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Posts posted by bamsmacked

  1. Are the Repubs that bad or is it just me?


    Losing warzone, after warzone, after warzone, after warzone... After warzone, after warzone, after warzone... And then.....


    Losing more warzone after warzone after warzone...


    People don't plan attacks to take objectives, Huttball matches always end in Empire routes by scoring 6 points in less than 4 minutes -- people cap objectives only to see some shinny red icon run across snow and decide to charge, meanwhile stealths cap the objective they just took.


    Communication is ALWAYS minimal I have to spam over and over in chat, still no response -- hell I even spam over and over in chat insults just to see if people are even paying attention and half the time I still don't get any responses....


    I feel like I'm playing with derp derp derp people ALL the time and the opposing teams are always 200% more competent than we are.


    Is this just a Shadowlands thing or is this the pretty much normal expectation of what to expect in any swtor pvp solo queue?


    It's becoming exceedingly frustrating and honestly makes me want to quit PvP all together instead of just banging my head against the computer screen trying to grind my dailies/weeklies.

  2. Hi guys, I have been searching the web for guides and help about how to properly gear a Vigilance Guardian for PVP.


    All I find is regarding PVE. Anyone can help me out about this matter?


    Thanks in advance guys!


    Happy Gaming


    I just returned to the game last week and I have PvPed quite a bit even as a low level Guardian.


    You won't be able to get expertise in your gear until level 65 unfortunately. This was disappointing to me since when I quit in 2013 low level PvP gear was available. The only expertise item available to you at low level will be the expertise crafting schematic at the PvP vendor which gives you like +46 expertise assuming you are lvl 10 at least and meet the crafting requirement.


    As far as the basic statistics on gear goes... Lots and lots of mastery-power,, as much armor as you can get, and accuracy to 110%? (Have tons of expertise as well. PvP gear.)


    I don't know how well critical rating will serve in PvP. I know at higher levels your blade storm will crit 100% with 2 stacks of force rush, and you get passives that add to the crit rate of your burn affects and plasma brand.


    Like back in the day.. I just stacked tons of mastery with accuracy and seem to do pretty well in PvP. The new Guardian mechanics are pretty fun and I love the DPS potential with using a Blade Dance (Master Strike) literally back to back and the ability to spread all my dots all over the place.


    EDIT - Based on what I have been reading crit and alacrity are also pretty important. Apparently having a decent amount of alacrity reduces the CDs of abilities like Plasma Brand and obviously reduces channel time of Blade Dance which is always good. Achieving all the extra crit and alacrity may not be possible until you are level 65 and able to obtain PvP gear.

  3. Returning from hibernation, I quit playing in 2012 and I have return. But I have PvP related questions.


    I know this game is a PvE focused, while I'm personally more interested in the competitive nature of PvP brawls and events I will accept it for what it is assuming I can some sort of sanctification throwing lightsabers at other players and getting recognized for it.


    I decided to make brand new characters and start off fresh on a PvE server. My old characters were on the Prophecy of Five which is a PvP server but the population is just too light for my tastes.


    Currently on the Shadowlands and I'm curious -- what type of PvP can I expect outside warzones? In the higher level areas are there roamers or people contested certain areas of the game? If Warzones is all I can really count on, I will accept assuming I can queue up frequently. I did notice a ranking system, that makes me happy.


    What is the status of overall class balance? In 2012 when I decided to leave, it was pretty rough. Operatives and Smugglers nerfed into uselessness. Especially the Concealment and Scrapper specs, at one point they were OP and I'll admit it but some nerfs were rolled out and there was a perfect balance I thought but even more nerfs came out and made them horrible. What's their status in PvP as of right now?


    The Operatives and Smuggler nerfs really disenchanted me because the Marauder and Sentinels at the time were relentless, immortal gods of destruction. They had the damage, and the cool downs to save their *** to boot. Commandos and Mercenaries were known as 1 button mashing champions. Grav Round and Tracer literally stomping you lol.


    Guardians and Juggernauts, were not exceptional good at anything (even tanking) even though I played one I learned to compensate for it and was actually consistently a top damage dealer PvP. I picked up a new Guardian and I like the changes to the class and they certainly feel a bit stronger than before.


