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Posts posted by Raansu

  1. So the sum of it raiding for the best gear which then sees no use as raiding WITH said gear would be pointless as there is nowhere left to go. I see. Grinding as an end in itself. The brilliance is absolutely baffling, truly.

    And how could I consider it was about fun, shame on me.


    This is literally how MMO's have functioned for 20 years now and the ones that thrive are the ones that have proper content updates and real progression.


    What? You think its a coincidence that swtor is a dead game? The only thing carrying it is the star wars name and its barely been alive for the last 5 years as they ignored end game progression completely and released less and less content. SWTOR prior to 4.0 was thriving pretty well. It started bleeding players with the start of kotfe and the less focus on MMO content.


    The only real reason this game even got the onslaught "expansion" was because anthem bombed. If anthem had been successful this game would have likely never received another content update.

  2. ive noticed this to. It seems like everyone is in tank gear and it doesnt hurt their dps much but they live forever. Tanks somehow self sustain against 3+ people with their own medspacks etc its boring and also i dont remember it being this stupid back in 2012


    Stalemates were pretty common back then as well as healing has always been over tuned in this game which is only exasperated by the guard mechanic.

  3. I personally don't have a problem with the scaling. It functions fine the way it is and it allows new players to do content without worrying about over leveling.


    Or would you rather they go back to the old way for new players where doing side quests was mandatory to keep up with the class story quests?


    Scaling isn't a problem. The lack of new areas and new content for the new cap is a problem.

  4. If the only point in raiding for those people was the gear, not the fun, then maybe they shouldn't have started doing it to begin with. Which is all the more positive that raiding is not required then, because it means noone is forced to do this activity apparently almost noone enjoys. I do not see the problem.

    I still played FPs once I was all geared out because I like them. It is simple enjoyment of the thing itself and putting the gear to use.


    Gear is the reward for harder content. Its called progression, without progression end game in all forms is pointless.

  5. I do not want groups to be prevented from the queue... I want them to not be prioritized in unranked matches and have their own queue... therefore they would have to go up against other groups... you do not go into a team match playing 8 v 4 or 4 v 1 but they have built the match queue to do just such a thing... and have admitted it openly.


    This sounds like you're referring to lowbies which.....lol just stop. Lowbies died and never recovered after the implementation of galactic command and the removal of warzone comms. The only thing that matters now is level cap warzones sadly. Lowbies is always going to be an unbalanced mess due to the way too high level gaps now on top of the fact that no one queues for it thanks to past changes making queueing for lowbies pointless.


    The only way to fix lowbies is to essentially remove it. Change pvp to have everyone have a pvp loadout section and anyone from level 1-80 can queue into the a single bracket since everyone will be level 80 with all their skills unlocked.


    The notion that the queues will slow if you had a group match and solo match queue is preposterous cause more people would queue if there was a solo match queue maybe they wouldn't queue so much if there was a group match queue but that is the price you pay that solo queuers are paying now for the selfishness that is being allowed or the favoritism that is being allowed for groups over non groups.


    And pray tell how would you split them? A "premade" is only 4 players. Its only half a team.


    And no, its not preposterous because it would absolutely slow the queue times down. PvP in this game is extremely small, and the amount of premades vs solo players is even smaller. The only ones being selfish here are the solo players who think every warzone loss must be only because they faced a premade that likely wasn't a premade so we should punish all the people that run in a "premade" of 2-4 people to essentially never be allowed to play because that "premade queue" would never pop.


    So to build the theme of the game is to spit on the essence of what Star Wars means. The art of the duel which died to the favoritism of allowing groups to be seen as better over the rest of the game...


    Now you're just babbling.....


    And to see it otherwise mean you enjoy perpetuating a broken system they refuse to change for the better...


    Maybe because its not broken?


    People who dont queue for pvp anymore would begin again if they know there is higher chances they will win over losing and would queue more if wins only was removed. No excuse under the sun would make that perception void from the truth and reality of which is unranked warzones... and a prime example is why too few queue for ranked pvp except a tight niche of people... and you have to tell up for the matches to even populate...


