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Everything posted by GreenLantern

  1. It's definitely not photoshopped. I could take a pic of the achievement where you have to kill Grimtooth to prove it...but you'll just say that that is photoshopped too.
  2. This is the old Champion Jedi Sentinel PvP gear. Wish I still had it.
  3. Can anybody tell me what this is? I killed Grimtooth, the rancor trapped inside the force field cage, and this was left behind. Could this have something to do with the secret Dread Guard stuff? I'm so confused!! Here's the link to the image http://imgur.com/rvx3NyO
  4. Simpler way of doing this would have a debuff on any environmentally extreme planet (Tatooine/Hoth) that slows speeder speed and introduce animal mounts that counter these debuffs for specific planets (Tauntauns/Dewbacks) and move a little faster than a speeder in normal conditions would on those planets and make the animal mounts slower on the fleet/planets that they aren't evolutionarily suited for.
  5. You are completely missing the point of bolster. Right now yes it is giving too much benefit, but the point isn't because they want PvE'ers to be able to PvP, they want EVERYONE to be able to get into the Warzone PVP game and not get slaughtered. This was their fix to removing the gear grind from Centurion > Champion > Battlemaster > War Hero > Elite War Hero > Partisan > Conquerer. As with every new tier of PvP and PvE, the old stuff is cut away and a method to re-enter the gear grind system is given (Hard mode flashpoints for PvE progression and Bolster for PvP progression introduction). It's not meant to give you maximum power, but to only get your foot into the door.
  6. Nope, but you have to get in there and test the systems to make sure it won't crash and burn on the launch pad.
  7. I've played this game since 2009. A game's launch and its existence aren't the same thing. Here's a very literal and easy to understand metaphor. A space ship doesn't come into existence when it launches, but when it is built.
  8. So I guess a flying spaghetti monster just decided one day to create SW:TOR and launch it in one act of glorious divinity then?
  9. You aren't wasting a relic slot. You equip your on use power relic. Use it. Switch your tanking relic back on. Pop power adrenal. Pull boss. The only reason not to do this is pure laziness and nothing else. L2PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
  10. Taking blaster augs will give you about 3000 damage over a 15 minute fight...its worthless. I've tested it into the ground and have been posting on the forums for about a year now about how horrible of a talent it is for shield spec. It only affects the initial damage of an Ion cell proc. It does not affect the Shocked (Tech) dot that comes afterwards, nor does it affect any of your other skills. If this were somewhere around 200% instead of 8 % it might be worth taking. ALSO!!!!! High Impact Bolt DOES Generate power screen for your energy blast thanks to the Supercharged Ion Cell talent. This makes HIB a priority skill while Energy Blast is on cooldown. You can walk into a group of mobs and HIB and how every many mobs there are, thats how many seconds will be taken off the cooldown of Energy blast. Supercharged Ion Cell is one of the unsung hero's of the Shield Spec tree. Also, it's not just HIB accuracy you are getting. from focused insight. Every offensive ability can be resisted or dodged now so it goes towards all offensive abilities.
  11. If you don't mind, I'd like to throw in my two cents on a few points. 1. Full Auto: Yes its crap, but in my year and a half of playing van and tanking through all the content, I can say that every now and then you will find that one special moment where you will gasp and say "Holy ****, full auto would be great here". An example of this would be Olok the Shadow in S&V. When you are on the showroom floor dealing with droids, a certain droid named the Artillery droid I believe will drop a large aoe similar to the first boss of Lost Island. When you are in a 16 man raid, real estate is limited and precious. The tactic to keep this aoe away from everyone is to become somewhat of a pseudo ranged tank. Moments like these are few and far between, but Its always good to have all options at your disposal. 2. Ion Pulse is our spam filler ability: In my experience, with the way Energy Blast has been redone, Lowering its cooldown as much as possible to keep the buff up and thus, survivability up, requires that hammer shot take on a more prominent role as the filler to maximize ion cell procs. Ion Pulse for me has been assigned more of a use to apply the debuff role. 3: Talent point in Tactical Tools: I can say with some certainty that rarely does my pulse cannon actually finish its cooldown naturally. Unless you are extremely unlucky, the proc for pulse engine should nearly always take care of the cooldown for you. Harpoon wont see enough use in boss fights aside from the opening pull usually to benefit from this talent either. 4: Accuracy: I personally believe that accuracy is a huge asset. Resists on Stock Strike and Misses with High Impact bolt hurt our survivability by keeping the cooldown of Energy blast high and cutting down on the uptime of the buff. Not to mention, it ruins DPS and TPS. The tradeoff of shield is pretty minimal in the 72 gear range as you are so far along the DR curve for shield that the actual % you will lose from swapping shield rating will be surprisingly low. Just to give my word some credibility, I've MT'd through S&V HM 16 and for those who are fearful that the survivability of van's is gone....it's not. trust me. Anyway....those are some of my thoughts.
