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Posts posted by AriasImmortal

  1. The major issue with resolve is that it doesn't automatically break CC and make you immune when it fills to full, meaning that if it's 7/8ths full and you get cc'd for a full 8 seconds, you will stay cc'd for that full 8 seconds.
  2. Actually the orbs on HM do about 6-7k when they explode, the real damage they do is in the 3k/tick AE they do to anyone nearby that is not their target. We've found it easier to just find out who they're targeting (default bind is alt-T) and have that person just go blow the orb up.


    In mostly PvP gear we get him to ~10% pretty much every attempt with 4 melee, assuming we can avoid the stupid bugs like tank getting mind trapped in p3, the spike not actually breaking his shield despite being directly underneath it, someone getting picked up right before the p2-p3 transition, and lightning balls not warping all over the gosh darn place in p2-p3 transition.


    The only real hard part is p3, the rest is just boring and repetitive. I like the fight but damn is it lame to have to go through p1, p2 and two transition phases (while avoiding all the aforementioned buggy/stupid mechanics) just to get to the hard part.


    edit: As the second poster pointed out, the 7k AE you're talking about is probably the one he does if you don't kill enough of the ancient pylons on the way down the platforms during transition phases. You have to kill 5. I've never experienced it though since we've killed 5 every attempt, including our first.

  3. First off, UI Customization does not equal to making the game easier, unless you judge difficulty by having to look at a 5x5 pixel display at the bottom of your screen to see if you have a proc up. In other words, you're arguing that the game difficulty depends on the ease of access to data relevant to gameplay which is just wrong, if that is the case then the game's UI is simply horrible.


    As for DBM making WoW easier, it doesn't really, especially with the last couple of raid tiers where there are actual indications of bosses doing X or Y ability, which was not always the case in the past. The timers help in maximizing raid planning, but they aren't replacing player skill or involvement in the fights, especially on Heroic Difficulty.


    Also, I'm trying real hard to recall a WoW raid encounter which is stupidly over-elaborate or involves what you termed "dance" mechanics, so feel free to elaborate on that.


    Lastly, for all those DPS-meter haters, please explain to me how I can gauge my performance as a DPS Mercenary without access to those? How am I supposed to try out different specs or gear setups if I don't have a tool to actually compare the results?




    hah I made a funny

  4. Actually they were made because the game gave you relatively little information making the mechanics much harder then they needed to be. Honestly, DBM was made for farm nights.


    Back in the days of 40 mans it wasn't uncommon to have one guy basically sit out and just call stuff out and keep time. They could do this because relatively few raids actually needed 40 people working at the absolute peak.


    When 25 mans rolled around, leading guilds adopted the art of practice runs since all 25 people needed to be on the ball doing their respective roll. A practice run were basically an attempt that was meant to fail, the whole point being getting a specific mechanic down pat for when you went for an actual kill attempt.


    Honestly top raiding guilds never used anything but the basic addons - mostly for computer performance reasons.


    I remember plenty of top raiding guilds using pretty elaborate addons for naxx 40, for things like loatheb healer rotations and 4h rotations. IDK THOUGH THAT WAS A LONGASS TIME AGO.


    Personally, I don't give two ***** about boss timers, I just want UI customization (IE remove artwork, scaling, all elements unlocked and movable, more bar options). Also macros. I like macros so I don't have to have both my relics bound and my power stim bound, would love to save some bar space.

  5. Nothing overpowered about assassin/shadow, we can't (really) self heal without biochem and we wear light armor. Biochem probably needs a nerf though.


    @OP, nice vid, project animation definitely needs to be changed, assassin seems so much more fluid than shadow does for that reason alone.

  6. TOR PvP has a lot of issues that need fixed but WoW PvP is just as frustrating, IMO. 6x glad and while not having your abilities work is pretty horrible, smoke bomb, icelance spam, necrotic strike, and instant cast clone frustrate me just as much. Nothing like unpreventable unbreakable CC or abilities that punish you for having GOOD positioning as a healer.


    I think WoW and TOR are pretty much even in the fact that PvP in both games is kinda stupid right now. TOR compared to WOTLK/BC, however, isn't even close. It could get there though, it has a lot of potential.

  7. Working on Soa HM 16 at this point. Plan on starting NM with the reset. Looking like 16m is easier on the lightning balls than 8m. We had him to 15-20% many times over in a couple hours or attempts. Looks to be killable, we didn't see anything that would stop a kill at that point. It's just a matter of dealing with balls in P3, while not falling behind. We were only doing this with 15 people as well, if you wonder why HM. Screenshot on homepage.


    He feels killable on 8m, dealing with the balls is easy, it just punishes you severely for bringing melee since any time a ball is on a melee his DPS is stopped, and every time one goes through melee all melee DPS is stopped.


    Otherwise you just alt-T them to see who they're on and have that person run to the ball and blow it up (or if they're ranged, stand still, DPS boss fully, and ball will just explode when it gets to them), they only explode for 5-6k damage as opposed to the 3k/sec they do in AE to everyone in range. We had a few sub-10% wipes tonight and half our raid is melee :|

  8. coruscant is sufficiently crowded in my server with its 100 person per instances.


    i dont want 500 people sitting on coruscant square, like hens in a henhouse.


    it looks totally unrealistic.


    What? Massive city planet, supposed to be overpopulated, and having a bunch of people in one spot is UNREALISTIC?



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