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Posts posted by Ceasaigh

  1. UO Vet here as well...


    I miss the PvP and thieves.


    PvP in pre Trammel UO would make SWTOR PvP'ers curl up in a corner and suck their thumb.

    Fully lootable corpse complete with stat loss lol and huge gank squads.


    Forget trying to run Champion Spawns in Ilshenar least to be raided by other guilds.


    UO was hardcore PvP at it's finest. I played from launch to about 2008, it like other MMO's went the way of the carebear .

  2. Complaining about space combat in a star wars themed game is the most ludicrous thing I've ever seen. It's *********** star wars, space battles have just as big of an impact on the franchise as lightsabers did.


    With that said, if you don't want to partake in the space combat then DON'T PARTAKE IN IT. It's just another part of the game. Complaining about new content, something that many have been asking since BEFORE LAUNCH OF THE GAME is just...there is nothing nice I can follow that up with. Ya BW screws up a lot, but geez you guys are never happy.




    Bioware could invent a means of having your home computer spit out 24k solid golden eggs every 10 min and people would STILL complain that the eggs aren't big enough, not the right size and they spawn to slow.



  3. You want to know the absolute best way to know what's going on at the off node? Ops frames my friend, ops frames.


    Always have them up, not just when you're playing tanks or heals - dps too. Get into the habit of taking a quick glance at the beginning of the game to see who's taking the off node as well as keeping an eye on their health bar, and you'll know long before they even call out inc that they're taking damage and need help. It gives you a head start to haul *** over there, and I've stopped so many freaking caps that way because I've started running several seconds before the inc call comes. It's much more reliable than voice or waiting for someone to call incs, although voice can be helpful too, and you don't need to be in a premade or voice to do it.


    Not that being in voice and coordinating that way isn't an advantage. It is. But in this particular case, you can totally make up for it by having the right tools in front of you combined with some basic situational awareness (i.e. paying attention to how many enemies are around you and what's going on in the battle the way Amber laid out in her post).


    I usually put the person on guard duty as my focus target. I have his/her health bar up so I can see it. If I notice it's dropping I try and get over to the node to help.


    Sorta off topic but there seems to be quite a few people who always expect the other person will do the dirty work. Thats one of the issues with pugs. The team death match derpfest mentality that seems to be prevalent in pug warzone matches.

  4. vVv used to super que on Jedi covenant. It was a way for all of us to play as a team and have fun as a group. We also had enough players to do ranked and did them regularly. As the team with the advantage we never said anything out of line. We knew we had the advantage and quite frankly we did get a lot of hate.


    Since we moved to Ebon Hawk we don't have the numbers to do a full ranked 8v8. We also don't have the numbers to Super Que (8). We can get 6 of us in and I guess thats a mini que?


    Point is I have read most of the posts here. In my opinion there is nothing inherently wrong with guilds Super Queing 8 players in a non ranked warzone as long as they realize that in doing so they have the advantage.


    When you have the advantage it's in very bad taste to gloat. It's like a DPS with 2 pocket healers calling the other DPS he just roflstomped a baddie because he killed him. You also have to expect as the team with the advantage you're going to get some hate. It's the nature of PvP. Most of us who PvP are competitive by nature. I know I am and sometimes I let my tongue slip and let my fingers do the walking on the keyboard.


    Fact is most of us like to win and hate losing. When you get a group of pugs going up against a super premade of 8 and said premade is talking a lot of trash then I think the hate is warranted.


    Just my humble opinion anyway.

  5. i wouldn't say fortunately. because even IF, which doesn't mean it will in fact happen, you lose a few ranked wz. makes it a learning experience at a truly competitive level which prepares you for future encounters. believe it or not pvpers generally have better reaction time in pve as well due to the constant change of situation.


    - Te'quila

    - Vod'ka



    Let me rephrase that


    We don't have 8 individual 55's yet. Still rebuilding after the move and all that.



  6. Unfortunately (or fortunately :)) v V v doesn't yet have 8 geared 55's for ranked warzones otherwise we would join you. A couple of us wouldn't mind a pickup group but we don't yet have 8 solid PvPers to field a strong team.


    I am however happy to see ranked warzones being played on Ebon Hawk, and we are really looking forward to arena's. :)

  7. Tip:



    Don't get yourself in that position and don't stand next to node


    LOL I was standing 30m from node got mezzed waited for it to end saber threw to stop the cap was stunned again broke the stun with my CC break moved in fight the assassin he combat cloaked mezzed me again and capped the node.


    I felt like an idiot.


    Solo guarding a node as a non stealth class is a bad idea. Need 2 at all times if the other team has stealthers.

  8. Ok in game now... PvP area of the fleet. When I pan around in circles using the arrow key I get around 50fps when I'm facing away from the majority of the players and under 25 when they come into view and the color is mainly red when that happens.


