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Everything posted by ZenomX

  1. What i want them to do? This has nothing to do with me. ITS HOW BIOWARE DESIGNED THE QUEST. I play the game as it was designed to be play. Not win trading like the old ilum, which is part of the reason it got shut down.
  2. Oh so because your a PVE'r then all the content in this game should be based around PVE? Pretty self centered imo. There is 1.. only 1 quest that is a pvp quest. the others can be done in the north without same faction fighting. Its exactly the same as doing section x/black hole dailies. If you dont want to pvp, fine go do the other quests and kill the world bosses. Let us pvpers enjoy some world pvp for once.
  3. Oh really, I am pretty sure the quest says in PVP in the title. It is a PVP quest, plan and simple. All other quests can be completed in the north area while this quest is done in the south area which again is clearly marked as the pvp area. Not to mention that the screenshot in question was taken on a pvp server. So to recap, it is a pvp quest, in a pvp zone on a pvp server. God forbid people actually pvp.
  4. Polite and courteous? listen to yourself its a PVP QUEST..... IN A PVP ZONE. You realise by not fighting and taking turns you are doing something called win trading, which is in fact against the rules. Get your head out of your *** and play the game as it was meant to be played. People wanted world pvp, cried about it for months. BW finally give it to use and we see complain threads popping up all over the forum.
  5. agreed. I was doing this quest last night on a PVP server and I had a group of PVE'rs rage at us for ganking them at mid. like seriously why are you doing a pvp quest if you dont want to die? They went on for about 10 mins in general about how we are kids and only go after ppl with low hp. Strange comment since I was on a toon that I havent used in so long it was in full champion gear and two of the people in my group were in full recruit.
  6. ZenomX

    Illum 2.0

    People having been crying about world pvp since day 1. Ilum was a lagfest with kill trading, spawn ****** etc etc. So BW closed it down. People started crying about the lack of world pvp and rewards for it. so BW bring out this event with PVP quests and rewards. People complain: * "Some ****** pvper killed me while i was trying to do dialies" - Get a grip if you want to do dailies without getting ganked go do the other planet dailies or maybe play on a PVE/RP server. its not our fault you picked the wrong server. * "OMG why did you kill me im an imp, so stupid go kill repub" - again get a grip BW designed it to be a 4m free for all. If your red I can and will kill you. * "*** BW we need a 3 faction world pvp is crap because of faction imbalance" - really? they made it 4m free for all for this exact reason i believe. even on massively imbalanced servers you still have a fighting chance because the larger faction will also be fighting itself. All i see is QQ this and QQ that on this forum. People cry out for a new feature. They get it then they come straight to the forum to QQ about it. Worst community of any mmo ive played. ----------------------------------------------------------- I have done the new event 3 times so far and found it great. especially the pvp quest. fighting over the mid pylon induced some great pvp battles and sneaky bait and cap scenario's.
  7. I am guessing you are one of those kids who lives with their parents and plays SWTOR all day. Its the only way you can do all the dailies every day and still have time to do FP's, raids, pvp etc. I work full time, get home at 5.15pm, organize dinner, eat and get on at 6.30-7.00 most nights. I am usually off by 10.30. I don't and should not have to do dailies for 2 out of the 3-4 hours I am online just to cover costs of playing. In saying that I do dailies every few days and I work the GTN a bit. But to tell people they should "just do all the dailies, everyday, because credits are easy to get" because you have all the time in the world is a stupid argument to make. Who is the lazy one?
  8. A guildie and I were pvping yesterday and I noticed on the load screen for Novarre Coast there was a tie fighter shooting at people on the ground. This gave us the following idea. Why not have this implemented in the actual battle? Have an AOE target style graphic appear on the ground on a random player at like 30 second intervals giving players say 3-5 seconds to move before a volley of shots land on that spot hurting everyone in the aoe. This would add an extra twist to pvp with an element of PVE like in huttball. I can see this being interesting with using well timed stuns to hold someone in place and move so they get hit by the tie fighter. It will also keep people moving and add to the difficulty of pvp by not only having to watch the enemy team but also where the tie fighter will strike next. Just an idea
  9. ZenomX

