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Everything posted by Szul

  1. So first off, as a former software QA engineer, let me say that I have ZERO issues with delaying new content, especially an expansion that's basically "game changing". I'd rather see most of the high Pri kinks and issues worked out, than have to deal with all the problems that comes with releasing content before it's ready. However, I did resubscribe, just last night, specifically for this expansion, but now it's pushed back 9 weeks, so it definitely has disrupted my gaming budget schedule (which is sadly tight, due to pandemic effects) and I'm sort of left hanging. I'd bought a 6-month block, but I feel like I'm left hanging and just wasted two months, because I don't really feel a desire to play the current iteration of the game. Now, don't get me wrong, the game is OK in its current version, but since I've been gone for quite a while, I need to relearn the game and I just don't see a reason to waste two months reacquainting myself with a version system that will be changing, which is why I waited until the week before the expansion launch, to resubscribe. I also hope that this decision was not made, in part, due to the current popularity of FFXIV's Endwalker expansion, because trying to play that is a hot mess right now, and I'd decided to delay my playing FFXIV until February-ish and enjoy the new SWTOR expansion next week, instead... which makes this disappointing. I really don't expect much to be done by way of recompense, but I would like for the development team to understand, that a push of this size does have a detrimental impact on returning players, especially when it's made so close to the publicized release date, like this one was, and for a game with a subscription option.
  2. Item Loss is a Pri 1 showstop issue, so why on earth are you not disabling the Sort function until the team can fix it? edit: This too? Kind of makes me wonder if my thinking that I was missing some items wasn't just bad memory. You guys can not ignore item loss bugs like this. if you can't figure out what the cause is, just disable the functionality until you can.
  3. Well, congratulations. You all have finally figured out how to put the RNG into RNG. Trion Worlds will be jelly.
  4. Based on info from their own website: 1. They're a team based PVP guild. Everyone and anyone knows that SWTOR is not strong on its PVP content, its a story-driven PVE game. 2. Being a PVP guild, SWTOR delayed (with no ETA) the Ranked PVP system. That strongly disappointed a lot of the team-based PVP guilds that ground out BM pre-1.2, and I'm sure this guild (and those like it) could care crapola about the new Legacy system, which was the major focus of this last update. 3. They hop games, packing it up and moving to the next new game with whatever members will follow. I saw that they left RIFT for SWTOR, and are now leaving SWTOR for Guild Wars 2. (They're actually making their members who played with them in RIFT but not SWTOR re-apply for GW2, if that hints to the type of guild they are...) 3a. Since GW2 Beta starts on the 27th of this month, I'm not surprised they've wrapped up and canceled their SWTOR accounts. 3b. Sub renewal is this week for everyone who started SWTOR @ Launch, 21st I believe (not sure since my multi-month sub doesn't expire for a while). For people who have pre-ordered GW2 for the Beta, its logical they'd cancel now, although its just a weekend thing. 4. I had a #4, forgot what it was now, but to be honest, who cares? Its hardly a "sky is falling". I've not heard of this guild or their accomplishments, if Bioware doesn't acknowledge them, then its pointless to make "first" claims that can't really be proven. For example: in SWG, I was the 2nd person to unlock their Jedi on my server, verified it to others by letting them fight and kill my Jedi, but later someone stepped up and claimed they were actually #2, but hadn't gone public. BFD either way, right? It mattered to me, but no one else cares, why should they? 5. EA does layoffs when their new games don't go well. **THAT IS WHAT SHOULD WORRY YOU.** Its what destroyed Warhammer Online. EA doesn't know how to manage MMO's (plus they don't really care, as evidenced by comments made to various media over the years with regards to addressing issues and possibilities with DAOC and WAR). It works ok for single player titles, but its devastating for persistent world games like MMO's to lose large chunks of their teams. But yea, I do agree that this game is in trouble, its not holding the subs that it should for some reason (I had 60+ members and I'm down to none bothering to log in anymore, only 4-5 actually quit for other servers or guilds and just one came back to check out 1.2. I'm actually shutting down my guild this weekend, and disbanding it, but I still plan to play some until my sub ends later this summer, just not as a main gaming focus.) It also has the worst possible publisher, EA, behind it. EA doesn't believe in making sick games well, they just take a budget hatchet to it until it's barely sustaining itself, then leave it alone. (examples: comments made to media regarding future plans for DAOC and Warhammer) So we'll see what a few months bring, if anything EA will be its worst enemy. If 1.3 releases with great content, the game has a chance. If 1.3 gets pushed a few months, and/or just canceled, then it will show that EA has given up on the game and its more or less gone the way of SWG.
  5. I agree, and not just a need for Server-specific forums, but also a Guild Hall sub-forum IN each Server-specific forum for Guild advertisement threads. The current massive Guild Hall forum is just too spammy, with hundreds, if not thousands, of guilds trying to advertise (since it covers ALL the servers) making it very difficult to advertise our guilds effectively, outside of the game.
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