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Everything posted by LeeLoou

  1. I got an email telling me that if I subscribed by jan 6th I would get 30 days on them. Now what I am trying to figure out is with me having a recurring subscription taken from my account, is paying my sub the same as subscribing?
  2. Im still trying to figure out what is the big deal about Bowdarr? I have had Bowdarr as a companion since the game started. I made a smuggler and the second companion I got was bowdarr. Why is it suddenly news to have Bowdarr as a new companion?
  3. I was super excited when I first heard about SWTOR. I was a long time player of SWG (7 years) and had many complaints at the time so I was looking forward to a new Star Wars game. Im sorry to say that it took the game coming to an end for the devs to add some great content and for me to really appreciate the game. SWG was a great MMO and the best sandbox game ever made, and the best immersive game for the Star Wars universe. Now I have played SWTOR since pre launch but not steady, in fact I have taken many breaks some lasting over a year. The simple fact is that it is barely an MMO unless you count the PVP, WZ's, Heroics, and flashpoints. I don't mind that so much as I like soloing but the social aspect of an MMO is seriously lacking in SWTOR. I like to solo but I also like to get together with my guildmates and do stuff but unless its standing around waiting to kill a WB or running a flashpoint for the hundredth time, we mainly just get together on the guild flagship and talk a while before everyone leaves to go do something on their own. The game is major boring for a player like me, a non PvPer and as much as I like soloing and the new content, its still boring because its so little content. In 7 years playing SWG I still had so much I never did and had so much I could do without repeating anything. This game is all about running through content and then going back and repeating it over and over through dailies and weeklies. I hate to keep comparing the two games but The reason I played both is because they are Star Wars and that's one of 2 reasons I still play ( the other being my friends from SWG). As for keeping me playing now, I see no need to stay subbed until aug. I will do what I need to until feb and get HK and the next chapter and once that is complete I will take another break. Honestly im ready for one now but once again I am following the carrot to get something for my sub $$$.
  4. I watched the live stream and saw the guys talking about how it was pretty clear that everyone loved HK as their favorite companion. Now I watched the replay so I couldn't see the live posts people were sending but Im still gonna call BS. Most of the people on the forums were talking about Lana, even on this post the majority if the people are not for HK. I liked HK as a companion and would I like him back, sure, but do I want the next 8 months of content about him or have to stay subbed for the next 8 months just to play 2 days worth of content as HK? NO WAY! They played up this BIG ANNOUNCEMENT FOR SUBSCRIBERS and all I saw was a BIG DISSAPPOINTMENT FOR SUBSCRIBERS. I am also getting tired of the old carrot on a stick ploy to keep people subbed. You want to keep me subbed then give me a good reason to stay subbed, not trinkets or a couple days worth of gamplay as a robot.
  5. Right there with ya, they could have at least left the ship droid.
  6. The problem is not only people selling their in-game credits to the farmers, but hackers that take over accounts. I had my account hacked and they went in and emptied all my credits and sold all my armor and weapons, basically anything that could be sold they sold. I got most of the things back on my main but on several others I was not so lucky. Why they picked my account I don't know because they couldn't have gotten more than a million between all the characters combined but if they do it enough it adds up I guess. Also, it happened while I was on a several month break so they had to know my account had been inactive for a while. I still think its someone that works for ea/bioware otherwise how did they know my account was inactive and get my log in information and get past the security key?
  7. I have run into a similar bug for scavenging where it wont let me get materials from killed droids saying I need 450 in scavenging but my toon is maxed at 500. Also, when this is happening my companion likes to stop following me so I end up running halfway across a map before I notice. If I dismiss the companion and re-call them the scavenging bug and the not following bug will go away.
  8. You changed the recipe's for most items now need a crafted sub-component but as I was making some of these up to have on hand I noticed that they are skill specific. Why not make them all generic, the farium ones work for any skill that uses them, the bronzite ones will work for all skills that use those. I can have one toon make up a bunch and have them on hand instead of having to make a bunch of different ones. It adds time to crafting to have to make all these so why not just make them generic. It will also reduce confusion when people sell on GTN and accidentally buy a stack of the wrong ones when they meant to buy 20 for armstech but they got 20 for armormech. Second suggestion is simple, make crafted, reward, and purchased starship components bound to legacy. You only get to use each level for a short time and get almost nothing to sell them back after, would be nice to just be able to pass along to lower level toons in my legacy.
