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Posts posted by spellegren

  1. I'm more worried about the genre as a whole then I am this game.


    If this was launched five years ago, when people knew, understood, and enjoyed MMORPGs, it would have done much better. However, in this era of instant gratification, constant stimulation, money tight gamers games that launch shelled and are developed over the long haul will have very little chance of corralling the short attention spans of gamers looking for spoon fed shooter type content.


    I'd venture to say that this game will go down in history as the last of the true MMORPGs. From there, the genre is going to turn into a FTP, quick, cheep, mediocre content barrages designed around cash shop purchases.


    It's the Zynga era, dark days indeed.


    I do believe that we will see a few more "traditional" MMOs, just hopefully not this shallow theme park model.

  2. I don't believe all game companies are run like this, even BioWare's other branches. But when you have EA looming over your shoulder insisting to see immediate increases in subscriber numbers yet cutting funding in all departments, coupled with horrible management, all the while listening to the marketing department instead of your core audience... yeah. You can see where that's going.


    This is the most telling comment as to why SWTOR flopped. It's too bad EA won't take heed.

  3. Community Team - Please allow this topic to be broken down into multiple posts on the general forum. There is no point in having 75% of the posts on this forums first page to be locked.


    Good or bad this is what people are talking about and by confining all to this thread you are making it impossible to have any kind of discussion.

  4. I love that this thread is increasing at the rate of 2 pages a minute and they continue to lock every other discussion about it on the general forums.


    Way to make it impossible to have any actual discussion community team!

  5. ... This is why you merg servers first and give people the free option afterwards. Rookies. I find the BW is far too concerned about the image of their game instead of the people playing it.


    Really? Their image is garbage in the gaming community after this stinker and the Mass Effect 3 (major) flop.


    All their games are on rails (like space combat) and people are realizing it more with each title they release.


    The illusion of choice is not choice.

  6. Every time I think that this dev team couldn't possibly get any more clueless, they find some way to surprise me.


    Kudos Bioware, SWTOR will be a case study for the next decade on things not to do when creating and managing an MMO.


    Set that bar high!

  7. It's no mystery. The game has zero challenge or depth, it is MMO homogenized to the extreme ends of casual and beyond.


    Everyone leveled to 50 quickly and easily and then had very little left to do and everyone is pretty much rewarded for showing up. It's like they wanted to make everything so accessible that everyone got their fill quickly and left, the game had nothing left to offer.


    Difficulty in games extends their lifespan and ultimately makes them memorable and - occasionally - legendary.


    Easy games get thrown in the $5 bin or go f2p.

  8. It's EA's standard operating procedure for MMOs:


    Hype an MMO beyond all possibility of reasonable expectations.


    Pressure the studio to release the game before it is ready.


    Sell as many boxes and initial subscriptions as possible.


    Declare the game a success and ride the initial sub revenues for a few months.


    As problems develop, declare them to be "expected".


    After ~6 months strip down to vital resources only and let the game dwindle to extinction.


    They wrote the book on it.

  9. The MMO genre needs a game that is a spiritual sequel to Daoc. Elder Scrolls Online sounds like it is trending that way with ex-Daoc dev Matt Firor heading it up.


    From your lips to the MMO deities ears.


    Give me meaningful, open world, 3 faction PVP and I'll give you my money.

  10. I'm just thinking, here.


    I seriously don't think any game based on the same model - subscription fees, with gameplay padded out by the hunt for low-drop rate character power that is continually devalued even as you receive it .. can compete with EQ.


    EQ's got that market cornered, and let's face it, I think any new MMO that is going to come out has to consider how to woo the people who are disaffected with that model, instead of trying to reach the loyal EQers.


    I see what you did there, but have to point out that no other MMO has had comparable commercial success, in the North American market, since WoW. Probably a few have in the Asian market, but that playerbase is quite different from ours.


    SWTOR is failing faster then Warhammer did, and that isn't a coincidence. Fluff games with little true challenge or depth will continue to fail, players really do want meat if they are expected to pay a monthly fee to play.


    They don't even need to do weekly maintenance, the servers aren't even getting a work out with active player numbers down so low.

  11. It's a faster rise and fall then Warhammer. The bottom is dropping out right now and no one knows where rock bottom is, it's one of the reasons we have no word on mergers - they don't know how many servers to cut down to because people are still leaving.
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