    One can only assume that all classes were changed considerable with the introduction to discipline paths but I only been back a few days and want to hear what people who been playing awhile thoughts about PvP balance.


    I'm perfectly fine with some classes having the edge and may seem more powerful than others in PvP, I just hope not to see what I seen in 2012 and the ability for one class to have no counter and just wreck everything and not even have to put much thought into it. (Grav Round... Lol)

  4. The old server I was on Vulkar Highway seems to be long gone now. Judging by the server status I see the two PvP servers on the East coast NA to be fairly light -- currently my characters are on the prophecy of five.


    Anyway... So I thought about doing a character transfer for my Jedi Guardian, perhaps even to a heavier populated PvE server.


    So some questions.


    What are Cartel points ? Seems like I have a good 3 years worth of them or something. 100 each month. Quit the game back in 2012.


    Will I be able to respec my guardian giving all the changes to the skills and what not for free?


    Also... Anyone from Vulkar Highway around? :)


    How is the PvP in the game now? Honestly the reason why I quit the game was because Ilum was a mess and was not fun at all, and the class balance was just horrid. Has any of that improved at all? What about end game PvP content?

  5. Even at launch when people were actually playing story material and with heavy server status open world PvP still sucked ***.


    For the most part SWTOR has had the worst PvP experience I've ever played. End game PvP sucks (And now there is no end game PvP), open world PvP sucks, and now class balance sucks.

  6. The PVP in SWTOR has always been **** to be completely honest.


    The open world PvP is a complete joke. The first planet that are available to both factions in the same instance is Tatooine. And the odds of you meeting the other faction unless you go way out of your way are slim. Bioware messed the open world PVP up by spreading out both factions to different planets on different instances. Example - Republic visits Taris much sooner and in a different instance than the Empire, making it impossible to encounter the other faction.


    I didn't encounter any enemy factions with regularity until about Hoth and Voss, which already puts you at 40+. I remember even going completely out of my way on Tatooine and other shared planets just to get some open PVP going and it was a task.


    And then we have Illum... Man I remember Bioware boasting about how they had the best PVP development team the world will ever see and how their open world PVP would be one of the best you'd ever seen. Wow. Illum was a ****** grind/lag fest of killing other players and the performance was so bad there that it made any melee classes worthless. I remember all I did on my Guardian was sit behind the line of Troopers, and Sages let them focus fire single targets while I throw my lightsaber occasionally every 30 seconds trying to get my dailies/weeklies with a whooping 2-5 frames a second.


    Ilum was the worst end-game PvP experience I've ever played in my entire life. And then you got the warzones... Well they were fun at first. But the inability to Q for specific warzones sucks. I don't want to play boring *** Huttball over and over getting stun locked into acid pits, pulled by power techs and vanguards or focus fired by 4 different ranged classes from the high-ground.


    And to put icing on the cake the 1.2 patch finished off what was left of the PvP for me anyways. I canceled my sub, I came back to see how things were going after about a month only to see I've had free time to play with the entire time.


    I guess Bioware realizes they screwed up and tried to butter me up with more free-time or something?


    Long story short, crap open-world PvP, not-so-fun Warzones, no endgame PvP, and class-imbalances and recent changes to PvP in 1.2 made the PvP boring as hell.

  7. Never have any problems staying alive in Shien post 1.2. Fights last a matter of seconds now, regardless of what form your using all thanks to the new 1.2 patch which sucks for PvP.


    PvPers SAID they'd like fights to last longer, what did Bioware do? Buff damage, with bad mitigation and now everyone dies in seconds.


    Even in Vigilance I have like 50% (If 50% mitigation can't save you, can't see how Soresu can?) mitigation with Shien and Focused Defense active but that doesn't seem to make a damn lick of a difference considering the massive PvP damage boost, and the fact that I have low expertise now since it made my modded champ gear worthless in expertise.


    Initially I was excited about this patch, I was glad the devs finally showed some love to the Vigilance spec and our new ability Focused Defense but it doesn't matter how you cut it even with that new talent it still doesn't do us any damn good at all with the huge damage increase.


