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Posts posted by Ithilwen

  1. Dude, they are PC models. Just because you don't have any control over their movements at that point doesn't mean that they used an entirely different model. After all if it wasn't the PC model how would they assure that the changes that you are making to their Body Type, Head, Hair, etc. carried over to your character when they entered the game. Really, it's not that hard to get.


    Player Character models are done by one department. Non-Player Character models are done by another. Since the Non-Player Character models don't have to change (adjust for size, species, etc.) and there are so much more of them needed they take short cuts in creating them. One of these shortcuts includes building the clothing as part of the model. Every MMO developer works this way. Otherwise it would take ten times as long to develop a game.




    Even if that was the case... I don't think there are any NPCs wearing equipment that isn't just a different colour to what is already available to us... All they would have to do is take the PC available set and colour it to match the NPCs set and voila!

    A good example would be the security key vendors equipment, (in particular the IA)

  2. That conversation is the 6 th one you get in chapter 3 right?

    Indeed, that could work well, if you just stop talking to him right after the first conversation in chapter 3 (duty and devotion), where he



    asks to be reassigned. He already suspects/fears that Baras will soon call on him and wants to get away from you before Baras can "force his hand".



    I went a bit further than that , because I think the third-to-last conversation (technical changes) can also make sense after the incident, as one of the options has him saying :



    "How long will you persist in this? Shall I move forward as though there is nothing between us?" Like he is checking the status of their relationship after the incident.


    link to the vid here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQrWE8012bA


    Thats very interesting, and good to know! Thanks for that :D

  3. You know, at this point, I'd be fine if they just gave a recolor of the armors we already have access to. A Red Imperial Trooper and a Beige Republic Officer outfit would go a long way with me.


    What say you BioWare? Is that too much effort to keep us happy? Throw us a bone.




    Please not more recolours!

  4. Oh, i doubt they have trouble ignoring anyone. In the mean time, i'd like a little more equality with the items available at the CE Vendor. The Imp armor looks really good, but the republic armor is a joke. I don't think i've actually seen anyone wear that.


    I wonder if they even bother reading this thread anymore...

    The Republic armour is very blue, maybe if they added some black or white to it to break up the blue. Otherwise I don't mind it...


    Agreed... give us something that looks halfway descent. Hell at this point just give us anything. I don't care if they throw a turd on there and call Bantha poo... and I could throw it at people :) at least it would be a start.


    I agree with the Bantha Poo idea! that would be cool :D

  5. If you want to take your time to look at the scenery and take screen shots, the Holo camera is good for that ^^

    There are some really nice places hidden around the different planets, your imediate surroundings with the background artwork makes you feel like you really are on that planet (when you actually look and take things in)


    The holo dancer is just novelty, but good if you want to start your own party on fleet xD


    Most of the items just sit in my storage, but I do take out the Holocamera on my new characters and take photos of my journey :p Other than that, the Speeder is probably the best item you get from it. I personally think it looks better than both of the CM reskins of it, and it's adaptable so you won't need to buy any other speeders unless you want a different look.


    The flare gun might be good for RP, and the mouse droid now gets passed up for my taun taun.


    As for the VIP area, although there isn't much up there, on the pub side I noticed a lot of NPCs up there dancing, I don't remember them being there before. As for the Imp side, there are groups of sith and imperials talking in groups. So they both have a little bit of atmosphere, and it is nice to go up there every now and then to use the GTN, mailbox, Bank and Guild Bank terminals. :)


    Anyway, I think the statue is worth more than $70, so I'd say it's worth it, but up to you

  6. UUUGGGHHH... Not this again...


    If you want to strip down to your boxers on your ship and in private phases, I welcome you to do so, but I do not want to see male slaves running around in Galactic Age Harnesses in a MAN THONG when I'm just trying to relax.


    but female slaves wearing bikinis is perfectly fine?