  9. I came back to the game a few months ago after being gone almost a year. I was only playing a few months before that break because I had taken another break. Since launch I have played for a month or as long as 4 months at a time but the game just cant hold my attention because it is major boring most of the time. When I came back in july I started leveling my highest character, a 49 sniper that I made at launch. Yes level 49 was as high as I got any character because I would get bored of the tedious xp grind. I don't have 6-8 hours a day every day to play so for me the leveling was slow, With the 12x xp it made leveling go quicker and the game more fun, I was getting a sense of achievement instead of "thank god, I finally got a new level" after days of grinding. I was getting into the reven quests and really starting to get into the game. I had to go out of town for a month and didn't get back until nov 1st and missed the early fallen empire but I got to run through it with the level 60 token and I liked it. I ran through it again on my sniper and was upset that I lost my companions but am willing to wait for more story to get them back. Now here is where things started to change. You changed the companions so they no longer need to have armor or mods changed but they were better at healing or combat so I didn't mind that change. You also made all of them equal as far as crafting. No one companion had an affinity for armstech while another had better skills at underworld tasks. This I liked until I found out that now I needed to substantially raise my companions influence in order to be even mediocre at crafting even though I had almost every crew skill maxed on different characters. Then you nerfed the healing and combat abilities of the companions. Im at the point of quitting again, not because I enjoy the new chapter stories, but because of how you screwed up the companions so bad. You keep messing with stuff, changing stuff, rearranging stuff. And when you have the hardcore player whining about how things are too easy with companions and you nerf them but you don't listen to the casual player that likes the extra help the companions were giving. Those people that found it too easy with companions could always dismiss them but the people that liked the extra help now don't have it anymore. Again no compromise, just a big swing and a miss. A game 5 years old shouldn't still be going through so many drastic changes and still trying to figure out how to please the players. I thought I was going to hang around for a while this time but again you have disappointed me to the point where I am ready to take yet another break from the game in hopes that by the time I come back you will have finally figured things out and made the game fun at last.
  10. So how is it easier now? I have maxed crew skills and companions with 20+ influence level and in over 100 rich/bountiful slicing missions I have yet to get a single adaptive circuitry? So not only did I spend hundreds of thousands of credits running missions and buying scems to max my toon, now they make it dependant on companion influence and took away some of the items I was able to craft. So now I have to continue to spend hundreds of thousands of credits to continue to run missions and spend all my data crystals to buy companion gifts to try and get enough influence to be able to slice well enough to get the resources I need! They also make me run fabrications to make sub components now, that is just an additional time suck. Ya, they made things easier alright!
  11. Got influence up to 21, continue to run these 2 missions over and over and still never get an AC. Ive spent over 300k running missions and another 600+ data crystals buying companion gifts and still nothing. This is complete BS that I have so many crafting processes held up because my maxed crew skills are not good enough to get the items I need. Thanks for screwing the crafters bioware!!!
  12. To EA/Bioware, What is the point of maxing out a crew skill when that does nothing to help get good results when running missions? I now have to max out influence with my companions as well in order to get good results from missions. It is 10x harder to max influence on companions than it is to run missions or level crew skills as I level my character so whats the deal? Why are you making crew skills so dependent on companion influence? And if you want to go that route then do away with the crew skill levels and base it all on influence. You are really screwing with crafting in this game, as pointless as it is anyway, but now you are making it that much harder to do it well. I finally come back to the game and actually start to enjoy it and then you go and screw with it again and now its just another nail in the coffin that makes me want to quit again.
  13. OK, so I bought a ton of companion gifts and got mako's influence up to level 18. I ran another half dozen rich yield slicing missions with the same result. I then decided to try something and sent out my lowest influence companion (3) and Mako (18), my highest, and see what would happen. Mako came back with 6 of those core cell things and the other came back with 5. I ran it again and got the same result. So of the 40-50 rich/bountiful missions I have run I never get the adaptive circuitry. Now, even with mako at a level 10 there is still some chance that she should bring one back at some point in 50 missions. The only difference between the highest influence comp and lowest influence comp is 1 extra unit of something I already have hundreds of and mako finished the mission 4 minutes quicker. Now you all can tell me how its supposed to work, but that's not how it actually works in the game.
  14. OK, to clarify. I have 2 level 65 toons that have already finished FE and they have nothing to do on Odessen but these weekly missions and neither has slicing. My other 65 toon hasn't done FE yet but does have 500 slicing, my only toon that is 500 slicing. I have others but none are over 250 in slicing. Now if I keep feeding influence into Mako to get her to level 20 ( and I don't think I have enough data crystals to get her there) I am just going to lose her anyway if I start FE. Honestly, it all seems like crap to me. I get my skill to 500 but now that's not good enough? I now have to level my companion again just so my maxed expertise will actually work to its potential? Its BS! Thanks for being patient enough to try and explain all this to me but yet again its just goin to be another part of the game I will abandon and never do because it is just too freakin ridiculous to spend all the time, credits, and energy for such a minor minor need in the game. Way to over engineer the freakin mousetrap Bioware! PS I try typing in paragraphs but it just bunches it all back up anyway.