  12. Let me go through this systematically to make sure you all get it. 1. The goal of the PT/VAN is to trigger Ion cylinder proc as much as possible to get the cooldown of Heat Blast down as quickly as possible so that our survivability is at its maximum for as long as possible. Rail Shot, Rocket Punch, and Hammer shot are what trigger the Ion cylinder procs. 2. Flame Burst is our filler: WRONG! Flame burst WAS our filler. this has changed completely. Does flame burst trigger Ion cylinder? No. Then its purpose is now to be used to apply the buff and as a spamable when a group needs to burn as much damage as possible. Rapid shots has now become our filler to trigger Ion cylinder as much as possible. 3. Prototype Cylinders is useless: Using the numbers posted in this thread, people do in the neighborhood of 100 dmg on ion cylinder proc. According to my log of Dread Lord Stryak HM, I triggered 150 Ion cylinder procs throughout the entirety of the fight, and recorded about 30000 damage. Now, if I had wasted a point in Prototype Cylinders, I would have done an extra 2400 damage over the course of a 15 minute fight. WOW THATS SO MUCH WHAT A GOOD USE OF A TALENT POINT! Prototype Cylinders doesnt even effect the Shocked (Tech) damage that you get from the Ion overload talent. 4. Accuracy is useless: WRONG! Sure, there are tradeoffs. You lose some shield. The good news is that your shield rating will be high enough that you will begin to benifit from the opposite of diminishing returns. You are losing less shield % because you are so far along the curve at the upper tier of gear that the tradeoff is minimal. Not to mention, In order to keep Heat blast's cooldown down as low as possible, you have to be able to land hits with your Rocket Punch and Rail Shot. 5. No I'm not the person who thinks tank damage is insignificant. I consistently pull ~1200 dps patchwerk and obviously I understand the value of 600k damage on a boss. It's very simple. You can get all butthurt because I'm rude and not take my advice and continue playing the class wrong, or you can listen and learn. It wont affect me either way.
  13. I play a vanguard and I'm gonna post on here because usually the Van forums are dead. Here goes. PT/VAN IS PERFECTLY VIABLE! From a mitigation stance, we have to change the way we think. PT tanking has gone from a passive hit a rotation keep one buff up type of tank into a constant struggle to keep heat blast's cooldown decreasing while still performing boss mechanics and keeping your debuff on the boss. I imagine most of the people here are still doing hard mode flash points and getting some gear. Imagine yourself at launch as a fresh 50. You are wearing crap gear. This is where you stand now. We've been spoiled by a talent tree that gave us all we needed with little effort. With some moderate gearing we could tank it all. Not anymore. I've main tanked and cleared all of S&V 16 man Hard mode on a vanguard. I know it's viable, but now, the class isn't going to play itself. Not anymore. This time, we are going to have to become intimate with every detail of the class in order to maximize its ability. ALSO, stop using horrible builds. I've seen enough of the 8 points deep in Advanced prototype for no reason at all builds. Those need to die forever. Use this instead. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301GMGrdoroMdRRZbcZbc.3 Stop wasting a valuable talent point on Prototype Cylinders. ITS AWFUL FOR ION CYLINDER! SO BAD! 3% Endurance...No brainer. At my gear level, I gain 1k hp. 1k HP for 3 talent points.....OBVIOUS CHOICE! 6% crit for fire abilities or 8% Extra rocket punch damage...It's still up in the air. I have parses on single targets where rocket punch will do more damage and I have parses where Flamethrower will do more damage. 7 points in advanced prototype might be acceptable for Flash points, but going without 1k HP in an operation is just silly. If you can't figure out how to keep threat without all the damage talents by the time you walk into an operation, then its time to reroll. As for those wondering if accuracy is necessary...YES! Get the 3% from talent, 1% from companion unlock, and 6% from gear. Missing with Rail Shot and Rocket Punch will ruin your survivability and your threat gain. And don't forget...Only nooblords don't use an attack adrenal and a power relic swap right before they pull.
  14. Heya Lakki. While <Rude Dudes> isn't currently hurting for MDPS, your resume looks pretty solid and turning away good players is pretty silly. We are a 16 man progression guild and are 7/7 HM S&V. This may not be to your liking as you would miss the thrill of progression but hopefully Nightmare Scum & Villainy and some information about the next secret boss in the dread masters chain comes soon. If you have any interest look me up in game. My IGN is Gary. You can also check out our little corner of the web at sentinelgaming.net/swtor.
  15. Did he open with "Gibe Moni Pls" and then run away shouting HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE when you figured him out? I have my suspicions that this is the case.
  16. If you are on Rep side, then playing one game with Brazil Force or Hispanos will make you lose all taste for PvP.
  17. This sure does sound like a quick way to flush 100mil Credits down the toilet at lightning speed.
  18. Hey there Doc. <Rude Dudes> is a 16 man progression guild and is ALWAYS in the market for good Ranged DPS. We are currently progressing through HM S&V 16 man. Find me in game on Gary or talk to anyone else in Rude Dudes to get a hold of me so that we can chit chat.
  19. Updated 4/21 Still in the market for Ranged DPS classes.
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