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Everything posted by Dirrkk

  1. I agree with vault worker that it is still a game in its infancy, and i can only hope they revamp space with an expansion, whenever that may be....and having instances & flashpoints for all levels is a great suggestion too...I mean...really, they're ALL good suggestions, one way or the other... In a way i guess I set myself up for disappointment, being such a hardcore SWG-er along with other MMO's, and the hype that preceded the launch...it feels like they promoted one kind of game, and released another..."shrug"...but hey...I'm still gonna play...lol....and keep my fingers crossed for being able to customize the UI, my ship, my clothes, see more community-oriented stuff, fly my ship around in realspace & fly against whomever I choose..or craft anything & everything in the universe....and own a house I can put up art in. back to the grind...lol...
  2. look around the forums....plenty of ex-swg gamers floating around. And for a game that lasted almost 10 years I'd say SWG was pretty successful. here's a couple of threads from the forums expanding on my own rant, and supplementing my case for an overhaul of the space combat engine, etc etc: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=279670 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=317428&highlight=Galaxies http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=68255&highlight=Galaxies http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=320587&highlight=Galaxies http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=249998&highlight=Galaxies http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=224036&highlight=Galaxies and the list goes on and on..... And while I want to make it ABUNDANTLY clear that I am not knocking the opinions of players who think the game is great..( Everyone's opinions are valid...that why the forums exist to begin with! ).........and it is true that SWG had many shortcomings, it is clear that the overwhelming majority of opinions & concerns for TOR are the space, crafting, & social aspects of the game.....and even the most novice of players can see the validity in those statements. I appreciate and welcome all replies, and points of view, and respect them all. I just feel that as a career MMO player ( right from SW: the role playing game 1st edition with dice & paper back in 1987 ), and one among many who play this game and others like it, should have their opinions heard & acted upon by the developers who depend on players to keep their children fed. I've played EVE.....it's got great mechanics...and it's truly a 1st class game...but it's not Star Wars. TOR truly is WOW with a different skin...and that's sad....I gave it a serious go...and it just wasn't my game ( Turns out Age of Conan is everything WOW should have been....and waay more fun).....but I also respect the opinion of the WOW crowd, and I can appreciate the excellent way it has been marketed & the following it has achieved. ( Chuck Norris with a lightsaber, anyone? HECK YEAH!...I'd buy that game...lol..) In any event, my whole point was to illustrate that I'm not alone in my longing for aspects of SWG that kept players coming back again and again through all of SOE's ridiculousness...mainly the tremendous sense of COMMUNITY......( and free-space flying! )
  3. aight....I've been playing this game since launch, and went through 2 beta tests. while I highly doubt ANY of my feedback or suggestions will make it anywhere near a developer's ear ( and judging by the amount of comments I see bashing the kiddies & the QQ-ing ), I still feel the need to cut loose SOMEWHERE and just vent....so here it is: 1. Bioware has made a very pretty game. It looks nice, plays smooth, and from a visual perspective is completely 1st class. 2. The voice acting is outstanding. and that's about all I can say that's really positive after accumulating (as of today)1,032 hours of gameplay. - The storyline & quests are entertaining, HOWEVER, they do entail a seemingly redundant amount of running back & forth between 2 points....like a galactic pizza delivery guy. - The entire concept of space & space combat is a joke. Total, absolute, and utter ridiculousness from start to finish. Space combat as a linear arcade-style mission? No ship customizing or shipwrighting? No open exploration of space or sectors?!? No asteroid mining?....WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT.................................... The space aspect was the main reason I got into SWG...( and I played that from launch, and when they finally put out "jump to lightspeed", they did it RIGHT. 5. no guild cities? no player houses? come ON..... 6. taking a planetary shuttle to each area?......what good is shelling out 40k for a speeder & having to BUY the skill to use it if you can only use it in certain circumstances & certain areas? I have played virtually every MMO out there, and this one is the only one that leaves me so conflicted. Visually brilliant, but lacking SO much in terms of user-definable content.... Bioware should have taken a SERIOUS look at the mechanics & dynamics of SWG and incorporated that platinum-caliber sandbox dynamic into this game. The complaint I hear the most often from other players is "Why didn't they follow SWG's lead?"...Surely the developers MUST be aware that a huge percentage of TOR players are former SWG players who got burned when Sony & Lucas pulled the rug out from under them. These players came to TOR because of the void left by Sony....and the hope of a Star Wars Game that would be equal to ( if not better than) the Platinum level of development of the SWG MMO... ( CU & NGE notwithstanding! ) "sigh"...."deep breath".....ok....I feel much better now....."whew!"...I just had to get it out....."shrug"...and of course I'll continue to play TOR, to get my Star Wars fix.....and I'll continue to hope against hope that some developer somewhere will realize what a colossally lop-sided game it is, will fire the dumb shmuck who thought "Meh...let's throw in the most appealing aspects of the game as an afterthought..or not at all......just make it look pretty"...and will whip the proverbial slaves into shape to fix the stunted Starship & Space dynamic of the game..( it IS Star Wars, you know....epic space battles & decent space content is kind of a cornerstone of the mythos...be it during the Galactic Civil War or 4,000 years earlier....).... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand done.
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