    Your losing streak would be the same regardless of what they do to "premades" because you likely only run into a real "premade" once or twice a night as is anyways.


    and if the queues are faster because of groups being in match queue then the slow queues would be the solo match queues so why be against it... further makes no sense to leave the match queues the way they are


    The opposite would happen.....

  6. They did prune them....You have to choose between defense, mobility or cc now. The problem in 6.0 was all the passives tied into a lot of the abilities, not the core abilities themselves......I'm sorry, but this is a you problem at this point. PvP has been the worst its ever been thanks to all this pruning, but of course someone like you who win trades in ranked doesn't exactly know how to play to begin with so this thread should be taken with a grain of salt.
  7. While they do not NEED the gear, it is nice to have. And what would be the damage if everyone had access to it?

    What I could see working is that top gear is harder to acquire outside of raids (only on a vendor and the currency is scarce), to accomodate for the fact that only those who run it in the first place truly need it, but locking it away completely serves no real purpose.


    I acquired mine by doing the last GS, and I mean all of it. Heroics, FPs, PvP, GSF, and because I was having fun even the odd OP (which i usually don't do, I like running dungeons but I'm not much of a raider). And getting constant gear progression throughout until hitting the limit felt nice, and I was very happy when my first char was completely decked out. I can conceive of no good reason to deny this now.


    Because it trivializes content and makes end game pointless. You know why they made this change? Because they saw most people just spamming HS to gear up as fast as possible and they saw what I saw which was long time raiding guilds quit the game because there was no point in raiding anymore.

  8. In 6.0, players geared quickly and easily, then were free to play the content they were interested in.


    In 7.0 players are forced to play content they're NOT interested in, and gearing up takes forever. Players aren't doing content because it's fun, they're doing it because that's the only path to gearing to 218/220/222 and beyond.


    In 6.0 EVERYONE had access to top tier gear.


    In 7.0 top gear is reserved only for those that can run the most challenging content. Unless you're an "elite" raider, you get NOTHING!


    If you enjoy the current system, that's great, but please remember that once the majority of players get frustrated and leave, queue times will rocket thru the roof and people will abandon SWTOR.


    Gearing isn't really any slower than it was in 6.0...I was in 326 in just a few days and I could probably have a full set of 330 already if I bothered to raid, but I don't pve so I don't need it.


    I also don't believe everyone should have access to top gear without progressing through content that actually requires it. If all you do is dailies all day you don't need that gear nor should you have access to it. Being able to get 306 gear by doing the easiest content in the game was cancer.

  9. I see you are one of those holy than thou I am regstar warrior. And yes I do run solo and I run in premade teams. You never get grouped up against other premade teams or vis versa. Try again sweetie. Bye bye


    Yes you do lol. Significantly more often than if you were soloing.

  10. You don't think an unfair system is a problem. Got it.


    And lol - I've seen it all, done it all, been the farmee and the farmer. I'm not one that gets my kicks farming helpless players, not my idea of fun. I will stop q'ing if I'm on either side. Many people do. That's the point. Preventing groups from q'ing regs would increase pvp participation in this game.


    Just because you aren't having a problem doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist.


    As for Musco, I don't think he deliberately lies but I could quickly list at least half a dozen things he's been wrong about over the years.


    There's nothing remotely unfair about it.

  11. LOL, that is all I can say about your comment of groups vs groups. That is complete and udder BS.


    Make a premade and see for yourself. Otherwise stop talking because you have no idea.


    As for your other nonsense, thank God lockouts are a thing. Keeps players like you from queue hopping trying to find a free carry.

  12. The action of the queues say otherwise... regardless of your belief in the programming being implemented in this manner...


    Its not a belief, Musco himself explained back around 4.0 how their queue system works. Group vs Group is prioritized followed by their hidden MMR system and then first come first server to fill the slots.


    My own experience has proven their system to be true because when I group up with friends I run into other groups frequently. When I solo queue I don't run into premades all that often. All of you complaining about premades have never ran premades yourself and its obvious.

  13. Actually I never touch those two end games but at least I could pick and choose which daily area I wanted and still get the points even if they were not on "the list that the devs' decide for the week" Sorry for me that is not fun and not getting to choose the actual activities for the same points that the devs have chosen "for everyone to jump through" is not fun but it is their game anyways and since that is what they want, fine, I just go back to doing other things and maybe logging on once a week to do one character and then decide whether it is worth subbing for playing one character out of all my 14 alts I have.