    Operatives, Smugglers, Sorcs and Sages apparently were all OVER POWERED. Consequently they get nerfed, meanwhile Sentinels and Marauders become invincible/vanishing gods of destruction? How the hell is that balanced and NOT OP? This new patch hurt every class but the Sents/Maras. I've seen 1 of them go into a group of 3-4 people burst one down, and almost another go Invincible take out another and getting focuesd by 5 players taking ALL BUT 2S while they gorge and ravage someone to death - all to be vanish away unscathed and to come back and wreck havoc again in about 45 seconds.


    The PvP in this game has officially be destroyed. Call me a pessimist if you want, but this PvP environment is garbage now.

  8. Not everyone can be as pro as you obviously are, 'dude'!


    Really? I actually come here and offer advice on Vigilance. You come here and spread poison and say it sucks, every single time. Despite having never played the spec.


    I'm being productive, you're just being a nuisance know-it-all.


    You're an elitist.

  9. Everything has gotten worse because the overall damage boost, with crap mitigation.


    Fights will forever last 3-4 seconds.


    And now you have Sentinels and Marauders who are bursting invincible vanishing lords of destruction - who can engage 3-4 players bursting 1-2 of them down with their invincible talent running and then they vanish once undying and guarded is exhausted...


    Yet Operatives and Smugglers were OP?


    Bioware is STUPID. PvP is far from balanced now, things just got worse - consequently watch people unsub.

  10. Not sure. I guess Marauders/Sentinels expect everything to die with a click of a button, which is why they buffed the class making them invincible vanishing colossal destroyers. Yet Ops/Smugs are useless.


    One thing I really did like about swtor was the length of the fights, and yeah battle tides can be turned even when your losing by proper planning and skill.


    I loved playing Vigilance spec. Deep Vigilance, for the most part it was somewhat underwhelming in PvP but there were so many situations against Marauders, DPS Powertechs that I would come out of the losing end and come back and win simply because I had more skill and know-how.


    Initially I was excited about the patch. Finally. Master Strike which I always thought was viable in PvP, become even stronger. With the damage boost, it can't be interrupted and with Zen Strike I can proc frequently cool downs -- which also provided 2 focus to help fuel my Focused Defense.


    However... With the big damage increase across the board and crap damage mitigation it feels like Focused Defense is worthless sometimes. It only ticks every other second, and I still take **** tons of damage even with like 50% mitigation because of the damage buff.


    I kill people in seconds, and consequently even with Enure + Focused Defense + Saber Ward I still get taken out quickly as well. But Maras/Sents can be invincible for a few seconds and even vanish. They can engage 3-4 people at once and do **** tons of damage, maybe even take out a few and then vanish somewhere. How is that balanced?


    Don't like that at all. Don't know what the **** Bioware is doing, or what they're trying to accomplish but that isn't any fun at all. Skill, planning, team and strategy don't make squat IMO. Just focus something and it dies, especially so with the nerf to healing.


    It's why I unsubbed too. I'm not playing a game that doesn't reward skill or doesn't have a competitive PvP environment. All you got to do is roll a sent/mara and you will win. Doesn't matter how good of a player you are, with the buffs to the class and considerable damage increase no way you can suck with them.

  11. Bioware is so smart. Why sit around in a losing warzone, get 14 coms only to get awarded with like 48 warzone coms and 0 credits.


    Yeah I don't expect to get a crap ton of rewards for losing a warzone, the winners should always get the most but it's almost a complete waste of time to sit around in a losing warzone with the rewards you get.

  12. your argument seems to be "pre 1.2 i died all the time to dps, so healers needed nerfed". here's a question, pre 1.2 were you able to kill other players as dps? if so, how does that fit into your logic?






    I'm tired of repeating myself. And to answer your question, I can kill DPS/tanks in both post 1.2 and now. Before however, healers 1v1 weren't susceptible to DPS like everyone else was. Can I kill healers in 1.2 1v1? Yes. Mostly because of the healing nerf and major damage increase in conjunction with a buffed Dispatch. I don't agree with everything in the new patch, I don't like buffed damage, less mitigation, and weaker heals. All I wanted is better Interrupts man. That's IT.


    If everyone was susceptible to damage - and if skill was the determining factor in 1v1 situations we wouldn't be having this conversation.


