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Everything posted by Almagnus

  1. I think the mod change is needed. From a user point of view, wouldn't the person making the armor know best how to make the armor mods? Synthweaver gets the force user armor mods, armortech gets the non-force user armor mods. Cybertech still keeps the mod mods. So why not give BoP gear to each of the production professions: Artifice Full mod lightsabers with augment slots and innate stats. Dual lightsabers have a set bonus, while mod lightsabers have a set bonus with the offhands. Double bladed lightsabers may need to be adjusted to compensate (not sure if they get offhands or not). Offhand and relics with enhancement, mod and augment slots aimed at force users [*]Armstech All weapons have innate states, are full mod, have augment slotsOffhand and relics with enhancement, mod, and augment slots aimed at non-force usersLike artifice, armstech stuff has set bonuses. [*]Synthweaver Set of force user armor w/ all slots + augment, armor has set bonuses [*]Armortech Set of non-force user armor w/ all slots + augment, armor has set bonuses [*]Cybertech Reusable grenades that make a difference.Ship armor that beats the artifact (grade 6) stuff.Modable Earpiece with enhancement, mod, and augment slots. [*]Biotech In addition to retaining what it has already, crafted implants would (like the rest of the stuff) have set bonuses, and have enhancement, mod, and augment slots. I'm hoping that's enough good gear to make crafting a viable option to raid gear (because you still need the rest of the gear to compensate for the stuff you can't make), and still keep the mod system viable end game - something which the game SHOULD embrace.
  2. So.... something like a time based reward as a consolation prize then?
  3. Or..... They leave, and we're short staffed, so then others leave because we're short staffed, and we lose the match because people started leaving. That's been the case when people leave rather than the exception unfortunately. I'd like the entire leaving BS to end, to be honest - whether it's by putting harsh leaving punishment in place, fixing their end so the tech problems are basically resolved, or coming up with some other beneficial 3rd option.
  4. Personally, moving the armor mods OUT of cybertech and INTO synthewaving and armortech would help make those two professions more worthwhile. About the best solution is allow the critting of full mod gear, so that way crafted can be comparable to the set gear - and you can have a look that is aesthetically pleasing. Edit: If you also have raid-drop schematic mod gear (especially stuff that looks good and is armor) that has the possibility of becoming fashionable gear. It happened in LotRO with their cosmetic system, so if the same thing can happen here, it gives crafters strong incentive to keep with their professions.
  5. And, pray-tell, how do I tell the difference between someone that's having actual technical difficulties, and someone that's quitting cause someone thinks they might lose (QQ harder here you Alt+F4'ing noobs)? PS: Yes I know 3 hours is excessive, but I suggested that length to get the conversation rolling.
  6. This is why we need brackets for the various levels. We also need enough reasons for people to keep those brackets populated. So.... what about an option that allows you to choose what you queue for?
  7. There needs to be harsher measures in place to stop people from dropping from the battlezones at the first sign of "trouble" (whatever that may be). On my home server, it's taking a lot of PUG games, and making them extremely frustrating for the Republic because people won't stand and fight it out, and instead drop. I suggest that Bioware gives those that drop an account wide no-battleground Debuff for 3 hours, with the intent that if you queue as solo, you are expecting to get a random assortment of PvPers. While I doubt this next part of the suggestion would ever get implemented, I would also like to see a giant chicken floating over the head of those that drop, to help give stronger incentive to stop people from dropping out of warzones.
  8. Am I the only one wondering why Synthweaving isn't making the armor mods aimed at force users? You can make the armor, why not the mods? Also, Synthweaving needs to give us the ability to have the elusive full mod critted armor pieces in many different cosmetic styles. That is, the gear has armor, mod, enhancement and augment slots.
  9. While sale of resources isn't (generally) worth it, I've been turning a decent profit using Artifice and selling enhancements.
  10. Or you can do what I did and turn off all of the LS/DS indicators, and just react and let the points come as they may.
  11. Why not grant a gradually decreasing expertise bonus to anyone level 10, and have it end about level 25 or so? This would (theoretically) allow the lowbies to be better able to stand up to a 50 in full PvP gear, so they don't get steamrolled as badly. Thoughts?
  12. There's color crystals and enhancements - and I've been selling enough purples of those to get me up to 300 artifice and I just hit level 30. And then there's also critted sabers and critted wieldables. There's enough here to keep a smart artificer rolling in the credits.
  13. I think part of this puzzle involves getting your companions maxed out on rep, which is going to take a while.
  14. So then, would a "perfect" lightsaber have 5 slots? Color Crystal, Mod, Hilt, Enhancement, and Augment? Also, what profession makes the augments?
  15. I know that a few of the mod armor pieces (specifically the Omenbringer's Bracers and Omenbringer's Belt) don't have an enhancement slot. I know that the helm, boots, pants, and chest do have 3 slots each. Is that normal for all of the armor pieces, or should they all have all 4 slots? Also, are there other mod pieces of gear (ears, implants, etc). And what fits in an augment slot?
  16. So.... what is the most amount of mod slots, and of what types, are there in each piece of gear?
  17. I'd much rather have a /roll command, rather than have everyone pick a number between 1 and 100, and roll percentile die to see who's closest.
  18. Anyone know how to get the Codex title for Taris?
  19. After running through the Tarris spaceport, it almost seems as if the Coruscant one isn't really on the planet since I can't get my quick travel to work in there. Perhaps there's something set screwy server side for this area?
  20. It looks like various UI settings, and not keymappings. I''ll have to experiment with it and see if I can get the settings moved to an alt. Right now this is the ONLY roadblock for me actually starting to play an alt.
  21. Since I have a fairly custom keybinding set up (in addition to all the other settings), is there any way to easily copy the bindings and settings to an alt? Or must I do everything manually? Also, is there any way to reliably bind to the number pad?
  22. Any missions that would work as good learning missions to sink capital ships?
  23. While it's incredibly easy to blow apart the vast armada of enemy fighters, I was wondering if it's possible to take down one of the capital ships?
  24. I'm already on Coruscant, and I've revealed all of the world map except for the Space Port (on Coruscant). I'd like to complete this map, and can't seem to trigger whatever is needed to reveal this last bit of the map.
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