    I can say one thing, since they have done this I am back to working on my book, painting again and playing another game (which I may not have even tried if it wasn't for all this mess) (gearing doesn't bother me) but all the other things well when it becomes a second job then I draw the line.


    The rotation is the result of the game being a low population and 6.0 wasn't helping. You had the group of people that just did solo stuff because heroics were too easy and the rewards were too good and then you had the group that just spammed hammer station. There was no middle ground nor enough players to spread them out through the content. 6.0 was a terrible game design. The obvious answer is to limit that content to put the small population into a tighter pool so players trying to do certain content can find players to do them with.


    Whether that pans out or not remains to be seen, but historically this games population declines faster when they focused solely on solo content or mmo content. The last time the game was healthy was in SoR where there was a good balance of story and mmo.


    Right now swtor has no real identity, and it hasn't had one since 4.0 honestly.

  14. If "your way" is ruining the entirety of the end game by only queueing for Hammer Station and ruining the queue who want legit random flashpoints, then yeah, "your way" isn't ever coming back.


    If "your way" is living on fleet and miserably chanting "need DPS with taunts for TC" to avoid doing the easiest operations that even new players can beat, then yeah "your way" isn't ever coming back.


    6.0 was garbage and this expansion saved the game. It actually feels like a MMO with real progression for the first time since 4.0.


    This expansion isn't saving anything. The only thing I agree on is the concept of gearing progression (I don't like losing my modded sets though) and the scaling is done well. Combat styles are kinda whatever and adding a second combat style to your character is mostly pointless.


    Lack of new content is a joke (no new daily area, new raid delayed, no new pvp maps, only a single FP), the story is barely the length of a single episode of a tv show and the idea of waiting another year or two for more story updates is not exactly appealing.....

  15. 7.0 doesn't stop you from getting conquest on 24 characters. You still get your Guild reward at the end of the week. Yes you'll cap out for Medals of Commendations, however that doesn't stop you from doing conquest past that number of characters and getting flagship plans to use or sell. Those claiming you can't get conquest past 5 characters are simply wrong. I hit conquest on 10 characters last week and wasn't even trying (I usually hit conquest on 20-25 before 7.0) and still got rewarded just fine considering how much the flagship plans sell for on the GTN.


    I don't even pay attention to conquest and I still complete it every week on my alts.

  16. Human psychology, someone like you with a low amount of empathy cannot fathom, that is clear. And it could add a little bit of these stupid currencies, for example. Was a good system by principle.


    lol I've been over this already. Empathy isn't real. Its a projection of self involvement and a form of narcissism.


    Ok kiddo, all I can say here is: Learn your history. I shook the guys hand who supposedly coined the term MMORPG (and had a nice talk as well),


    I highly doubt that.


    I played online RPGs before that term even existed, and all I can say is that soloing was always part of the deal. Just because the early times of MMOs had some examples where you were kind of forced to team up to get anywhere doesn't mean that "massive multiplayer" means teaming.


    Some examples? Literally all of them required a group to do anything. UO, EQ, FFXI etc... had practically no solo aspects at all. You had to have groups just to level up. The dynamic and general concept of "solo play" didn't happen until WoW came out and even then, early WoW was still heavily group focused.


    Last point: Gearing up in 6.x solo took a long time already. Many of these "oh you just want to have gear fast, stop yammering!" don't have a slightest bit of a clue how long that process was really. With 7.0 this process itself is stretched even more plus conquest has been nerfed into the ground for everyone who is not joining the latest greatest replacements of HS and TC to get conquest and gear, and you cannot pick whatever you feel like to do, you have to do that small selection of content BW is telling you is the "latest greatest", otherwise your ears will bleed from trying to reach the 100k.



    lol what? You could get to 306 in less than a day in 6.x and be BiS within a week. I'm already 326 in 7.x and if anything 7.x gearing is just as easy if not faster. My only problem with 7.x gear progression is that modded gear is only in NiM raids.

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