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Everything posted by Seelvir

  1. The next episode is available today - enjoy! - Episode 5: Tatooine - ------------------------- Also, check out my most recent blog post, featuring an in-game recreation of the iconic armor worn by Clone Wars hero, Captain Rex. Clone Wars Trooper Armor
  2. Had that happen to me a few days ago. I was on a VPN at the time. I turned off the VPN, and then was able to patch SWTOR through the launcher. I have no idea if the VPN was a factor, but that's what happened. I let the launcher chug away on 3.3.2 while I researched the issue, no no avail whatsoever, so I killed it, turned off the VPN, and tried again. Then I had to repatch whatever the crazy patch did, which took hours. I figure that while the launcher was hijacked by 3.3.2 craziness, I downloaded some new malware inadvertently. Now in addition to NSA knowing everything I do online (hello, my NSA guy! /wave) but now ... I dunno, maybe the character of SCORPIO has become self aware in the game files and is trying to network herself into our world ... ?
  3. NiM Ops Team Needs New Healer! We are a small, snowflake guild that caters to a narrow slice of the gaming public. If you are a healer and you're looking for a new group to raid operations with competently, then please review the following checklist. We are right for you if: - you are interested in HM/NiM raids, - you are a busy adult who chooses to raid 1 night per week, for a maximum of 3 hours, - you have a special combination of "maturity that allows you to focus," and "immaturity that forces you to be maturely focused at kicking *** in a video game." - you recognize that placing real life first doesn't mean you can't beat NiM content, it only means you won't get there first, second, tenth. You care only about beating it pre-nerf. Most people who fit this bill are reformed hardcore raiders who grew into a real life that makes it impossible to spend 20 hours a week in-game, but who can never grow out of a need to push themselves to ever greater heights of achievement. It's a small subset of what is already a small subset of the playerbase. Delusions has been raiding HM/NiM content since 1.0, and we've never not been successful at it. We are the kind of players who clear NiM content even though we only raid 3 hours per week, total. That means we don't have time for the usual NiM shenanigans of people being passive aggressive, or flat out aggressive aggressive, about making mistakes. No one is going to yell at you or belittle you in this guild when you make a mistake during progression. We are the kind of players who are, each of us individually, our own sharpest critics, and because we are focused not on what the next guy needs to improve for us to succeed, but what each of us must improve individually, we are able to collaborate quickly, effectively, and amicably. No politics, no stress, no tension. We have a ton of laughs while we progress. Some HM/NiM raid groups can't succeed without hour after hour of stressful contentious iterating on strategy. We do it quicker and happier. If you are, in addition to everything above, intelligently nerdy without also being smugly intelligently nerdy, then we are the family you didn't know you were missing. ** We raid Saturday Nights, 5-8pm Pacific time (or Sunday afternoon if you're APAC, and some of us are). PM me here on the forum for details, or simply reply to this thread. We use Discord and StarParse.
  4. The next episode is out today. I hope you're continuing to enjoy Adharma's adventure! - Episide 4: Nar Shaddaa -
  5. The next episode is out today. I hope you're continuing to enjoy Adharma's adventure! - Episode 4: Nar Shaddaa -
  6. I have a 16:10 monitor because I simply can't live with only 1080 pixels on the Y, I feel like I'm in a room with a strangely low ceiling. Sadly, when I upgrade my gear to something >1920 on the X, I'll have to adopt 16:9, because I'm on the losing team with aspect ratios. That answers your question in no way whatsoever, but it's important to explain it so that my actual answer makes sense. In the interface editor in-game, I've scaled the dialogue wheel down to it's tiniest setting, which, not being in-game right now myself to check, I *think* is 0.1 ... ? Anyway, it's all the way down. This makes it small enough that, even though it's onscreen when I record, it's cut away when I crop the video down to 1080p for YouTube. This makes it seem like it's invisible. There might be a better way to do it, in fact I'm sure there probably is. But this is the solution I came up with.
