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Posts posted by Rogoo

  1. "Players with high-end AMD CrossFire or Nvidia SLI machines should notice a large improvement when running the game with the new shadow system."


    Best news in a long time! Can't wait to test it out.




    omce again totaly useless crap in a patch , FFS fix the damm issues instead of spenting time on useless stuff like this !


    How is optimizing a game that is in dire need of optimization a BAD change ? Really ?

  2. Everyone seems so pessimistic.


    This is because Bioware has a really terrible record of promising things and not delivering. Let me name a few:


    - Monthly content updates

    - Chat bubbles

    - The new companion that was supposed to be in game some time ago

    - etc, etc


    Other than that.


    - After TEN MONTHS, PvPers got ONE new warzone, yet Open World PvP was completely removed (because the engine is completely fubar'd and can't handle it at any reasonable framerates)

    - Two rounds of layoffs hit Bioware, which means less content, less updates

    - Switch to Free 2 Play

    - Subs dropped from 1.7 million to who knows what ? 650 k maybe ?


    All in all, game cannot be considered as a success, hence all the negativity.

  3. Are there any recent benchmarks with high end setups? I have some disposable cash and I am looking to run the game at max settings, constant 60 fps, and possibly at 1440p.


    Currently, I have an i7-860 2.8ghz, Radeon 5850, 8 gb ram.


    I am thinking of getting a i7 3930k, Radeon 7970, 16 gb ram.


    Should I go with dual video cards or does it not help with this game? What about Nvidia cards?


    No rig money can buy will give you a constant 60 FPS in SWTOR. Not in open world pvp (lol, there isn't any!) or fleet. The game is just that badly optimized.


    Dual video cards are pretty much a complete waste of money. Most games scale terribly with SLI or Crossfire. Some scale good, but for the most part you will get like 10-20% more FPS for 100% more money.

  4. No they stated from the start. Hk-51, Makeb, Cathar, new operation, new warzone, new flashpoint etc, would all be in by the end of the year. They never said all would be 1.4 or all would be in at the same time.


    What they stated does not really matter. Their credibility is ZERO.


    They made so many false statements now, that I completely stopped reading the Q&A's and all the interviews.

  5. Yeah hi, research more. My game was running terrible on my 5 year old rig.


    Recently bought a new rig (i5 3.4 over clocked to 4.4ghz, 16 gig RAM, windows 7 and a GTX 660ti) game now runs fine everywhere solid 60 fps everywhere because I keep vsync on. So yeah I used to be of the opinion the engine is bad now I know it's just not very good with old hardware.


    Go to fleet at peak (say with around 200+ people in the instance).


    Fraps it while you run around with the framerate counter on then post it.


    Otherwise I call your "solid 60 fps EVERYWHERE" shenanigans.

  6. I love "Mr. Balls To The Wall" quotes. Priceless.


    Performance is still shoddy in SWTOR.


    On the funny side, Guild Wars 2 also suffers from terrible performance issues in open world PvP (sounds familiar ?).


    So I posted:


    "Please oh please, stop playing Bioware and don’t blame it on our rigs."


    And I got an immidiate reponse from Arenanet saying:


    "We are in no way blaming these performance issues on players’ systems which is exactly why we need to collect this information."


    Looks like the Arenanet guys are learning from the mistakes of others. :D

  7. Hey all, I just wanted to pop in and say we are actively working on various optimizations (both server and client) and will continue to do so. It's extremely important for us to continually make improvements to our technology so we can have users across a variety of system specs and support large living worlds for those users to craft their virtual lives.


    That's nice to hear Matt, BUT you of all people know exactly how bad things are.


    Why isn't the game engine capable of rendering more than 10 characters on screen at any reasonable framerates ? Like 40+ frames per second ?

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