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Everything posted by SupremeLegate

  1. I ran into the same problem when I tired to activate it on my lvl 14 Assassin, but worked fine on my 55 Vanguard and Mercenary.
  2. Togruta and Nautolan are at the top of my list. Others would be, Devaronian and Kaleesh.
  3. Have to say, personally, I would not mind having the option to change Advanced Class. I have no idea how easy/hard it would be to implement, and I have no expectations to see it. But it would still be nice.
  4. Personally I agree with BW on this. I don't even listen to my companions who don't speak basic, I hate having to look at my chat box to know what they are saying.
  5. I've played both STO and TOR since their respective launches. As many have said they both have their pros and their cons, though I would disagree with those who say it is pay-to-win. As far as comparing them against each other: I would say that TOR wins as far as Storyline re-playability. In TOR you can play a storyline multiple times and make it feel different each time, while in STO it is the exact same story every single time. I would also say that TOR wins as far as the end game grin, in TOR you simply grind out one thing to get the gear you need while in STO you have to grind one thing so you can grind another thing so you can grind the thing you want. However, having played in the Beta for Legacy of Romulus, I can say that the storytelling for the Romulan, and updated Klingon, faction is superb. Maybe even on the same level as TOR's storytelling. STO also has plenty things to do at end-game; STF's (Flashpoints) with two difficulty levels, Fleet Actions (Ops), Daily's, and Adventure Zones (Think Gree Event). In fact, I would say that comparing STO end-game to TOR end-game, there is plenty of fun to be had and plenty of cool gear to get if you are willing to put in the time. All that really matters is, do you have fun when playing the game.
  6. Does anyone know if there is a list somewhere that says what quest give Basic Commendations, and how many? I have 8 toons and I am trying to figure out the most efficient way to get them all geared up. I know the Dailies on Makeb give BC, and I think the Black Hole and Section X Weekly's give them but I am unsure of the individual quests.
  7. Mostly true, I believe we are well past the rebuilding of the Order.
  8. The big difference between gaining affection with Ashara between male and female is that it is much easier to get via gifts with the male while with female it is next to impossible to get.
  9. Technically she is DPS, Gunnery to be specific.
  10. So I guess now we just need to know how many Basis Comms they cost and how many you get as you level from 50-55.
  11. I give you, the blind commando: http://i750.photobucket.com/albums/xx149/SupremeLegate/Screenshot_2013-02-25_00_16_03_228130_zpsecca84f5.jpg
  12. I assume you'll get what ever the Tionese equivalent is. Of course my understanding of exactly what they are doing with the armor change is a tad fuzzy. Though I would like to know what is going to happen to the Columi gear my toon has, I like the look of it.
  13. Not bad, but I think I will be sticking to the armor I have now.....at least until they change it.
  14. It did, but a LOT has changed since then.
  15. To the best of my knowledge we still don't know when the Cathar are going to be released, other than Soon.
  16. Nice thread. It's a little late to take screen shots of my Commandos cut-scenes, but I should be able to for my Mercenary.
  17. I think the Devs were not expecting people to be butts like that. So far I have the PvP dailies twice; the first time a guild was doing everything to impeded people, while the second time a nice orderly que formed.
  18. I can't say that I have noticed any kind of increase in repair cost, even on my melee characters who naturally take more damage. I'd say most of my repair bills are between 4,000 and 8,000, at most 10,000. Of course I don't really care all that much about repair cost and therefore don't pay them that much attention.
  19. Well we know that no matter what the Republic exists until it becomes the Empire. What I would personally like to see would be the Empire conquers a good portion of the Republic, maybe all the way to the core worlds, and then the Republic would have to push them even further back. But I figure that at some point, some way, the Republic and Empire merge. Hmm..Maybe both sides end up so devastated by the war that they have to merge in order to survive.
  20. Maybe I don't worry about it as much as others, but I have not noticed any change to the cost of repairs. Granted my Melee characters tend to pay more than my ranged, but they do usually take more damage. So far my biggest repair bill for the Gree Event has only been around 8,000 credits, and that was on my Marauder who as I said generally takes more damage anyway.
  21. I think it has to do with the fact that since it is tied to Legacy that if you had multiple 50's, 12 even, you would be able to blast through the Reputation pretty fast. This way you can still do the dailies every day but it will still take some time to progress the Reputation, in the mean time you can simply stockpile the Reputation stuff until you can use it, which includes after the Gree Event ends. That's my guess anyway.
  22. It's only weekly in how much you can earn total for a week, but once you get the RXP you have it for good. Once you get the max RXP for the week you can simply save the rewards that give you RXP until the limit resets. I've actually already reach the limit for the Gree, just stock piling now until next Tuesday.
  23. You'll only be flagged for PvP if you attack/heal/rez someone who is flagged for PvP. So far I have enjoyed the event, both in a group and solo. Granted I am sticking to the PvE quests. Also moving through the Gree Reputation pretty quickly, admittidly I do have 8 50's .
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