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Posts posted by Elepole

  1. 1- I'm totally agree, SWTOR feel empty everywhere beside the fleet.


    2- Since this is my first p2p mmo i never play a MMO with LFG, and i never had problem to find a group, but also every mmo i played had a global chat so we could search a group and do something else somewhere else.


    3- Optional is the way to go, the grouping issue have more to do with 1 and 2.


    4- I'm agree here too.


    I never played wow, so i don't care how blizzard did thing, but SWTOR definitely have a problem about grouping and population.

  2. Visual fluff, like for example, synth could craft special legacy armor where you can choose the color of the armor, same for armoring, etc ...


    Some legacy only skill:


    there could be several type of legacy skill tree, and you could be able to choose only one of them. I don't want that those skill tree to be dps/heal related, but more for buff for example.


    Be able to use the companion of any member of the legacy . ("You're in love with Mako ? no problem, a couple of mind trick and she will be in love with me Nyahahaha!")


    Indeed shared cargo hold, a must have.


    Being able to use the ship of another member of the legacy. ("I am the boss of that legacy, you give me your ship or i make you suffer with my lightning Nyahahaha !")


    Being able to have all sort of relation between character and having title related to them (everything from slave to grandmother, including concubine )

  3. Red wild predator should attack (even more, hunt) yellow wild prey, that alone will add more life in this "world", also, a predator shouldn't be stupid and randomly attack player, but hunt them, follow them and wait until the player engage some action (scavenging, fighting something else, etc ...) to attack them, like a real predator would do.
  4. Because my guild chose Empire :D


    Well, you the Empire isn't that Evil, look, the story of the Inquisitor is basically becoming a Sith Lord or dying, even if he is "good" he doesn't have other choice than being bad. I would even said that playing Empire but trying to be good is very interesting story wise.

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