  7. Maybe they could give us some Dragon 'style' armour, make it adaptive, and perhaps a couple of different styles, a set that looks more like heavy armour, as well as a set that looks more like light armour and a medium armour one... That would add a fair bit of diversity to the sets especially since people could mix and match peices for a look that they liked on their character :p
  8. I looked into legal action in the UK but got told only a US citizen could file a class action lawsuit in the US as EA / Bioware is a US company that a lawsuit could not be brought up in the UK.


    So it is down to a CE holder in the US to bring forward a class action lawsuit.


    How much would that sort of thing cost?

  9. Weapons, we can make a case for. Technically, there are two sets of armour that are exclusive to the CE vendors. We have a case against them - we've had one for or a year or so now. There is no need to overstate our case, given that it's already so solid without having to stretch.


    (Emphasis my own) The CE vendor only has 1 set of armour... unless you're including the security key vendor, I have no idea what the seccond armour set is...


    Which brings up another point... why is the republic dancers set the same as the slave outfit and all the CM 'dancer' sets? The Imps have a completely unique dancer set, but the pubs dont?

  10. I'm thinking I just wont talk to him during Act 3 untill after the incident... by then he'll probably have max affection so I'd only end up getting carried away and rush through all the convoes...
  11. Also: Buddy of mine logged out on top of the guild bank up in the VIP lounge: Came back in to being swallowed by it. I guess the guild wanted to keep him for storage.


    Lol, that's hilarious :D



    Back on topic. I'd really like to see some cool looking equipment in the CE vendor, just don't add any re-skins... There are enough of those in game and in the CM already...


    Maybe if some dye sets were added to the CE vendor, that would satisfy me for quite a while, and others would probably be content with that for some time... It would also give us a chance to create a more unique appearance for all of our characters, regardless of what equipment peices we are wearing...

    And NO it's NOT the same as adding re-skins to the vendor, since we can use the dyes on any equipment we have, and colour them the way WE want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  12. I recommend holding off on doing too many of Quinn's conversations until after the "incident." For me, it made it feel like the relationship still had room to grow and evolve afterwards and allowed me to end the story on a positive note.


    That's going to be hard for me, I tend to gain as much affection asap and then go through all the conversations straight away... :D

    I'm sure i'll manage if I try hard enough

  13. I don't think there is any difference for the jumps, I never had any trouble with my BT1 character. However cracks in walls and such are a different issue, larger body types need to find workarounds with the assistance of smaller body types...
  14. I think a lot of people might tell you that leveling is already too easy and that it shouldn't be made easier...


    I wouldn't mind it if they allowed one item that scaled with your level, like the crystal you got in KOTOR 2, but I can't really see it happening, maybe they'll implement something like it into the legacy system...

  15. It's as fast as a level 3 speeder, everyone would just spam it instead of using their actual speeders, and like the above poster said, they would need to stop people from using it in certain places. As it is now, the rocket boots can be used anywhere, even in places where mounts aren't allowed.


    I prefer it the way it is.

  16. As other people have said, creating planets for nothing but exploration isn't going to happen. However there are still things they could do with existing planets to encourage more exploration away from the path...



    My idea is to have 'relics' hidden around the different planets, they function like lore objects in that they are highlighted and clickable once. they could be hidden at the end of a platforming challenge like most datacrons, as well as just out of sight from the pathway, so that someone wandering around could stumble upon it and perhaps go looking for more.


    Some might require clues obtained on later planets before they become accessible, giving incentive to travel back to previous planets and explore. And some could be guarded by a level appropriate monster.


    These items could then be used to 'personalise' your ship by having them on display in various places...



    If you guys like my idea for this, please visit the link in my Sig :) It goes into more detail!

  17. Hey, nothing wrong with choice. I don't want to take anything away from those who like the odd ball crystals. I would just like to see a better design and more color options for the true core crystals.


    Same, I might use some of the more unusual crystals in my offhand weapon (apart from when dual weilding). But I would still like to choose from more colours, and see more diversity around the place

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