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  1. I am a Seer spec and a semi-hardcore PvPer and a hardcore PvEr.\ 1. How do you think your Sage spec is perceived by other classes? We are usually perceived as the best PvE healers, and most strats are tailored to us because of Salvation. PvP however, we are so squishy and out-classed by the Commando and Scoundrel. 2. How do you perceive your own spec? I think for PvE we are the most versatile healers. We have great utility and can do either role (Main or Raid healing). It is not hard to pick up but you definitely need to learn to manage your force. PvP, I really think that if we don't have a guard, we are consistently focused and can't heal as well as the other 2 classes, but it's manageable if you play smart.
  2. Hello BioWare! One of the most widespread things with the game in general, is how under-populated the servers are (especially on my server, Keller's Void PvE EST) compared to the first few weeks of the game. I would like to see that come back, and have a much more active endgame, so is merging servers foreseeable in the near future? Also, would something be done about faction balance while merging?
  3. Reván is mine. I'm pretty sure everyone knows where the refrence is from ().
  4. For me, I've leveled a Sorcerer to 18, and apparently there was a big mis-communication among my IRL friends, and I ended rolling in the wrong server, when the majority of my friends are in another server. Shouldn't that be a reason to migrate?
  5. Is it possible to move your character to another server? Or even ask customer support for a move? There was a whole mis-communication among my friends... Thanks!
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