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Posts posted by Ceasaigh

  1. TTK seems to have increased


    By TTK you mean Time to kill. It has not INCREASED it has DECREASED as in Tanks with 20K health and 1100 expertise melting in 6 seconds. You look at someone in PvP and they simply melt in front of you.


    Pre 1.2 PvP allowed for tactical game play. As a tank now I can't guard anyone. If I throw a guard on someone I last 3 seconds under focus, with out guard I last 6 seconds under focus.




    PvP has been utterly ruined by 1.2. It's shameful really. PvP is nothing more than a nuke fest. Might as well play BF3 because it's the same thing.

  2. Yeah PvP is now a BF3 style nuke fest. So I'm sure it appeals to people who like to die in 5 seconds re spawn run back in an die in 5 seconds.



    BW's promise of balanced PvP where you have to fight to win and kill people has been ruined by 1.2.


    I'm a tank with 20K health full BM gear 1000+ expertise and I melt in 6 seconds flat. It's utterly ridiculous.

  3. Same people who ruined this new generation of babying kids by giving everyone a participate trophy.


    I queued solo 8 times yesterday. The worst amount of comms I got for a loss was 43.


    And you realize at the current cost of both BM and War Hero gear you will have to spend over 500 hours to grind out a full set?


    Win or lose lowering the amount of comms you get and increasing the cost of the items has caused a bit of a Korean MMO gear grind.



    Enjoy your 6 months of grinding to get a full war hero set.

  4. The math has been done have you seen it?


    If you want a shiny new War Hero set you're in for a LOOOONG grind. Win or lose the gear grind has gone from plausible to "are you kidding me?


    First you have to have all the BM gear (to get the full set of war hero)




    Say you average 90 comms a win and 30 for a loss. Each WZ lasts 15min or so You play 6 hours a day and you win 50% percent of the time. You're looking at well over 450 hours to grind out a full set of War Hero armor.


    Take into account all the variables like not winning 50% of the time and having a life then you're looking at over 6 months to get a full set of War Hero gear.


    Its not that they reduced the comms for losing they also reduced them for winning as well.



    SWTOR PvP gear progression has turned into a Korean MMO grind fest.

  5. I like it better than before.


    Healer shouldn´t be 1-man-Fortresses.


    Tanks are there for a reason.


    Your fellow players player don´t have situational awareness but a 90° cone of view


    or their minimap is bugged


    or they are on an overblown ego-trip hunting one guy in no-mans-land with a bunch of


    people and don´t support you?


    -Not Biowares fault



    BW went from one extreme to the other. They went from damage mitigation healing boost to damage increase healing reduction.


    What you have now is people, tanks included, getting facerolled in 3 or 4 GCD's. You run in kill a poor sod in 4 seconds right before you die in 6 seconds.


    I have yet to hear anyone be immortal.


    No the current state of PvP is not fine and dandy. Damage is borked and is simply off the charts in relation to mitigation and healing done.

  6. Completely agree sir i dont roll a healer but i've watched great healers do crap performance now due to bio fails changes. My favorite commando healer can only put out for roguhly 15 secs then hes dry. They have really messed this up such a shame.


    I saw one of the best healers on our server go down in a blaze of glory today. Pre 1.2 he was near impossible to kill. He kept his team alive and him self alive. Today in the new WZ 3 people laid the burst on him and killed him in 10 seconds flat.



    The fact that it took 10 seconds was a testament to how good he was. I'm not saying that healers didn't need to be "balanced". But they were nerfed out of utility IMO.

  7. Buddy


    It maybe be easy to get the entry level gear but if you're looking to get a full War Hero set in the next few weeks you had better think again.




    You're looking at well over 450 hours of grinding 6 hours a day. Assuming you win 50% of your matches and get the 8 medals.


    If you under perform and lose 50% of your matches then it could be well over 520 hours of grinding 6 hours a day.


    Gear is not easy to get.

  8. With the decrease in outgoing healing, damage reduction and the increase of outgoing damage, how are you finding the pace of PvP in SWTOR right now? It feels too fast and zergy to me, personally, like if you get the drop on someone there's nothing they can do before death and vice versa.




    Run in burst down a fully glad BM in 4 seconds (crit for 5K on a tank spec) get focused die in 5 seconds.



    That's the state of PvP post 1.2.

  9. You honestly want to be rewarded for failing!? How about we just cry until BW just gives us the endgame armour without having to do anything but walk into the operation and say boo to the bosses till they give up the shiney's.


    You are the 99%, don't want to work for rewards just get everything handed to you because you wanted to play.


    As a note, I am not an elitest nor am I in any way a PVP God, I am a mediocre player and I'm not crying about anything. Well anything other than there are way to many servers for the amount of sub's for the game.




    No one wants to be rewarded for losing and preforming badly. No one is saying that. But you assume that all things are equal in SWTOR PvP land. That everyone has the same gear and expertise and no one has the advantage.