  15. I got the email but when I opened it, it was just an unintelligible mess of code. for some reason my pc wont decrypt email from EA. This is not the first time this has happened to email from EA. Oh well, probably for the best.
  16. I just wanted to comment on one point of this post. Bioware spent all this money on voice acting so every npc is vocal and yet half the time you end up talking to some alien species and have to end up reading anyway. I mean, just have them all speak basic, add an alien accent if you have to, but if its gonna be fully voiced then lose all the reading or give me the option to turn on a translator if I don't want to get immersed in the alien speech.
  17. Well, I tried sending out my companion with the most influence (level 13) and the first mission was failed. the second one she came back with 5 biocell memory cores just like even the least influenced companion will get. Yes she is only at 13 influence but I don't see the point of raising that since my character is level 65 and I am finishing up some of the revan missions and I will be onto FE, and I will lose all those companions anyway. I will then have to start building influence all over again just to be able to run slicing missions for another toon? Could bioware make a simple quest any harder or more confusing or more of a pain in the a r s e? As to those who say use the junk peddlers, well that's another problem in itself. I don't have anything to trade that would get me the items I need. If it was as simple as using cartel coins to buy them that would be fine. I mean its the cartel market, why do I have to do heroics or WZ's or FP's to get stuff for the cartel market, don't they already have specialty vendors for that like the PvP gear vendors or flashpoint vendors? I almost never even go to the cartel market because I never have the currency for the item I want. I usually walk around and check all the vendors and leave pissed off because I cant buy anything. I do have about 200 of the basic scrap metal pieces for the jawas but I already have enough of any basic resource they have. It would be different if you could use a different exchange rate to upgrade. At the lowest jawa its 1 for 1 but if I wanted something from the mid grade vendor I could pay 5 to 1 of my common scrap pieces and at the high end jawa I could get stuff for a 10 to 1 rate. It would make things a lot easier or just have an option to also just buy what I need with cartel coins. Im not rich but some of my characters have 2 mil credits but it doesn't mean I want to waste them.
  18. I saw somewhere that if you have the security key linked to your account that you get 600 cartel tokens a month instead of 500. I have had a security key linked to my account for 2 years now and have never got more than 500 tokens. Can anyone confirm or debunk this?
  19. Not sure if this is the right place for this but I didn't think it belonged in crew skills either. There is a mission on odessen where you talk to a droid and you are supposed to give him resources to make stuff to keep the people of the base happy. The list is 4 adaptive circuitry, 8 farium, 8 molytex, and 8 metamorphic cell cultures. Now the problem I am having is with the adaptive circuitry. Its a level 8 sliced tech item and I have been running missions for these but all I ever get is some cell core things, I have hundreds of them. I run the longer missions with rich yields but I just get 5 or 6 of the same thing instead of 2 or 3. The other thing is, I have to do these slicing missions on a different toon because the one that is talking to the droid doesn't have slicing. My question is, How am I supposed to get adaptive circuitry if my character doesn't have slicing, and even if I did they never drop from missions. I also looked on the GTN and the cheapest they are is 35k each. Im not going to spend 350k to complete a mission that pays 12k. I see people with 5 or 6 stacks of 99 on the GTN so where are people getting them?
  20. I have an armormech and I could swear last time I played that toon I could make armor mods and my cybertech could make mods and enhancements. Now my cybertech can only make mods and my armormech can only make armor and the new armor components things. Is there a link to the changes somewhere? I was away from the game for a while so wasn't around for the changes so I have no clue what was changed.
  21. I have this on one of my toons (so far) and I thought it was because of the level. The toon affected was below 30 and since I had taken almost a year away from the game I thought it was a change by design. My higher level toons 50's-60's have to repair. I do have a few more lower levels that I really don't play anymore and they could have the bug but I don't know. I really don't see how this bug would affect the economy of the game and I would like to have it on my higher level toons.
  22. I used to get this on my jedi when the game first came out, I quit using the action and eventually quit playing that toon. Since coming back to the game I have a sith jug now and don't have the problem and I have a jedi shadow also no problem. I also have a new computer since I had those problems so it could be on your end as someone had suggested.
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