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10 Good
  1. i would recommend the "New Jedi Order" series that deals with the Yuuzhan Vong, and the "Legacy of the Force" series, which follows the rise of Darth Caedus.
  2. okay, i'll be the one to say it, Blizz, I've got a Powertech BH so having another ranged tank is useless, and on a personal note, I wouldn't allow one of the gypsies of the universe to scuttle his thieving little "too-hehe" behind onto my expensive ship and risk turning my back on him. It just seems like a great way to wind up coming back to your ship and finding it stripped to the frame and sitting on cinderblocks.
  3. Major Koldury, Commando Trooper Stands for the military ideals of honor and duty above all. He has and will disobey corrupt, self serving orders from his superiors as his first oath of service was given to the ideals of the Republic. However, he is not above dark deeds as long as they serve the greater good, "better to sacrifice one than to watch a thousand burn." He views the Empire as a collection of violent, mindless drones and despises his Bounty Hunter brother with a vengeance. He won't rest until the Imp Scum have been pushed back to Dromund Kass and he watches the planet burn like Coruscant did years
  4. How is it deluding the factions exactly? General Madine from the original movies was an Imperial defector who joined the Rebellion, is it really that hard to believe that there will be Chiss or Purebloods who feel the Empire is intent on enslaving or destroying all life in the galaxy, and thus don't want to stand with them? Is it that hard to believe that the "Republic Specific" races wouldn't feel that the Empire is gonna win and want to be on the winning side? And the idea that the books don't count because "they're not really Star Wars" is hilarious. This game isn't based on any of the movies but off the books! So the books have more say in how the game should be than any of the movies!
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