    Fact is there is a severe faction imbalance across multiple servers. One side is simply dominated by the other. This leaves one side with a easy gear grind and the other with a very hard gear grind.


    With the old system even if you lost and preformed well (got your 4 medals) you got enough WZ comms to make it worth your while. You could at least compete in the gear grind with those who were winning.


    Now there is no way. Players who lose more than half of there matches are looking at well over 520+ hours to get a War Hero set. You break that down it equates to roughly 6 months or more of grinding WZ 6 hours a day. Players who win over half there matches are looking at 450+ hours or about 5 months of grinding 6 hours a day.


    Sorry but I didn't sign up for a Korean grind fest MMO. I like gear progression and you need to work for it but this is a bit excessive.

  10. I dropped a Sorc healer 1v1 on my Kinetic shadow today. He had "War Hero" over his head so I assume he was in all BM gear or maybe a mix bag like me. I was able to kill him in 5 GCD's using one interrupt and one stun. This was nearly impossible pre 1.2.


    I have 7 pieces of BM gear the rest is champ 911 expertise stated out to DPS. Today for the first time ever I got my 5K hit medal. Pre 1.2 I was lucky to get 3K.



    Fact is Damage is out of control right now.



    You only need to look at the numbers. While over all damage maybe down big hits and "spike" damage is up by all classes. DPS is king and all you have to do is spam your biggest hits and faceroll the first person you get the drop on.


    Servers with faction imbalances are really getting the shaft. The gear gap is only going to get bigger. I hope BW has a fix in store for this "fix" they call 1.2.

  11. Here is the thing that gets me



    They talk about faction imbalance as the reason for no open world PvP. They don't have the technology to fix faction imbalance so were stuck with WZ's.


    Fine I can live with that, but why award the dominate side and punish the dominated side? You just made it so the servers with large populations of a particular faction get rewarded for having the imbalance.



    I understand winning=rewards. I get that, but not when all things are not equal.

  12. It's not that KC is terrible, if anything it IS our PvP spec. The point of the matter is that ALL our specs are replaceable by other classes who can fulfill the roles better. We are a generalist not a specialist and within there lies the problem.


    I agree


    A jack of all trades a master of none.

  13. Tell that to the healers I can burst down as a DPS geared Kinetic Shadow. The burst is not awe inspiring but it is there and if you pop your adrenals you can do quite a bit of burst.



    Play what you want and what you're good at. I can put up 300K in damage 100K in protection and a crap ton of medals as a Kinetic Shadow, because it suites my play style. I taunt I slow time I pull and I guard all while putting out respectable DPS.


    I tried Infl it wasn't for me me, kill one guy get smeared by a dozen. Balance is to finiky and proc dependent. While I can play it well, to me it lacks utility.



    All three specs are viable in PvP no question. The person at the keyboard is what makes them optimal.

  14. Don't know which it is at the moment but we had 4 people standing in front of the first door in void star. I was facing the door looking right at it.


    Door changed from normal to "bomb planted". Didn't see any one near it there were no enemy players on our side. Door just went capped.



    Someone find a way to invisa cap the door?

  15. Because I joined the Empire to kill Repubs, not my own. I'd love to see balance on the server.


    I would as well. It benefits everyone to have a healthy faction balanced servers. The economy is better the PvP is better Open World PvP is better Pve is better.



  16. Kinrath Spider

    between 5:00 and 11:30 pm

    average Pub Fleet numbers = 12-23

    no idea what imp fleet is at...


    I will be playing Planet Side 2.

    If you want to see what Open World Pvp is ... come join... it's Free To Play...

    I will remain here as well as long as it has some resemblance to StarWars,

    I am hoping against hope BW turns it around.


    The delusional among us will say you can't accurately portray numbers based on fleet numbers. There was a thread here on SWTOR not to long ago trying to address this very same argument.


    I'm not kidding when I tell you that there are people who think that all servers are balanced Imp vs Rebel and no amount of logic can sway them other wise.


    Which goes to my point. The side that dominates enjoys the advantage so why would they want it changed?

  17. No you aren't doing 7.03 more damage than me because my Rakata gear has more raw stat than your BM gear does (not to mention DPS set bonus). While you are taking 7.03% less damage I negate that by having more Base HP than you do. See what is happening here?




    Again you're wrong, if I have 100% Rakata gear and you have 100% Bm gear we are damn near on par stat with (but I have my 2 and 4 Piece DPS bonus) and you have your PvP bonuses. Each have their own place but neither is better than the other in general (yeah yeah some of the PvE bonuses aren't as good as others)


    You are narrow-minded


    I'm not saying that you get more damage out put from full Rakata gear.


    Let me put it this way


    If I have 13% more Damage 13% more Mitigation and 13% more healing to your 20% increase in damage (estimate). You have to subtract that 13% from your 20% that leaves you with a 7% damage increase.