  7. One of my favorite things about the new Sith Cultist's Armor set and the Freelance Hunter's Armor set are the legs, the skirt/kama dealies. Because it enables us to FINALLY get a legit Captain Rex look going on! Full link: https://www.thesilverknightlegacy.com/arc-troopers-spotted-in-swtor-june-14-2018/
  8. It's in the video description. 2 Steps, Black Blade, from their Invincible album I think.
  9. Hello, Community Content viewers and creators! I humbly present my blog and YouTube channel, whose goal is to tell engaging and coherent Star Wars stories by presenting, as theatrically and cinematically as possible, the eight class narratives from SWTOR’s original release. theSilverknightLegacy - YouTube Channel www.thesilverknightlegacy.com - Blog ------------------------- The Trailer for Adharma Silverknight, Dark Sith Assassin: Chapter 1 - Legacies of Old Episode 1: Korriban Episode 2: Dromund Kaas Episode 3: Balmorra Episode 4: Nar Shaddaa Episode 5: Tatooine Episode 6: Alderaan Episode 7: Legacy Chapter 2 - Sith Hierarchy Episode 8: Taris Episode 9: Quesh Episode 10: Hoth Episode 11: The Price of Power Chapter 3 - Power & Duty Episode 12: Belsavis Episode 13: Voss Episode 14: Corellia Episode 15: The Ascension of Darth Nox I welcome feedback, and I hope you all find something you enjoy!
  10. If you (devs) want Huttball to be all about passing, you need to make passing easier for players who are scared of it. All the noise in this thread comes from players who are A) reading the PvP forum, and 2) have pretty sophisticated thoughts about it. Have you guys (devs) polled the players who don't like Huttball but do like to casually PvP? Talking to the players in this forum isn't likely to tune you in to those players. Based on an admittedly non-representative sample of players I know, the main reasons "bads" don't pass are: 1) confusion about how to pass, mechanically speaking 2) confusion about why to pass, as in knowing when it's a good idea 3) confusion about what "spiking" the ball is 4) the existential dread that comes from knowing if they do it wrong, they will get viciously berated in wz chat. These players solo queue for PvP and always leave huttball when it pops. Or they queue with friends/guildies and just grimace and bear it when Huttball pops, but they HAAAAATE when someone passes the ball to them, and they spend the entire match praying no one ever does. Now, I know there's nothing realistically we can do about problem #4 I listed above, but you can do something to address the others. For instance, a common question I field from players is how to pass "up" to platforms, because they have a hard time positioning their cameras ... because they have no idea you can target someone, and double-tap the pass key. Another one is that no one's ever told them that it's okay to pass the ball into the empty floor when it's looking bad and there's no one else to pass the ball to. No one's ever told them that it's better to pass into the floor EVEN WHEN THERE ARE FRIENDLIES NEARBY if you're worried about not being able to find them before death or everyone's too bunched up to make hitting a friendly a certain thing. When I teach players who are eager PvPers but dreadful Huttballers, I see 90% of their fear and "badness" evaporate once I explain double-tap to throw, how/why to spike. And then when they are bad less, they find themselves much less frequently the target of wz-chat trolling, and so that problem almost resolves itself. So maybe include some new hand-holding for players to spread the gospel of these learnings far and wide. Also, just to know you've done a good job, you need code that tracks how often players pass before you introduce this knowledge to the masses, and after. That way you'll be able to quantify how much you've improved the state of play in huttball.
