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Everything posted by momentum

  1. Yes, I will definitely keep subscribing. I'm having a blast and so are my 3 friends I play with that don't go on the forums.
  2. I agree with most of what you said. I seem to not have as many graphical glitches as you have. On top of that, I also don't have as high of a level of attention to detail as you do. Funny when you mention that wounded people are always in the same position. After reading that I realized that's completely true, but i never noticed it! The only thing that actually bugs me with the recycling is when my character uses the same lines. That would be fine, but sometimes those lines don't really fit the situation well. My SW says "Some elaboration is required", when the option is something like "Tell me more about the XYZ gang". The UI does suck but I know it will be fixed eventually. Overall i think you gave a pretty fair critique, and as I said, I agree with most of it. DESPITE all of that, I'm still having a blast playing this game and I'm probably in for the long haul. So strange how two people can agree about all the flaws, and yet one of them is still loving the game while the other isn't.
  3. Same issue here...my ship is actually upgraded pretty well too. Don't think there's anything you can really do about it, no matter how good at rail shooters you are.
  4. I haven't actually picked yet...which is why I'm asking now. I know sniper is all range, but can you be ranged at all in operative? I don't mind using melee now and then, I'm just wondering if operative can be not 100% melee...i dont want to be a wow rogue.
  5. I just got to 10 on my IA and was planning to play op so I could heal. For leveling I was wondering if I can play as a ranged class still as an operative. Concealment looks pretty much like pure melee stealth rogue stuff. Lethality though looks like it has some range and doesn't really just increase melee stuff. So, is there a such thing as a ranged operative? Would it even be any good?
  6. On the right side there are tabs for everything that would be in a normal manual. Try clicking them.
  7. I'm actually quite happy with only playing as a tank. I would prefer no dual spec at all. The only reason I would want it is if a vast majority of players were going to quit because they didn't get it. Then I'd have no one to play with =( At first I thought no dual spec would suck, but I really like that I had to pick a style and stick with it. in Wow if you played as a healer in vanilla you were done for. It took forever to level. The companion system fixes all of this. But don't worry, i understand that I'm a minority, and Im sure BW will add dual spec...at least I don't have to use it! After playing as a tank for leveling, flashpoints, and pvp, i don't even think I would choose to dual spec. Too fun playing a well defined character.
  8. Maybe they could just implement a buff that you get when you dismiss your companion. It would make sense for leveling. When it comes to world PvP though...it would be horribly unbalanced and awful.
  9. All I want is for the UI to be similar to something like bartender, the addon for WoW. Completely customizable,moveable etc. The way to set keybinds in that addon was also genius and I don't know why BW stuck with the oldschool frustrating system of opening your preferences and manually putting in all of your keybinds, hoping that you're picking the right bars and slots. Talk about a hassle. Combat logs are a must and if I remember correctly they already said they will be adding it in eventually, hopefully sooner rather than later. As far as macros go, I just want some freaking mouse over macros for grouping. Sorry to keep bringing up WoW but healbot made healing much more simple. Not that it made it actually easier, but you just didn't have to fight the terrible WoW interface. it just allowed me to effectively use my skills.
  10. I play a jug tank. I level as a tank, I do flashpoints as a tank, and I pvp as a tank. At first I thought no dual spec would suck. Now i love that I'm always a tank. My character is a tank, no matter what I'm doing. That makes sense and it feels like my character is more defined, i also think that since I always play the same spec I actually get a lot better at being a tank, then if i was switching to dps specs for pvping/leveling w/e. I like that you kind of have to make a solid decision and stick with it.
  11. just play the first 8 levels or so of each class! Then play them again! But really, I doubt this game would head in a direction where you can choose a class that doesn't utilize companions. There are times in the story where I have to do things completely alone, and those are cool. I think from an RP point of view it sucks that you can't choose to just be a lone wolf. I doubt that in star wars a bad *** sith warrior would always be hanging with a sassy twilek everywhere he went. Especially when your companions get to hear all of the confidential mission assignments and dark council secrets. It's kind of odd. The rest of the game is so amazing to me that I'm willing to continue anyway. But realistically...I don't think it looks like they'd ever abandon the companion concept.
  12. I feel like I'm also on of the few who really like the space combat. The more I think about it the less I want a full scale space craziness going on. For the most part I want to be playing my character and using my lightsaber in groups and killing mobs. The space missions are fun and I do them quite often, but I don't want that to become a major major part of the game.
  13. It seems like one of the issues with selecting your warzone is that it splits our pvp players into thirds. huttball was a great design because it allows players to pvp even when there aren't enough of the opposing faction qued. For the other two, we need a solid amount of players on both sides. I like huttball the least as well, but with pvp ques being somewhat long, i'd imagine they would become VERY long if we are able to select which one. Despite that, I agree that we should still be able to select which ones we want to que for!
  14. I don't blame you for being selfish in that regard, what Im suggesting would make it unplayable for certain people. But does that really have to be an issue? Why can't they just have an option in the graphics section to lower or raise "graphical ambience" or something. Then we both get what we want. I really don't think it would be that complicated and hard to implement. Then again I'm not a game designer. But if you can already change graphics completely...why not be able to change that?
  15. I remember in WoW when they had the same system TOR is using. For raids I would choose the raid i wanted to do, and people who wanted to do it would show up, along with tank,dps, or heal icons next to their name. I thought it worked fine, I actually kind of liked it, though it didn't completely get rid of LFG spam, it helped a lot. Since people coming from WoW are so used to the LFD tool, I bet they aren't willing to spend the time with the LFG tool we have. It's too bad really. But I admit I don't use it either because whenever I do, I see NO ONE else using it. Which leads me back to LFG spam in general....
  16. On a somewhat different note, I feel like many areas of the game are lifeless due to a lack of NPCs. On nar shadaa they did a great job of making it feel like a bustling populated city...except that there's no one there. I understand why there wouldnt be a ton of civilians in the gang owned area, but in the main area there should be CROWDS of NPCs walking around and doing NPC things. Instead theres like 5 just hanging out. I think it would have felt a lot less lifeless if they just added a ton of star wars aliens and even humans just walking around...carrying shopping bags, yelling at eachother, about to engage in fist fights, beggars asking for credits, I dont even care, just ANYTHING. Same with the imperial fleet. It should be crowded with stormtroopers (or whatever the equivalent would be in this time of star wars) marching around, or NPCs who are lurking the GTN for stock prices etc. That way when I go to Tatooine and its empty (as it should be) i feel like I'm actually on a different world. /rant
  17. One of my companions has +5 critical to treasure hunting. I believe that this means this companion has a higher chance of getting a "crit" on the mission. A crit changes what you get depending on the crew skill, but i assume that a crit in something like underworld trading would be a schematic, instead of just the regular mats. Efficiency as you probably noticed just means that it takes less time for your companion to complete the mission/crafting. If I'm wrong, hopefully someone will correct this.
  18. I got this same email, but my computer crashed overnight and now i cant even see if i actually got in. If you did actually get in, you should be able to just log in with your account on the launcher I believe. Have you tried that? if you figure it out please let me know, because if you get in, that means i can go to a gaming place and log in. GOOD LUCK
  19. You will need items from treasure hunting whicih you cant get from archaeology, if you want to be able to make everything from artifice without buying any mats. However, most of the items don't require the special mats from what ive seen.
  20. ...You contact whoever you preordered with and tell them you want to cancel it. This is such a whine attempt.
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