    So you're saying that healers should have far more abilities at their disposal?


    I agree, being limited to two spammable heals makes it excessively easy to be shut down- especially when one of those spammable heals is useless. Maybe you should ask for healers to get more useful healing abilities rather than be a class that only has a few buttons to press?


    As for you being a marauder and whining about being unable to keep a healer interrupted... just wow, working your butt off? You've been given a free ride to being unbeatable 1v1, and you still complain?


    READ my POSTS.


    I clearly said earlier that I am a Guardian - Deep Vigilance spec.


    And yes I agree with more talents being needed for Healers so that they can't just spam the same talents over and over with no thought or consequence. I hate working my *** off in a Piano fest only to be in a stalemate against someone who's not even moving using the same 3 heals over and over.

  13. Wait a moment here, since when does simply being a dps give a free ticket to killing any target you want without support?


    Do you suddenly do no damage up until the point you actually kill something? Or... is killing a target, in truth, merely an apex goal you are aiming for? Much like the aim of a healer is keeping a target (themselves or others) alive...


    How could anyone Really expect a class focused on the art of staying alive... to be easy to kill 1v1? You are a dps, they are a healer- you do damage and they heal damage. If you are both equally geared then it should come down to a factor of skill/luck/timing, but it shouldn't be quick or easy in any shape or form.


    It doesn't give me a free ticket. I'm not saying that, read my previous post.


    I'm saying I'm having a Piano fest trying to kill a healer using 3x as many abilities as they are, meanwhile they are standing still pressing 3-4 buttons.


    No skill is involved there. I'm working my *** off, and all they keep doing is throwing out a few heals and even have the time to type in chat LOL at me.


    That's frustrating. Can't tell you how many times I actually DID get a healer to Dispatch range only to have my global not CD quick enough and boom they're back at 50% health and my CDs are blown and my focus resource is wavering. No way I can get them back to 20% health at this point.


    I'm not saying I should get a free ticket to kill a Healer. What I'm saying is that I want Interrupts to work like traditional interrupts and that skill should be the determining factor in any 1v1 situation. In Swtor that's not the case, and that's the real reason why I quit.

  14. Most Guardian force based attacks are kinetic damage and kinetic damage is absolutely mitigated by armor.


    Please do not spread misinformation and take the extra 12 seconds to check your claims before you post. Thank you.


    Actually just 4 of our attacks that we use regularly. Sunder, Master Strike, Dispatch and Overhead Slash.


    And he does have a good point.


    Plasma Brand, Blade Storm, Stasis, DoT damage, Force Push are all force attacks and taking Insight is certainly viable.

  15. Ok had to lol at this post... yes dps can die... and the healer can heal... but while the healer is healing against the dps... he's not exactly doing any damage himself is he? And if he healer is doing dps... to kill the dps... he is not healing himself... and can also die... Don't hear you saying that the healer is killing you in this story....


    Healer doesn't kill me, right. The only advantage of this sort of situation is that it forces the healer to focus it's heals on itself rather than allies.


    The biggest problem I have with post-healing was that skill didn't matter. I would eventually blow my CDs and Interrupt before I could get it down to 20% health. Believe me I always come close. But after I blow my first wave of CDs and after about the second Interrupt I'm down to hardly any resource and still the Healer is sitting on 400 force still throwing out heals.


    I consider myself a skilled player, I rolled Vigilance from the gitgo and was consistent in my Warzones. I'm playing a Piano fest on my keyboard with all these damn keybinds, between interrupting throwing out taunts, snares, and rolling out my damage rotations my fingers are all over the damn keyboard. I liked this system. I liked not having macros and I liked the feeling of knowing I worked my *** off to beat someone, it lets me know that skill is playing a part.


    But again.. When I'm having a piano fest on my keyboard working my *** off trying to break through heals and I can't even put a dent into a healer while they are just standing STILL not moving maybe pressing 3-5 buttons that's FRUSTRATING.


    And that's the real reason why I quit. No skill is required to win in this game. You want to win now? Roll a Sent or Mara. You'll be an invincible god of destruction and no healer required to take people down.


    All I wanted was a fixed system of interrupts like in OTHER MMOS that way healers would be on the same playing field as everyone else.

