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Everything posted by Mudanie

  1. I really can't believe people aren't outraged over the lack of guild function in this game. In the 7 years of development time they spent what, 2 hours on guilds?
  2. Guild storage, guild mail, and a working guild roster should have all been in game during BETA.
  3. Bioware loves low expectation customers like you.
  4. It was a great post? This game IS a WoW-clone. 3 Talent trees, warzones, dailies, tokens, abilities copied verbatim (even the wording is almost exact), quest helper, I could go on and on. It's not just ideas that were taken and built upon, they are copied.
  5. Holy ****, I was really thinking he was trolling....but based on his post history he is serious. You deserve a custom avatar from BW.
  6. 4 days? I wish I could rant for 4 more days. I only have 2 left
  7. I lol'd. Not sure if serious or troll, in either case it's funny.
  8. Can I break the trend? This game blows, there is no fixing because there are core design issues.
  9. Oh really? http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/fx-8150-zambezi-bulldozer-990fx,3043-24.html http://www.anandtech.com/bench/Product/434?vs=191
  10. Let me get this straight....you're thanking them for fixing broken stuff?
  11. 15% will leave in the first month is my guess. Interesting article regarding retention. http://www.ics.uci.edu/~tdebeauv/files/debeauvais_FDG11_WoWretention.pdf
  12. I'll take a ****** launch for a great game anyday over this.
  13. Go ahead and find this degree of lazy copying anywhere else.
  14. I've played WoW for a long time, but I don't prefer the themepark nature of the game and think they've made future MMO's more casual and lazy.... That being said, talking about WoW hemmorhaging numbers isn't a slam to Blizzard. You can't expect to keep 10mil subs 8 years after it came out.
  15. Difference between taking and improving/tinkering with abilities from other games and downright copying.
  16. I played this game for 3 weeks and never watched a story. Point?
  17. The best memories of any game for me were back in 2004 getting multiple full groups buffed up and going base busting. Back when guilds defended these, and not just 20 people.....100+ each side. So much lag, but for some reason I still had a blast.
  18. If you want to be the "best of the best", get in a good guild. Not sure what the problem is.
  19. You're not the only one pissed about that. People will pay for ****** products, just desparate for a new game, or like KOTOR that much.
  20. Not only does it feel like a dumbed down version of WoW, they directly copied the game in many ways. http://auditorydepredation.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/1326231905169.jpg
  21. http://auditorydepredation.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/1326231905169.jpg If by telling yourself that makes you feel any better....
  22. Throw 150 million at me and I'll let you know. It sure as hell isn't voice-overs.
  23. There should be no comparisons to WoW, but BW was lazy and safe, crapped out a watered/dumbed down WoW, and deserve these reactions. If they were innovative and daring this wouldn't happen.
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