  11. The problem with Huttball needs to be thought about differently than whatever thought process led to Hinder. The central problem with the Hinder idea will also be a problem with whatever the next solution is unless the design team starts thinking about the problem differently. Hinder's effect would have been to prevent knowledgeable players from dominating matches. But that's not REALLY the problem with huttball. Instead of thinking about how to nerf creative and thoughtful players, the design team needs to think about how buff participation in the objectives-based gameplay by everyone else. Don't make Huttball less fun for good players without addressing the things, the separate and distinct things, that make it less fun for average players. Instead, make a list of all the reasons that average players dislike huttball, the reasons why they choose not to participate, either by leaving matches or by mindlessly deathmatching at mid or in the pits, and invent solutions to THOSE problems. Huttball is the most divisive map in PvP among PvP players, and it is ESPECIALLY hated by PvP tourists who only PvP on a lark or when some PvE or cosmetic carrot is dangled on a stick for them. Why? The easy answer is to say "because huttball is different," but that would be an insufficiently self-critical analysis by the development team. All PvP was "different" at some point, and some things worked and evolved and some things didn't work and died. Huttball is a great ruleset concept, and it shouldn't die. Your goal should be to invent a way for players to love it or hate it at least at same the rate they love or hate the other PvP maps, at a minimum. This CAN be done. Focus your design thinking on a specific group of players. Not the good players, and not the hopeless players. Rather, there's a population, not small, of PvPers who participate in objectives-based play in every other PvP map, but who throw their hands up and quit, either literally or just mentally, in a huttball map and don't do any objectives-based play. Find a way to engage THOSE players. Fixing huttball cannot be done by focusing on the extreme ends of the bell curve, by nerfing the joy out of playing it for those of us who enjoy it at one extreme, or by wasting time at the other extreme trying to solve the problem of hopeless PvPers who are hopeless in every PvP context. Engage those center-of-the-bell-curve players by making it easier or more fun for them. Hinder was a bad idea because it would fundamentally make the game less fun. If the solution that comes after Hinder is inspired by the same mindset that birthed Hinder, it will also not be the right solution.
  12. Welcome to Inigo Montoya! Until he finds the 6-fingered man, he's tanking for us, because let's be honest, there's not a lot of money in revenge. He's still using his left hand, though, because we're still looking for a great DPSer and, until we find one, we're not going after the hardest game. So if you're a rDPS who can quote Princess Bride* while parsing dummy DPS >9000**, send me a PM here on the forum and we'll connect on Discord! * Princess Bride quotes not required. ** Actual parses not required. We do utilize Starparse though, so do be ready for that.
  13. Guys ... GUYS! 90+ posts in, I haven't read all of them, so this may have come up ... BUT ... ... seriously ... you think THAT scene on Nathema is where Bioware elected to have the legendary Shan line wink out of existence? No. Satele is a year or two past child bearing age, and Theron is a smexy virile dude who certainly has the juicey juice to advance the Shan line into the next big Bioware Star Wars whatever. For Theron to be really real dead would equate to the death of a line of characters central to 15 real world years of Bioware Star Wars storytelling. Dude ain't dead, cause he ain't got no babies. Now ... as soon as he knocks up some Sith girl while she's halfway done converting to the Jedi Order, THEN you Theron lovers need to worry, because Theron's not the kind of character writers ever let live out their elder days in peace.
  14. Sure: Subject: Theron I sensed the moment my son's life ended. He was alone, reaching out to a friend who wasn't there. But he wasn't afraid--he was sad. And he was sorry. Theron deceived you. He put thousands of lives at risk, and you wanted vengeance--or perhaps justice. I understand your reasons. He was rash and reckless, and had no regard for his own safety. But I will ensure the Republic remembers him as a hero, despite what you may feel. He was a good man, Commander, and I will always be proud of him. I wish I had told him that.
  15. Yeah, a ruse is most likely. Also likely, given the troperiffic and godmoding writing we've been saddled with recently, Theron DID die, for like 2 seconds, and was reborn by whatever Genesis-Effect thing is happening on Nathema. He'll be revived, won't remember who he is at first, a buncha still-angry zakuulans will be tracking him down, thinking HE has the secret of the lifeforce-thing happening on Nathema, and by the time they capture him, the Commander will arive. The whole time we've been seeing his reborn journey through cutscenes where his face is obscured, either just camera angles or like a mask or something, and then in the first flashpoint of 6.0, we'll return to Nathema to find the source of the secret of the Genesis Effect, and we'll find out it's THERON (SURPRISE!). He'll be all reborny and stuff. And to make this hone with people who lightsided him and married him, the start of 6.0 will include some kind of prelude scene where ... SHOCK! "Theron went missing ... again, again again ... and no one knows where he is! But we can't worry about that right now, we just got word that the Genesis Device is working on Nathema and could be used as (yawn yet another) superweapon so we have to go after that now, no time to worry about Theron go go go go ogog!" This way the end the first 6.0 flashpoint brings both Theron-killers and Theron-lovers back into a singular unified storyline.
