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Posts posted by Elepole

  1. Because it is my choice; want nothing to do with Griefers, space zombies, or additional expenses if it can be avoided. I choose not to exploit the Death mechanic to get riich; already is irritating that I choose to do it to travel back to base so frequently.


    But it was not my choice to become infected; that was the Griefer's decsion.


    So you are complaining because someone give you 50k credit ? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound ?

  2. Stop being logical. They dont like that.


    Sorry, i try to think illogical very hard, but i can't. Specially when the solution is SO obvious.


    Btw, to OP, nobody force you to play the game, so you are NOT forced to participate to the event, you could just play BF3 for a while until the event is finished. Or you could do what i suggest. See ? You have plenty of choice !

  3. Upon completion of 1 additional hour of time that is not spent wandering aimlessly and complaining about how the game never loved you, you will have approximately 100k in credits. Assuming your current game balance is zero credits, you will be able to afford the most expensive, exclusive, special bonus luxury item in the game in about 3 weeks.


    Hello, logic don't work on the Internet, i'm sorry.

  4. Million credit for legacy stuff ? I feel it's fair. I'm far from being a economics genius, but even me can see that at lvl 50 you don't really have to pay for nothing. The only thing i had to pay for is ... stuff for my companions because i'm trying other specs. Beside that nothing, nada. If you really don't do money you are doing it wrong since just by doing the daily you make money ...
  5. I have only one thing to say:


    Before Ashara couldn't use a blue crystal because i'm slightly dark side, now she can use a blue crystal regardless of my moral alignment. So the new system is much better since it permit Ashara to stay correct with the lore (She still a jedi, therefore she use a blue crystal)

  6. *read this with Mr.Bison voice*:

    yes YES !

    *stop reading with Mr.Bison voice*


    Yeah, Ashara will finally be able to have her blue light saber ! After all, she is more light side than Yoda himself, it is stupid that she can't use a blue light saber just because i'm half dark side !

  7. FYI


    this game isn't for you if you don't like voice acting. There are PLENTY of diff ways you can be in character even at the same mission :)


    You're wrong, for most conversions there is three way to do it per class, and most of the time the difference between those three way is only one sentences.

  8. Yes, you can have any stat on any orange gear (infact, one of my comp use a sniper gear even if she is a jedi) But, a light gear will never have the same armor rating as a heavy gear, keep that in mind if you use a light armor for your juggernaught.
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