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Everything posted by Pikarya

  1. Right now, your customer service has a reputation of being unhelpful and unreliable. Do you have any current plans in remedying this?
  2. I don't know if I would say 2 weeks is resolving the issue in a timely manner, but I'm glad that your problem was resolved. I submitted my ticket on 1/29 and a GM messaged me through their live chat a few hours later and asked me to submit a new ticket. So we'll see!
  3. Yeah, it was my bad. I'm a few days away from getting my last item that I need. At least I will be able to get the mount or sell an implant when it goes through. I know that there's a lot of people out there that submitted tickets, hence the long wait times, so I was just trying to get a more accurate estimate of when my ticket will be handled by creating this thread.
  4. Personally, I purchased the wrong item with my Daily Commendations by accident which I think accounts for a large majority of the tickets. It's too bad they didn't implement a sell back system since it would have solved a lot of people's problems.
  5. Anyone out there get any items restored by the GMs recently? When did you submit your ticket? I'm just trying to gauge how much longer I will need to wait for my item restoration. Since it is taking upwards to 2 weeks or so to get an item restored, if people post when they get their items restored on this thread, it might give people who are still waiting an idea when their tickets will be resolved!
  6. You know it says right in the patch notes: "Changes to Hemorrhage and Bleedout result in an overall increase in Damage Per Second." Please stop spreading misinformation with your shady math.
  7. I am having the same issue. Has anyone been able to unlock this?
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