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Posts posted by LeeLoou

  1. I got in with a 751 Queue in an hour and a half. Call your ISP about your internet disconnections.


    Why is it I could stay connected to SWG all day and all nite in a pet grind group and never lose connection but get kicked from TOR at leats 2 times a day? I think they kick people to get people waiting in the game, not to help the issue but to try and pacify people so they dont complain.

  2. Seems to me that if there are hundreds and even 1000 people in a que to play the game on that server then EA/BW could double the servers and move half the players off each server now to relieve congestion and avoid the wait times. I feel lucky that my times have only been an hour and I find that totally unacceptable, I cant see anyone having to wait 2-5 hours to play ever sticking around long enough to pay the first subscription fee. I am picking up my game on tuesday and waiting until after jan 1st to see how the servers have panned out. If the que issue remains then I guess my copy goes on ebay. Sux for all those that did the DD, they got nothing to sell. Im not paying to wait in a line to play a game, thats for F2P games not premium MMO's. LA/BW/EA you guys got alot of money tied up in this, I hope you dont pull an SOE and kill the game before it has a chance by pi$$in off your customers.
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