  16. And what could that healer do back to you in return? Nothing. As you already clearely stated in a previous post: 1 on 1 with you and a healer was a stalemate. You could not kill the healer and the healer could not kill you because all they could do was heal themselves.


    It required a third person from either team to come along and finish the fight. This is good balance.


    It is your continual self-centered, flawed logic that got us to this point in 1.2 PvP. Enjoy it. Because they listened to the mess of illogical, self-centered complainers like yourself and destroyed a good thing.


    I said I unsubbed. I'm not playing this garbage anymore, just because I didn't agree with the mechanics of how heals worked doesn't mean I like this new patch.


    It's in my mind that healers are the most self-centered group of players. Preach team work but can run around solo and not die, meanwhile if anyone else does it they die easily. I didn't call for a nerf, I just wanted Interrupts to work like real Interrupts that way healers are just as vulnerable to DPS as everyone else is? How is that self-centered?


    I had a feeling from the gitgo that this game would end up this way. Flooded with 1 button mashing champions and classes that are so easy to play and win with that a monkey on crack could win with.


    Meanwhile I've been playing one of the most underwhelming classes/specs in the game (Deep Vigilance) and working my *** off just to come off on top while other classes don't even have to try.


    Even with the new patch, my class got a considerable buff and I was initially excited about it I just can't play in a environment with a dull competitive environment.


    I didn't call for a nerf to healers, I called for a better system of Interrupts. So get your **** straight. No system of fake casting, no negative-consequences of healing post 1.2 patch and you come and put my skill level into question?

  17. If you were dying to healers that much then there's something wrong...


    I'm not saying I'm dying to healers. I'm saying I'm dying to other DPS. Everyone is susceptible to DPS except healers in post 1.2.


    If Interrupts worked as traditional interrupts like in other MMOs, that would have balanced the system enough and nerfs wouldn't be necessary.


    I could Interrupt a big heal, lock out the tree briefly giving me a few seconds to do some damage and then I will have Awe, Stasis, and Push as additional interrupts waiting for my next CD to cool down. Lone healers would be forced to think more strategically, and use CC more effectively.

  18. Wow. There is obviously no use trying to teach you the meaning of logic.


    Others should need teamwork to survive. I should be able to solo anyone. Yeah. Great logical argument there.


    Could you be more self-centered? lol


    Jesus Christ. You must not be comprehending what I just said????????????


    A DPS CAN DIE. I die all the time! I DIE!!! I DIE CONSTANTLY! I COULD BE KILLED IN 1 V 1 SITUATIONS!! Healers could not!!


    How is that teamwork? HOW IS THAT TEAMWORK?


    I rely on heals and tanks to stay alive, healers rely on nothing to stay alive? How IS THAT TEAMWORK the supposed choir of HEALERS have been PREACHING?




    Post 1.2 patch what did I need to STAY ALIVE AND EFFECTIVELY DPS? Tanks and Heals. Teamwork.


    What did a Sage healer need? NOTHING. You get close to it KNOCK BACK, force speed fights over. Or if you get lucky enough to get on it the best thing you can do is to keep it from healing others while keeping up the pressure blowing every single CD imaginable just to limit it's heals and still isn't enough to even get a dent in the healer for Dispatch.


    Healers IN MY MIND are the most valuable asset to the TEAM and SHOULD BE high value targets and SHOULD require a team effort to maximize there life span - and effectiveness.

  19. Again your entire statement proves the point and just continues your gross contradiction. You are saying that you are mad that you cannot solo a healer and that you need a teammate to help you kill him.


    I'm not mad about that.


    The contradiction I'm trying to point out is this.


    Healers would claim that this is a team based game, yet they can run solo and survive in 1v1 situations and that team work is needed to beat them. Could DPSes ever run solo? No. And they still can't run solo. Teamwork is required for all other classes to prevail post 1.2 patch WITH THE EXCEPTION OF HEALERS.


    But now that teamwork is required for healers to I dunno, stay alive and their ability to heal themselves and others at the same time has been nerfed they are upset??


    If working in a proper team heals can still be very strong, I was in a warzone the day the patch was released and healers still managed to heal through our DPS because they had multiple healers.