    CC immunity is OP

    If you are going to insult people's intelligence you should start by actually having a good grasp of the English language yourself.
  10. Ticket responses are slow and never satisfying. Every single ticket ive submitted has been replied with a copy/paste generic crap answer that didnt even relate to the question completely. What we need are GM's that see the ticket, see your online and start chatting with you directly. Then I would feel like I am being heard and my sub is worth it.
  11. I think you downloaded the wrong game mate, the ones your looking for are KOTOR 1 and 2. What you ask would require them to pretty much create a whole new game.
  12. I read somewhere they are working on improving the interface editor to allow you to edit your buff/debuff icons, very welcome news. this is one of my biggest gripes about the interface. I dont want to be staring at my bar half the time to see if i have a proc.
  13. medals are stupidly easy to get as already mentioned. no need to hand them out for free.
  14. i wanna see a list for most deaths lol, just for a laugh.
  15. I cant speak for PVE content like flashpoints/operations but in pvp I find assassin dps to be great. There burst dmg plus their stuns makes them one of if not the best 1v1 class.
  16. i was winning 1v1's and topping scoreboards in my 20's. This is just another attempt to blame losing on the game mechanics/class balance. there is a small advantage to high level characters in lowbie pvp but its far outweighed by skill. a 49 toon will die just as fast as a lvl 20 if he doesnt know how to use his class. The only exception to this is people who purposely twink their 49 with full epic augmented gear.
  17. yeah love the sarlacc pit idea. it just seems like they made huttball and forgot about expanding on it. its by far the most fun ive had in pvp in a long time. it has so much potential. another idea i had was to put up big screens in the combat section of fleet with live feeds from huttball. could be static camera angles or feeds directly from players without the UI.
  18. EDIT: sorry all but a couple people were 50 This seems to be the most used payout/complaint about pvp vids, even tho it most cases its just not true.
  19. Oh so assassins/shadows are FOTM now, what happened to marauder/sentinels or jugg/guardians? All everyone does in this game is whinge. I am not saying the game is balanced but most people think its not their lack of skill thats the reason they are dying but the opponents class being OP. Lets go down the WoW path where the nerf bat gets brought out every few months and classes get slowly dumbed down to a 2-3 button rotation.
  20. I know huttball has a love/hate relationship with players. I know many people that love huttball and would only play it if they had the chance. I know others who hate it and leave group whenever it pops. My solution would benefit both groups. Create a seperate queue for huttball. This makes sense because huttball technically isnt a "warzone" its a brutal sport. But it would also allow people to just play huttball if they choose and everyone else can skip it. I would also suggest creating 2-3 extra arenas with different platform and pit configurations. This would make it even more fun and never get boring. Maybe even give it its own ranked system seperate from the warzone system.
  21. Seriously another nerf thread? Every day i see nerf this and nerf that. How about stop being bad and learn how to play. If BW listen to all the QQ on this forum every class would have been nerfed so bad it would take 5 mins to get a kill in a warzone. Stop being a cry baby because a good assassin who took the time to learn his class and gear up his toon beat you. Instead of crying suck it up and work hard at getting better.
  22. Every single ticket I have put in has been either ignored or the reply has been a copy/paste from some manual they provide their support team. Most of these copy/paste replies have not even really applied to my original question. Just last week I put in a ticket, got one of these copy/paste generic replies. I sent them a complaint about never receiving a personalized reply and what did i get? the exact same generic response. I swear BW support is just an outsourced team that have never even played or seen the game. They get given a list of generic replies and just select the closest one to your question. I have never been more insulted by a customer support team from any company.
  23. I beg to differ i found my assassin peaked early in terms of dmg capability and good abilities. Warriors on the other hand peak at later levels (35+). So being low level shouldnt stop him from winning a 1v1.
  24. Word of advice, if your gonna post screenshosts then black out ur hotbars cause now everyone knows your a clicker noob and you will prolly get trolled. GG
  25. Opening up with charge is actually necessary to build up rage quickly. Nothing worse then having to spam assault to build up rage while ur opponent is bashing your head in with their high dmg abilities. With charge + battering assault I have enuf rage to do my usual rotation on someone, choke, then battering assault is off CD so i can start again. Without charge I find myself spamming slash which ruins my dps and often gets me killed. Only exception is huttball, that warzone is so ridiculous with the knockbacks that u need to gimp ur dps abit by holding off on charge just to stay in the fight. I also save my charge when im the ball carrier to leap up to the end zone area when someone is up there range attacking me from the edge lol. My point to the OP is, just cause someone opens up with charge that doesn't make them a bad player, its situational.
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