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Everything posted by Badsicilian

  1. This is a good idea. the "baddies" and such that every one complains about aren't stupid, they just haven't had their eyes and minds opened to strategy, it's easy to just play your toon and rack up kills and completely look over the rest of the warzone strategem, and many people fall into that. Maybe as a community we need to work more towards helping instead of complaining. I'm seeing more and more videos popping up lately about how to play alderaan correctly and such, but the major problem we have is that the forum community is infinitely smaller than the player base that plays the game, IE the "baddies" we see in warzones. Maybe a more clever approach is needed, such as the "LFG" channels that have been popping up on server chats. Maybe we should start making "PvP" channels, but instead of it turning into the traditional elitist environment, it would be dedicated to introductory PvP discussions? Either way it all comes down to the community, as does the forums. Just look at the clutter in the forums, pick any game really, they always end up filled with negative useless and hateful gibberish that to a logical mind makes no sense. This is why people avoid the forums in the first place. A positive community effort is required to make any kind of difference in the warzones right now, as I do not see BioWare creating introductory zones for a good while, if ever. I recall the idea being tossed around for WoW battlegrounds and it never happened. If anything the time to do such things was during the hype for the game, when people were looking for info on the game, instead now they spend their time trying to get their dailies done etc and moaning and complaining about the state of the PvP game thus far. TL;DR : I agree with your sentiments but don't think it will happen. We should come together as a community to do such things.
  2. I guess my flaw then is that I am thinking in terms of pvp, where you have limited time on a target, I don't find myself noticing massacre/ataru procs too much in that case, I just use the massacre for the free scream crit and then move on. I never even realized that massacre/ataru got increased crit damage from talents, but with this in mind the crit stacking makes much more sense. Thank you for clearing that up.
  3. Forgive my asking, but why crit/surge? After every massacre you pump out you get a 100% chance for a force scream crit, which should be lined up with gore as often as possible, with this in mind why not then go for power/surge? Is this because it doesn't exist on the epic gear? As artifice I can make enhancement mods with power/surge, these are what I have been stacking in my gear. Granted my gear is for the most part what i dinged with with the exception of champ relics x2 champ offhand and an earpiece and implant/bracers, so not much in the realm of moddable items from bags as of yet. Haven't spent much time looking at the itemization of the pvp and raid gear yet though, this is possibly why the crit/surge part arises? Bad itemization on epic gear? Any insight into my thinking is much appreciated.
  4. I also have this bad habbit of yelling "shoryuken!" when i rocket punch people...Something must be wrong with me.
  5. As Pyrotech I have been getting 2.5-2.7k railshots since level 40, currently level 43 because I'm lazy, but yeah. With the red warzone buff I've seen a couple 2.9k's, don't remember if I have broken 3k yet but I am sure it's in the works.
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