  16. Just count me among the legion of people who plainly see that Theron is not, in fact dead. The reason you don't get to slice him to bits is because that would make his death final, and, well, like I said, he's not dead. Theron will be around in 6.0. Either because you lightsided him and he returned with you, or because you dark sided him and didn't kill him. In fantasy settings, no one is ever dead if you don't see their body, and even THEN it's not a sure thing (Kaelthas Kephess, Valky, etc). I'm calling it now: when 6.0 comes out and all the people who THOUGHT they killed Theron see that he's back and a part of the story again, whether they like it or not, there will be thread after thread on here from people griping about how choices don't matter, how betrayed they feel, blah blah blah. Just get ready for it now, folks.
  17. Nathema has a special secret that Vitiate discovered ... it's not a coincidence he used that planet for his first planet-killing ritual ... there's something about the planet that feeds life, and he farmed that for centuries to stay immortal. The BIG BAD SECRIT WEEPON is actually some kind of Forcey Fountain of Youth ... we'll have to destroy it, naturally, to prevent any other evil being from trying to co-opt it in the future, but doing this will eradicate all of this nascent life on Nathema again ... and it's like ... boo ... sad ... but also, the final final final end of Vitiate until he comes back in the body of Kephess.
  18. Also, to better advertise our raid philosophy, I invite you all to view the following:
  19. Also ... right after I excoriate you guys for being tone-deaf ... um ... PLEASE don't listen to the players asking for choice on warzones. You guys know, and you're right, that doing that will render some warzones obsolete, and that's not healthy for the game. Also ... VERY FEW PEOPLE LIKE POLYMORPH PVP. Please don't do that. It's a cool idea in theory, and it breaks instantly on contact with the playerbase. Please, PLEASE don't waste limited PvP development time on that. Let's get more warzones like Odessan. The pure unadulterated brilliance of that map is underappreciated. And just for clarity, please read no sarcasm into this at all. I love that map. I want more like it.
  20. The fundamental problem in this entire thread is the notion that punishment of bad behavior is preferable to incentives for desired behavior. There is absolutely no system the developers have time/money/tech to deploy that will succeed at punishing bad guys with greater accuracy than it also punishes good guys. The victim of a notional "lockout on leaving a warzone" will far more often be people who don't deserve one than will be those who do. Instead, can we think of a way to incentivize desired behavior? If you don't want people to leave regs, give them a reason not to. I suggest a hint to the devs ... eliminating the ability to get your conquest done through PvP alone, even when losing a lot of matches, hurt PvP. Not only do people have significantly fewer reasons to even queue, they have absolutely no reason to stay in a bad match. Let's be real, I PvP pubside on Harby/Shan. I'm a good player ... most of my wins are thanks to me single-handedly outsmarting the enemy on objectives ... the kind of matches where the opfor has top 3 DPS and top 2 healers, where the opfor's top DPS did more damage than the bottom 4 DPSers on my team combined ... but we won. That's pretty common. Most weeks, I complete my weekly in like 12 losses and 4 wins. But that was okay with me, because even those losses were getting me meaningful points on conquest. And that's with me /quitting out of sure-fire-loss arenas, 4 DPS on my team and I know the names of 2 and they are cannon fodder ... and the other team has a balanced skank/heals/DPS, or they have 4 DPS who will definitely global one of my cannon fodder teammates, and I know, because before the arena even starts, all 4 of the enemy have my cannon fodder teammate in their target-of-target frame ... yeah, I leave bad matches. And I still end up averaging a record of 1 win per 3 losses. Penalize me for leaving bad maps ... ? /facepalm. On top of the conquest evisceration, to hear Eric on Vulkk's stream even whispering about PvP penalties ... do you guys, devs, realize that this is where conspiracy theories pop up that you secretly are trying to destroy the game? So let's just get on already with you guys saying "lol j/k @ PvP lockout timers" and let's get on already with ideas for INCENTIVIZING full PvP participation. Hell, I love to PvP, and I haven't PvP'd once since the conquest changes. It's not a protest, as such. It's just ... there's no incentive now. So I'm like ... meh /shrug.
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