    Good tip about Orginpc, but the trigger has already been pulled... maybe in a few years when I'm ready to spend another $4500, haha.


    You spent 4500 dollars on a computer?


    I have a i7 3770K with two GTX 670's 2 SSD's and 64 gigs of memory and I built mine for well under $1500.


    Sorry but Alienwares are rip offs. They used to be good now they're just not. I run everything a max settings without even a bit of lag.

  9. Expertise matters, so that makes PvP gear matter.


    Duel someone with 2018 expertise when you have sub 1800 and see what happens. You don't hit hard enough to matter and your dead in 10 seconds despite all the skill you may think you have.


    To be competitive in PvP you need max expertise PERIOD! End of discussion.



    Partisan gear is easy to get, there really is no excuse to PvP without it and have 2018 expertise.

  10. Shout out to all those who participated in instance 3 last night in World PvP. Organizing a group to break the Republic camping our base was awesome. And was even more fun when we camped you guys into your base :p.


    Yup I was there was very fun!!




  11. gimmicky. fun. but lose a lot of dps in melee spot. also, and it might just be cuz I'm not good at it, but I have a hard time disengaging once I'm in combat. there's just so much stuff that I cannot cleanse, and playing out of stealth, is like operating at 60% capacity.


    good to carry for the respec advantage, but I'd rather have the sage/guardian role switching and leave the scoundrel healing.


    I agree Scoundrels are so much better at healing than DPS, at least for me. I could never get the rotation right and it feels so clunky and disconnected.


    I know there are some awesome Scoundrel DPS'ers out there, but I am not one of them lol.

  12. so far with the Stealth detector buff I never was caought by enemy in stealth.. I wait until they are 4 mr range and leg kick them.


    also got those 2 buffs evasion and the other one which kinda makes me immune to most effects.


    so far the only thing I can think of which is "oh crap" is the smoke grenade thing which the sharpshoot Gunslinger have that bust you out of cover.


    When I que with my guild we work together to kill slingers and snipers. They are a force to be reckoned with no doubt. We don't simply let them sit in a corner and blast away. :).


    Believe me in pug groups you're OP. In ranked and pre made's with players on comms you're gonna get focused, and no one can survive 4 or 5 DPS wailing on them, except maybe a OP healer with 2 cross healers :p

  13. What Averth said ^


    Look at the screenshots in the list. Many of them are premades against PUGs. I mean seriously, how hard is it to rattle off a ton of damage and heals against teams 1/10th your skill level? As for the ones that are losses, who really gives a crap about a million in damage when you lose? Personally, I'll take a match where everyone works together to play the objectives and win versus some scoreboard hero clamoring for numbers and trying to get his screenshot posted here.


    Thats what SWTOR PvP is yes?


    Objective based PvP. SWTOR PvP is not a CoD team deathmatch.



    It's not always about most DPS ot biggest hit or number of medals. it's about teamwork and working together.


    I have personally been in matches where my team had terrible DPS numbers, but you know what? We smeared the other team with objectives and won. Winning by guile and smarts often trumps brute force.


    Take Ancient Hypergate. I can't count the number of times we have been getting our asses smeared in the Middle, yet somehow one of our stealthers ninja cap the other teams node with 7 seconds left to help win the game.


    I laugh at people who make fun of my 300K in DPS yet don't realize my 1500 objective points helped us win the match.


    It's not always about smearing the other team.

  14. ^This is how it's done. Choose what look you want in orange/adaptable gear, something you can stick with, and swap your Partisan mods into it, augment the pieces as you go, and then trade the empty Partisan shells for Conqueror pieces once you have enough comms. Then swap all the Conquerer item mods into you orange gear as you go. This process is already pretty expensive without having to augment more than one set of gear.


    A bit off topic:


    But this is why this game needs an appearance tab. If you want to add MK-9 and Augs you have to pick a armor set you like and stick to it.

  15. so I didn't played my smuggler long long time even before the ROTHC was out.


    any way level 29 thinking I'l do some WZ to get xp with daily... oh boy.


    Gunslinger... Sharpshooter tree.


    TOTAL victory. 15 medals even before the match ended... around 40 kills... 1 death (pushback over the bridge on voidstar my CD were on CD :p ).


    this class is a - BEAST.

    mara jumps at me I kill him in seconds...

    poor sorcerer trying to channel their FL \ LS gets interrupted and killed in seconds.


    so many snares \ CCs and my favourite ability (the one active only under 30% health) which killed at least 15 players on that warzone...


    oh boy...


    Yes they are a beast but there is a counter to their power.


    Be wary of the people who know how to play their class. You won't see them until it's too late. ;)

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