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Posts posted by LeeLoou

  1. I demand some kind of answer as to when this will be fixed! In all of the threads I have seen on this subject I have not seen one answer from the devs or EA about when this is going to be fixed. The only thing I have seen is someone posted that it is supposed to be fixed at the next update on 3-10-16. So for a month the paying subscribers of this game have had their characters basically placed in limbo ( at least players with agents). This is ridiculous and unacceptable, NO OTHER GAME DEVELOPER has less respect for its paying customers than EA/BIOWARE. FIX THE DOG NMAD PROBLEM ALREADY!!!
  2. For the past 4-5 months when my ship is parked in fleet space, I don't see the fleet, just space out the windows of my ship. This is only on 1 character so it didn't bother me but now I have a new issue. When I click on the ship travel terminal on my bridge, the screen goes black except for the cursor. As I move the cursor around the dialogue box for each sector will pop up and I am able to click on a planet and travel but its such a pain in the butt searching around the screen to get a box to pop up. Also, after I click on a sector the video comes back to normal for that sector and I can see the planets and choose where to go. In addition, after this screen pops up I start getting video issues like pixilation and bleeding from other rooms or areas. This is on all toons.
  3. My agent is my main as well and now stuck in limbo because the chapter wont complete. This is a real issue and should not have to wait for the next update, someone should be working to fix this and get it into game NOW! I cant do any of the alerts and recruitment missions, this is just BS. Any other game would have fixed this within hours not weeks, and you wonder why subs are dropping like flies.
  4. I think that goes to show you have not opted in to receive promo mails? That was one of the requirements.


    I am opted in, I checked, also I wouldn't have gotten the email about the new chapter if I wasn't.


    And now to clear up my mess. I have found my email. About a year and a half ago I came back to the game after a long break to find someone had hacked my account, taken all my credits and sold off everything worth anything on all my imperial toons. In the process of getting things righted I had to change the email I used as well as all passwords. The email for this code was sent to the old email I used before the hack and that's why I didn't find it, it was in a spam folder. If anyone else has changed email for the game, maybe try checking the old one.

  5. Still





    I have a mail from 1/12/16 about a ticket, one from 1/15/16 chapter 10: anarchy in paradise-the story continues in feb., I have one from 1/20/16 about my monthly cartel coin grant. I have one from 2/22/16 about my monthly cartel coin grant. Those are the only emails I have received from SWTOR in 2016. I checked old mail, deleted mail, spam folders and there is nothing. I NEVER GOT THE EMAIL. I have been subscribed since sep of last year.

  6. I completed chap X and get the mission to "travel to the war room on odessen". I go there and talk to the npc's and get the "to be continued" screen but when it cuts back to my character I still have the mission to go to war room and I have run thru it 3 times and its still there. Is this a known bug? Don't know if this has been brought up before but I was out of town for a month and just got back in game yesterday. tried a search here and found nothing on this.
  7. I am doing the mission alert quest for dr lokin. He tells me to go gather some things he needs but I need to set 4 probes to kind the exact locations. There is absolutely nothing on my maps that give me any indication of where to go to start using these probes. I asked someone ingame and they said you have to go down into the rakghoul tunnels but you can only do it when the event is running, but on alderaan it has ended. So what gives? This is a mission to get dr lokin back, I am using my agent and already had lokin so I don't understand why I should have to wait for an event to get my companion back. For now I just want to know why the locations are not showing up on my map?
  8. This was something i have been hoping for since day 1 of KotFE and was really hoping they would take our feedback into consideration when doing their special subscriber rewards...but nothing.


    Then hoping to see it for the next chapter...still nothing


    In fact i'm pretty sure nobody has even acknowledged the many threads like this that have popped up with any kind of feedback.


    Ya know for me, at the end of the day, whats going to kill this game for me isn't their direction with the game, it's not bugs or exploits, it's not story or pvp or raids....


    it's the total apathy they seem to display towards valid concerns and requests. If you care so little about your customers, just come out and say it


    Exactly, also i dont like the lying. During one of their live dev feeds they asked everyone who their favorite new companion was and it was a landslide for lana but what do they say? "yes, thats right. you all voted for HK, so guess what? He's coming back." It was clearly a lie with the evidence in the chat column right there but they had already planned to make this big deal about HK. Once again not giving the players what they ask for and just doing what they please.

  9. You are asking BW to fix a problem that has existed since launch.


    So they arent going to lol. ::shrugg::


    The thing says if you go somewhere like your ship for 5 min the flag should drop off, but it doesnt sometimes.

    Another fantastic coding job unfixed for 4 whole years. Because BW both cares and is good at their jobs.


    Actually I wasn't asking BW/EA for anything I was asking the players. If I left it up to BW I would still be waiting 2 months from now. Thanks everyone for the answers, will try the star fighter one first.