    The real issue at hand is that Healers expect to be invincible in solo encounters, and when people bring this up they scream and shout about how team work is required to take one down. But now with this patch, despite all the bad **** more teamwork is actually more required than it was before, I think this is the real issue. Healers can't survive 1v1 situations against DPSes and you know what I say?


    TEAMWORK. Get your Guard to guard you. DPS can't plow through both players you know. DPSers and Tankers rely on healers to stay alive and now Healers get to rely on us to stay alive as well.

  20. This is just bizarre logic. The fact that you cannot see the glaring contradiction in your statement shows how self-focused you are.


    A healer should need a team to stay alive, but a dpser should be able to solo a healer?


    Isn't true balance that 1 healer vs 1 dpser cancel each other out and either needs a team to defeat the other?


    It should take two dpsers to kill a healer. And it should take a healer's teammate to come along and kill the dpser.


    Any team that had a clue already had this under control and it was working fine.


    The difference between a Healer and a DPS is that a DPS can die....


    If a DPS doesn't have pocket heals it's dead. Even in 1v1 situations, DPS dies. Healers prevail.


    Before DPS needed healers to do, you know DPS. They could be killed, 1v1 healers could not.


    Healers should not be invincible and with the interrupt system being **** you cannot DPS through the heals.


    Interrupt should lock out an entire tree like traditional interrupts do, that would have significantly balanced the system and no nerfs would be needed.


    I'm calling for a balance and compromise. When I'm sitting here beating the piss water out of a Healer, blowing all my CDs just to interrupt it's heals and still can't kill it something is wrong. Interrupt a big heal. Force Push another heal. Stasis another Heal. Awe another heal. Interrupt another. If it's not dead by this point, it's a stalemate. I will beat this thing for 30-40k damage until a friend or foe comes along so that we can proceed to finish the healer off or finish what's left of me off.

  21. But that's the thing. It was a different play style. You needed two good dps to work together. That's a team effort. People tell the healers that, "Oh pvp is a team effort. You are supposed to need people to help you."



    I agree with a lot with what you said but this statement. If the game is such a team effort why can healers survive 1v1 encounters against DPS and it will drift into stalemate post 1.2?


    Healers should have TEAMS protecting and guarding them, when a single DPS with skill can't kill a single healer I think we have a problem on our hands.


    Believe me I was using Awe, Interrupts, Stasis, Push, Leap as interrupts but still in 1v1 situations I could not bring a healer down to Dispatch range. Could NOT do it. Interrupts didn't lock out an entire tree, Stasis, Push are on 1 minute cool downs Awe is on 45 second cool down a single DPS that's skilled should be able to defeat 1 healer that just throws out heals mindlessly with no system of fake casting or negative-consequence to follow.


    It's a double standard here than when 1 DPS can't kill a healer, healers scream and shiyt about team work. But now team work is even more essential to prolong the life of a healer healers scream and cry about them being nerfed into the ground.


    The game needed some re-balancing, I don't agree with this huge *** nerf of the operative/smuggler, and healing classes meanwhile damage output has been increased and Mara/Sentinels have becoming invincible vanishing gods of destruction. I wanted a balance and I wanted all classes to be brought up to the same playing field as far as mechanics goes. That didn't happened. You got major nerfs where they weren't needed and buffs that weren't needed.


    I unsubbed because of this. I'm not wasting my time on a damn game that from the gitgo to me, rewarded less skilled players and 1 button mashing champions. The game was fairly balanced before compared to this patch but now it's just ridiculous and now looking back at all the things I was complaining about they seem trivial compared to the changes now.


    Most of my complaints centered around balancing CC with a system of diminishing returns or simply make Resolve more powerful by making you immune to ALL forms of CC - which include roots, pulls, snares and etc.

  22. This is my spec, so far working great.






    My build is based around using Focused Defense A LOT. Which is why we take the 7 in defense to help generate and preserve focus. Commanding Awe is a must, reduces damage taken and while Focused Defense is active reduces damage by an additional 15%, plus Awe CD is lowered.


