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Everything posted by ArlindoGMNeto

  1. I don´t think so. I like the sage as it is, BUT, it would be infinitely more fun to play the class if the "glowing stick" (i lol´ed at this part:D) was actually USED in combat. People in here tend to think that we´re trying to "ruin" their fun in some way, when all we´d like to see is a couple more melee skills to make use of our sabers and get rid of the feeling that they´re just for show and nothing more. We all know sages use light armor and should NOT be in melee for long, but having a lightsaber and not using it is anoying as hell.
  2. Just because you have more fun in ranged combat does that mean that you would have LESS fun if BW added a couple more melee skills to the sage class? I missed the part where the OP was asking BW to make sages a melee class.
  3. Nice, all we needed was another guy with the "dont like class X, go play the class Y" thing. You guys need to realize that anything that could potentialy improve the class should be praised, not bashed on to the death. All the guy (and i´m with him) wants is a couple more melee skills, thats all. It´s not like we´re asking for an entire revamp for the class, or something. Geez.
  4. Again, we clearly don´t agree on this matter. I understand you. Dont agree with you, but i understand.
  5. Strangely enough, i recall Yoda training Luke not only in the Force ways but with some serious physical exercises as well. Also, did Palpatine show any kind of lightsaber on the Phantom Menace, or Attack of the Clones? No. Does that means he was not proficient with it? I guess not.
  6. Totally agree with you, man. The thing about the talent trees is also being discussed here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=3848400#post3848400 I don´t know if many of you know this, but the class was at first, going to be named "Jedi Wizard". Then there was an uproar from the players against that, and then BW renamed it to Sage. You can call me old school, but i´ll stick with the opinion that a jedi SHOULD be able to use his lightsaber and SHOULD not be considered a "ranged class only".
  7. I´ll be honest with you man, im a lil lazy to check the context in which i might have said that i dont care about lore. But probably what i meant was that i´d rather see a game mechanic that disagrees with lore but its FUN to play, than implementing a perfect lore based one that it´s NOT fun.(at least for some people, like me). Many people have said that acording to the lore (not the movies, but whatever) there were jedi that rarely used, and (correct me if im wrong) some of them that didnt even HAD one. Now, i ask: is it fun to put a nice, flashy, and cool lightsaber in the hands of a jedi and say: "Hey man, you can´t use that, unless it´s for joking around pretending like you´re doing any damage." Then again, i wish there were some of those "non saber jedi" in the movies. That way i could feel less "old school".
  8. Lol they´ll keep telling us that servers are NOT dead. THERE´S your fix.
  9. Funny you mentioned the guardian´s force skills. At least guardians can make some use for what´s given to them. Sages have 2 ridiculous melee skills that are pretty much useless. Then again, we´ve been there, you and me, so there´s no need to repeat it on THIS thread. We have different visions of the jedi, thats all.
  10. Yeah, matrix online was something... i miss it as well, along with my favorite and also dead now, Tabula Rasa. (R.I.P.)
  11. That´s the point. We want more than just "look cool with a saber by our side". It´s an epic weapon and it´s MEANT to be used, regardless if its in the hands of a "ranged caster" (i find it outrageous to define a jedi this way, but whatever) or if its in the hands of my son´s kitten. Since we have it, we might as well damn USE IT. Then again, your opinion is noted.
  12. Well, of course everyone is entitled to his own opinion, and i respect yours. I just feel frustrated because BW had a big oportunity to make something truly new and unique and instead went with the "holy trinity" thing that has been done through the years.
  13. Guardians animations are the worse in the entire game. Well pretty much all animations are bad anyways, but guardians holding a lightsaber like a baseball bat is freaking ridiculous. So, the Guardians have all the lightsaber movies plus 5 force attacks. All sages have is their force attacks and 2 puny melee skills. Something is just wrong here. Sages need more melee skills and that´s a fact.
  14. Lol im with you, man. Though all the companions concept is broken, IMO.
  15. Lol gg BW, trying to turn jedi into some kind of mages/priests.
  16. Thats all we´re asking for: a few more melee skills to satisfy that itchy hand holding the lightsaber.
  17. Which sucks. Jedi shouldn´t be wearing that hideous gear BW is pushing on us. Whoever is your designer for consular gear, he/she is not doing a good job, imo.
  18. Yes, getting rid of saber restrictions would only be good for everyone that plays a jedi out there. Just out of curiosity, what do you mean by "specialized sabers"?
  19. You hit the spot there buddy. Thats exactly my point. I just don´t agree (and trust me, im not alone) with the BW concept of a "mage" jedi. I mean, sages are fun to play, its nice to be able to dish out some Force attacks and although healing is not my thing, well, the option is there as well. But having a lightsaber and not being able to use it at some extent is just frustrating. All the clothing, hats and so on, are pathetic atempts to turn a jedi into a mage/priest from fantasy games.
  20. Feel you there, man. When i showed the game to my kids, i can´t describe their faces. They wen´t like: "you serious, dad? Why we would play THIS game if there is game A, or game B, or game C?" They´re SW fans, but that can only tie someone to a game for so long. And yes, BW should probably fix the issues the game currently have, before adding anything else. For the sake of being short, i will only list the 3 i think are the most urgent: 1- Server population. Servers look empty, thats a fact. 2- Singleplayer feel. Story is good, but this is a MMO after all. 3- Graphic engine. If you´re gonna deliver ****** graphics, at least make them run smooth. I didn´t list the bugs cause they´re, err... kinda obvious.
  21. Lol read that last line. If anything, i would be living in my SON´S basement.
  22. Lol if all the "trolls" move to GW2, swtor servers will just shut down. Can´t be more empty than they are now.
  23. Thing is, lightsabers were meant to be USED. Sure, some are more proficient with it, like the other "balls" you mentioned. All we would like is to be able to somehow use it for more than just deflect blaster shots. We already have 2 melee skills, but it wouldn´t hurt to have a couple more, or even buff those 2. And i DID see sages were all bout the Force. And it was fun for a while. But it really pisses me off, when i find a nice new saber to use it but can´t really "use" it at all. I tried to switch classes to better suit my needs, but i can´t stand all the grinding again. The game already feels singleplayer enough to me. It seems im not alone with this feeling about the sages. Ingame i´ve met lots of people with that exact same opinion. What u other sages think?
  24. With that budget that SWTOR had? Yes, i expected waaaay more than this. The whole game looks and feels like it was rushed into release, and unfinished. Being the first MMO is not an excuse to come up with such a bad game. I mean, at very LEAST try and be on par with the competition
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