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Everything posted by MandoMetal

  1. yeah, that was a troll post. Iron and Kana'ba prob would not want your friend in guild unless he is good at PvP in addition to RP I don't know of any good RP guilds for your friend, especially now with the dwindling server pops. Your best bet would probably be to let it be known in fleet chat, you may get some offers there.
  2. Well, a good one I know of is the Coruscant Crushers. Contact Ironhíde, one of their leaders, in game. I am sure this decorated veteran would be more than happy to assist such a promising young trooper...
  3. Based on m personal experience, solo queue pops very consistently on Imp side from around 12 P.M. to 12 A.M. Eastern (It varies of course, but generally). Pub side pops also around those times, just seemingly not as often.
  4. Haha that must have been fun. I figured you would have gotten this facing PvE scrubpubs... having achieved it versus imps probably makes this a more significant accomplishment. Well done sir.
  5. Not in hierarchical order or anything, but Raizur, Aballam, Achido, Aballam, Ody, Vaye, BobbyD ... probably several more, those I can name off the bat
  6. nice to see some positive stuff on the forums, awesome job.
  7. Strenx, Kana'ba, Xek, Perseus, Tercept... not in any particular order, and there are probably quite a few others I don't run into or run with as often that qualify as well
  8. In PvP it's basically full keybind or bust...
  9. Walls of text crit you for for 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Very interesting ideas though.
  10. /signed, but only for ranked. I still think bolster has the potential to be more beneficial in 2.0 than it was prior, and do not wish to see it completely removed. That is assuming it will be made to do more of what is supposed to, whilst not being so glitchy and exploitable.
  11. I have had this "cover bug" happen to me quite a few times in VS . The bug (Especially when running MM) definitely hampers my damage and defensive potential. The only thing that fixes it for me (While still in the warzone and bugged) is moving past the current barrier I happen to be behind (Either a door or laser barricade) and into the next area. To prevent this bug from happening I do not go into cover the last few seconds of the first round in VS. I almost never have it happen now that I do this. Hope this helped somewhat. Good luck.
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