    I'd like to have 2 points in Sundering Throw, but I wanted Master Focus for a stronger Master Strike, so I suppose 1 stack of sunder from a throw will do. Zen Strike procs 2 focus which again, helps our resource management and provides gasoline for Focused Defense and continued attacks.


    Also like to add that with the stupidly OP buff to over all damage in the game getting someone down to 30% and finishing them off with a Dispatch is simple business.


    Honestly with all the damage now and less mitigation I'm somewhat disappointed. The game feels ridiculously easy now and fights end in seconds, literally. Anyone else feeling the same way on damage now???

  23. No kidding... The rewards for losing a warzone are *********** laughable. Why stay around and waste your time when you're not even getting a DECENT fair share of credits/coms at least?


    Stupid as hell, you're better of quitting instead of wasting your time in a bad warzone only to get 14 medals 0 credits and like 50 coms.



  24. Interesting build, but I personally would rather have Sundering Throw and the free Snare and resource management in the defense tree (Momentum and Victory Rush.)


    I'm already tearing up warzones with Focused Defenes pop Enure + and I'm healing at 600 each tick, with 20k health and like 48% damage mitigation while in Shien plus rolling out constant damage with out ever running out of focus. I'm not sure exactly how much more mitigation you get in Soresu but I wouldn't sacrifice all my damage and resource management for less damage, less focus and more mitigation. And now that damage has been buffed over all in PvP and fights now end fairly quickly I'm not sure if I would want to prolong the inevitable in a Soresu Vigil Hybrid.


    Zen Strike is even more viable in PvP now because of Focused Defense. Master Strike was always good in PvP, but people didn't realize that until Bioware made MS easy mode. Zen now generates 2 focus when procced which further fuels my barrage of constant attacks and provides focus for my Focused Defense.


    With 12% more damage from Saber and Shien, buffed Dispatch + Force Rush when your at 30% health you are DEAD as hell.


    LMAO I actually killed two people today with 1 Dispatch, killed a sage at 30% and his little Guard tanker. Was the funniest thing I ever seen.


    You know what? I actually spec'ed out of the free Freezing force a while ago because I knew that I wouldn't be using it in 1.2 (I actually spec'ed out of protector as well) in preperation for 1.2. As long as you mangage your focus properly and don't just rapid fire spam it when you need to slow someone then it's completely manageable to use it at a cost of 2 focus. There's other better things we can spend those skill points on as long as we manage our focus and time the casting of Freezing Force.


    As it concerns Sundering Throw I only got to play one warzone today but in my opinion if you take go all the way up to Plasma Brand in the Vigilance skill tree then Sundering Throw is a must take ability. The reduced cool down is a nice bonus but the two stacks of Sundering that it applies are a God send. I can force leap in and then immediately jump into using Plasma Brand, followed by the rest of my rotation. It's too synergistic of an ability not to take.


    I'm currently trying this Spec.




    I spec'ed out of Commanding Awe with a very heavy heart because I had to weigh the extra 4% damage reduction and 15 second cool down on Awe against an extra 20% damage and 3 second cool down reduction on my AOE Force attack. The choice seemed reasonably obvious and then after having my Guildies weigh in on the matter it was pretty much set in stone.


    Sundering throw as I've said was pretty much a must. If you haven't tried it then it makes your rotation 1 million % smoother.


    I kind of liked Gather Strength and then after a while I kind of didn't. It's too situational for my liking and usually precedes death. So I figured rather than having the occasional 10 - 50% buff to my damage on attacks that Cost Focus I figured it would be better to have a permanent 4% critical hit chance increase on my Force attacks. Which includes all of my DOTs, Blade Storm (sometimes I do have to use it without a Force Rush Proc), Plasma Brand, Force Sweep and Force Stasis. When I get a smuggler buff I'm at 40% Force Critical hit chance. Which is pretty awesome for my overall damage output. With this new legacy system I want to level a smuggler so that I can just have the buff so that I don't have to depend on there being a smuggler in war zones with me.


    Why not take Commanding Awe? Reduces your damage taken by 4%, lowers CD of Awe which is another interrupt source and CC, ADDITIONALLY gives you an additional 15% damage reduction while Focused Defense is active?


    You're missing out on a hell of a talent. Personally I'd drop Swelling Winds or Insight and get Commanding Awe.

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