I already have!" The problem is still the RNG, still the inability to choose exactly what item a player wants to acquire next. Being able to get defined gear pieces from Operation bosses again, and giving PvPers greater ability to pick and choose their gear upgrades, alleviates these perception problems. But no matter what systems you put in place to allow players to choose gear through Ops or PvP tokens, the experience of getting repetitively disappointed by Command Crates will not go away. As long as players continue having the daily experience of opening multiple Command Crates and receiving disappointment, there will continue to be discontent with this system as a whole.
  9. THIS IS STILL AN ISSUE. But since a lot of the LoD issues seem fixed now, I guess the STROBE LIGHTS OF DOOM attached to our holocommunicators are just the new normal. Just FYI EA: It's terrible. I know you don't care if people have seizures from your terrible graphics upgrade, but ... I mean ... cmon EA. People who have seizures from your game don't pay subscription fees, and since all you care about is money, not quality, I thought this might be an issue you'd fix. I guess people who get seizures from your game don't represent large enough blip on your profit margins to be worthy of note.
  10. Are these bugs or features, Bioware? I was hoping Tuesday would be the day you would fix it, or at a minimum *ADDRESS* it. We got neither. If this is just the new normal, can you please just say so?
  11. fixed the link - thanks for the notice
  12. Feel free to add this one to your list.
  13. This just in from the internet, guy asks question, another guy responds with literary equivalent of LMGTFY, a response that says "I know the answers you seek, but I won't divulge them conveniently for you, even though doing so would have cost me exactly as much time and typing as the actual response I wrote." Assuming I'm not planning on reading anything from the EU, can I just get a readers' digest version?
  14. I'm curious how long the siege lasted on Coruscant, the siege depicted in the Deceived game trailer. From what I can tell on Wookiepedia, it maybe only lasted a day or two? If true, that's much shorter than the impression I've gotten from the game dialogue when playing, which left me feeling like the siege must have lasted weeks or months even. Actually, I have many of questions about this event, but I'm not sure where else to look to find them. For instance: - How long did it last? - How much of the planet was devastated? Was it the entire upper level of the city planet-wide? Or just the area immediately surrounding the Jedi Temple and Senate Tower? - How big was the invasion force? Are we talking a few Star Destroyers, just the ones we see in the video? Or was it a massive-scale operation featuring an entire armada? Can anyone point me to some SWTOR Developer Post or a website or something where these questions are answered? I mean, feel free to respond with what you think happened, but I'm most interested in people who can cite something official, or even just officialish.
  15. http://www.wehavedelusionsofgrandeur.com/Screenshot_2013-07-16_17_36_46_673672.jpg This must be some kind of record or something: Mayacenia - Healing Scoundrel - 62,856,528 Healing Go me
  16. I would pay a lot of CCs to have a legacy-wide never-get-huttball-again thing. Thank you.
  17. My butt is still twitching 2.3. To clarify, the error does not appear in the preview screen when you preview the item. It only appears on the actual avatar when equipped.
  18. Two minor patches later and this twitching is still happening.
  19. The Conqueror's Field Medic Suit for Agents has a graphical glitch on my character, a female body type 2. My left butt-cheek twitches like I'm recovering from a Sith Lightning blast to the posterior. I'd blame Darth Jadus cause he's always wanted me to feel his power or somesuch. Anyhow, it was a lot of work to get this item, and the butt-cheek twitch thing is really an eye sore. It's disappointing, but I'm sure you'll get it worked out now that you know about it.
  20. Did I miss the link to the site you're proposing, or is that still in development? EDIT: Nevermind, I see that you ask us to email you in game. Why so exclusive? Why not just post the link and let anyone and everyone benefit?
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