  10. About an hour ago I was driving along and got a message I was in republic territory. Usually when this happens I get the timer countdown to flag me for pvp but this time I didn't see it. I right clicked my avatar and clicked the toggle pvp thing to see if I was flagged for pvp, and it turned it on. OK, I accidentally flagged myself for PvP. I clicked it again and got a message that I had to remain in a safe zone for 5 minutes. I went to a cantina and waited 7 minutes, and still flagged. I then went to my ship and waited 10 minutes, still flagged. I went down to a planet and stood around for 10 minutes, still flagged. I logged out and back in, still flagged. WTH? Why wont my character drop PvP? Also, there should be a better design to this. The thing should read click to toggle "ON" pvp, if you are already flagged then the next time you open it, it should read click to toggle "OFF" pvp. After you click either one you should get a second window to confirm your choice so mistakes don't happen. Now the rest of my night is shot because I don't pvp but my character wont drop PvP even after I have turned it off and waited the time.
  11. I will be subbed long enough to qualify to get HK-55 back and then I cancel. I could care less about playing a chapter as a companion and much less do I like he idea of being forced to stay subbed for 8 months just to get it. The last live stream I saw they asked everyone what they wanted and 90% of the answers were being able to change the armor for the new companions and NOT HK55 content. I liked the 9 chapters we got with Fallen Empire but since you can run through all of them in a day, chapter 10 release looks like an hour of content coming our way, WOW AM I EXCITED! I think its best to just cancel my sub until they have 8 or 9 new chapters out and then I can at least have one day of new content for my one month of subscription per year. Its gonna suck running around doing the same old carp for the other 29 days but if I schedule it around life day festivities at least there will be the snowballs.
  12. I got a warning from EA about a post in this thread from yesterday because I used symbols to make words in reference to what someone else posted in this thread doing the same thing. Its funny that they can come down on me for that in less than 24 hours but I have tickets that are over 5 weeks old that have never got answered. Way to prioritize EA!
  13. Let the mobs beat the crap out you, or send the companion in to let them get the crap beaten out of them - but ALWAYS click the clicky before you start to fight them. If you die, you still got the objective/loot.


    That will work on most glowies but in this case the mobs don't start until you click it. Its also notable that this particular one does not disappear after it is retrieved, but when its your first time running thru the game, how are you to know? Bottom line, respect the person that is doing to work to get the item and let them have it. If it is on a spawn timer, get in line and wait for the next. If it is one that is accessible for a minute or two, let the guy who did the work get in and get his first and clear out, then go in. You never know when you might be the person LFG and someone who could invite you remembers that you jumped his glowie a few days back.

  14. As short as this is, it's true. There will ALWAYS be people like that guy online...be aware of his type and do what you need to do to minimize the chance of them getting what they want, but don't let it ruin your day. See it, notice it, realize people can be ****s, but let it go...we're not all like that guy.


    Its good advice and basically what I told him but he's only been playing for 2 weeks and this has already happened a bunch of times, so you can see where he would get discouraged and not want to play. I hope he sticks it out, and no all players are not like that guy.

  15. Is there anything in the works to let us change the armor for Lana ( so far the only companion I know that you cant change the clothing and armor)? Was at fleet yesterday and there were 5 lana's all standing around together all looking exactly the same, its not right. Let us change her appearance like the rest of the companions.
  16. My brother wanted to check out the game to see if he wanted to sub so I let him make a toon on my account to see all the benefits not just the F2P. He has been playing about 2 weeks and has already finished chap 9 of FE and was working on his alerts when he was doing a mission on yavin. He was gathering artifacts and was on the last of 5, a big concrete chest bound with 4 chains. Each time you break a chain you have to fight 2 or 3 massasi warriors until you get all 4 finished, then you can click the lid to get the artifacts inside. While he was fighting the mobs he saw someone sitting on a speeder watching him and when he was fighting the last mob, the player rushed in and clicked the chest, then the lid disappeared. He said a bunch of birds attacked the guy so he was able to go get the items in the chest before this player. As he walked away he said in spatial " do the work next time a hole" and went on about his mission. He never gave a name or called the guy out, he just left it at that. Then the guy sends him a tell with a really rude insult and immediately sets him to ignore before my brother could reply.

    My brother asked in spatial what the other players thought about this guys actions and he had a conversation with one player that agreed and it was probably some kid with entitlement issues. then another player jumped in the middle of the conversation saying that he was there and the guy never did what he said, he messaged him and got the whole story. This guy also said he was there and walked up and got the stuff from the chest as well only seconds after my brother did. So I have to ask, isn't it kind of lazy to sit back and let someone else clear out the mobs and do all the work just so you can rush in to get the blue item? and of course the first guy that did this is never going to admit he was trying to do this. The second guy said anyone can get them, its not on a spawn timer, but if its the first time you have played the game you don't know this.

    The first guy then sent another rude message to my brother even though he had put him on ignore, it still got through, still don't understand that but I saw the screenshots of where he ignored and where it still came up after.

    My brother left yavin and went to odessen and was turning in items when a totally different character name sent him another rude message ( I think it was the original guy, once ignored he switched toons to continue the harassment) and tried to keep the argument going. My brother said he tried to file a ticket but it wouldn't go through. I haven't checked my tickets yet today to see if it is listed.

    Is this what people pay for? To get in a game and run around being lazy, taking the easy way out, letting other players do the work so you can try and screw them out of the reward, harassing them with tells and acting like you are still in grade school? I have been playing for 4 years and many times I have been clearing mobs so I could get to a blue button or item I needed to collect just to have someone run past me while I had agro and get it first, making me sit through the re-spawn timer and fight the mob all over again. I get angry when someone does this to me so I understand why my brother got upset.

    Had the kid just sent him a tell and said " what did I do" they would have talked about it and maybe he could have told my brother that the blue wasn't on a timer and he wasn't trying to steal it from him, and im sure he would have apologized. To send a rude insulting PM and then ignore before that person can reply? very weak, very childish, very rude!

  17. I just got booted from the game, said server connection lost. I closed and tried to relog and got a start screen from chap 3.0? and it was still advertising subbing by oct 19th to get the nico speeder and such. W T H? The server list wont come up and we had a restart yesterday so what gives today?
  18. Since you cant post in the customer service section anymore and bioware hasn't answered any of the tickets I have submitted in the last 6 weeks, I figured I would post here. On 12/14/15 I checked my subscription and it said the recurring cycle would be billed on 12/15/15. I checked after midnight and it had billed my account and checking my subscription again and it said I had 28 days left. How can I lose 2 days within hours of my subscription being taken from my account?
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