    So your getting hit for more damage your heals are less and I have canceled out your damage increase by my mitigation.


    Expertise is meant to give you a bonus. In PvP it's superior to PvE gear. If you have zero expertise then you have zero damage mitigation while I have a 13% increase.


    It doesn't even it out. If it did more people would be wearing full PvE gear in War Zones.

  18. Open World PvP has always been a false hope. I have played MMORPG's since 1997 (LegendMud by Raph Koster) and i have never tried a game, where open world pvp worked as well as battlegrounds or arenas. One way or the other open world pvp always becomes unbalanced in numbers or ends in guard-hugging by one side and camping by the other.


    In which game do you think open world pvp was great?


    The closest one in my opinion with successful open world pvp game was DAoC, but it still had many flaws also.


    My point being: Stop kicking the dead horse (open world pvp) and focus on the things that actually work.


    Ultima Online had some pretty epic open world pvp. Before items and armor made a difference.


    To the OP


    I agree with you 100% and I can start the count down to when the nay sayers (mostly Imps) who say its not imbalanced will start to post.


    Fact is most people enjoy the advantage the imbalance gives them. The dominate side gets there gear quicker, farms valor quicker and generally enjoys a easy time with the gear grind. Mean while the dominated side has to cope with 6v8 War Zones, weekly PvP quests lasting 2 or 3 weeks daily PvP quests lasting 3 or 4 days.


    I would like to the the sides balanced. Unfortunately there are people here who do not.

  19. What's the logic? Math please. You will see you are backwards.


    Did you read the graph at this website?





    It will give you all the math you need.


    At 300 expertise I'm doing 7.03 percent more damage than you and taking 7.03% less damage than you in full Rataka gear with 0 expertise. I'm not talking about the mix and match BM/Champ Rataka gear here. I'm talking strictly 700 expertise versus 0 Expertise.


    In PvP gear with the 700 Expertise I have a significant advantage over any one not matching my expertise because I do more damage and mitigate more damage from player damage.


    While a Rataka clad player in PvP may have more damage that damage is negated by my expertise and you take full damage from me.



    Now if you mix and match like I do as well then you can start to argue that mixing the PvE gear and PvP gear has it's advantages. I think it does and I wear 2 pieces of the Rataka gear on my Guardian who still has around 524 expertise.

  20. No, it isn't 100% skill based. You have to play Medal of Honor or Halo 3 for that.


    It IS, however, a whole-lot more skill based than 10-49. People who argue otherwise are trying to delude themselves into thinking their competition is tougher than it really is.


    Gear is still an issue. Level 10s do not have implants, relics, or earpieces. They also have a paltry amount of abilities and talents. Not only that, but most level 10-49 players are just looking to level quickly and PvP on the side, meaning they aren't anywhere close to being optimized for PvP.


    If you enjoy 10-49 more, that's fine. Just stop deluding yourself that the PvP there is better. It's really not.


    I disagree


    At level 10 with bolster I was competitive with level 40's. I'm not saying that I would beat them every time. But I felt I had a chance. As I git into my 30's then it became skill as I had most of my abilities and as long as my gear was on level I could kill level 40's and felt pretty much even with them.


    Expertise is why they removed 50's from the 10-49 bracket.


    Look SWTOR is what it is. There is expertise in the game. I have it on my toons and I use it, same as everyone else. But people need to stop claiming that it's all skill that wins them in a War zone. Yes coordination and team work wins hands down and that takes skill. Having 650+ expertise going against sup 300 expertise is not skill.

  21. why do people complain about expertise? full rakata gear would beat you just as bad



    Where is your proof?


    Show me a fully Rataka decked out player going against a Fully geared Battlemaster with max 700 expertise.


    Expertise increases the amount of damage and healing you do as well as reduces the amount of damage you take in PvP combat


    The Rataka geared player has Zero Expertise the BM has 700. You can't compare the two.


    Expertise gives you a reduction of incoming damage from other players. So right off the bat I have the advantage over you. A percentage of your damage is being negated while you're receiving full damage.


    Please don't argue that Expertise doesn't give an advantage doing so makes you look silly.



  22. What can possible make one so delusional? Really. And your empirical data comes from your OPINION? So this guy runs around in his PvE gear facerolling all the BMs I guess. Rightttttt... Fail post is fail.


    There delusional because people like having an advantage.


    I have a fully geared Battlemaster Jedi Shadow and a Battlemaster fully champ geared Focus Guardian both with 650+ expertise, I can spot a fresh 50 as soon as he starts to hit me, he does little to no damage and I simply destroy him in one rotation.



    Expertise does give an advantage over people who don't have it. Util you get 300+ its very hard to compete with those that have 600+.


    Now once you get the gear it does balance out, but there in lies the problem. Until you get it your at a disadvantage.


    Again 10-49 doesn't suffer from this problem. As long as you stay on level with your gear you are competitive through out the bracket.

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