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Everything posted by Loyal_Viggo

  1. (yawn) This thread is so interesting. To sum it up: Person A is throwing their toys out of the pram and thinks it's the end of the world because of an event in a virtual world that has not even come to pass. Meanwhile the rest of the world does not care because it's only a game and at the end of the day it goes dark and nothing Person A can whinge about or do will change it. A true story. Based upon real events.
  2. Looking forward to spending my hard-earned virtual cash on weapon crystals, fast speeders and even faster women in a seedy Naar Shaddaa bar. All I need now is deathsticks... maybe they'll be on sale from a special vendor too...
  3. Yes you can solo WB's, but you can't use a companion they get terrified and are useless for the duration. From about lv37 I could solo the Dromund Kaas and Balmorra WB's as a Marauder. Now I'm level 50 I can solo up to the lv38 Taris and Quesh WB's, they are just a little too tough. With the others below that it's not a problem as the 'bleed' skill in the annihilation spec heals Marauders as they fight. I don't know if other classes have something similar. Solo'd: Dromund Kaas Balmorra Tatooine Naar Shaddaa Alderaan Not solo'able (in my opinion, maybe I'm just not good enough...) Taris (close fight but the spawns are what get me, did it with a tank and dps but not solo) Quesh (close fight, did it with a tank and dps but not solo) Hoth - too high for both Hoth WB's you need a group, (I've done them with a group of 8 before) Belsavis - you most definitely need a group! I've done it in a ops group before. The good thing about soloing the WB's is that if you have lower level alts you can totally pimp them out with superb gear, which is what I did for all mine. They respawn after 3 hours so you can usually do the same one twice a day or more if you want something specific. Also anything you duplicate you can give to friends or sell, as 50's with lower alts usually have alot of cash to spend on them. Hope that helps.
  4. If you check any TOR database, such as torhead, you can see what 400 crafting recipes use the Self Perpetuating Power Cell.
  5. For research purposes, and to refresh my memory, I have reviewed all the female candidates mentioned. Academically it is a close contest. For example, Talon has those great handlebars/reins, and Leia's gold bikini is the original (and some would say best) look for a slavegirl, and even the redhead BH from the TOR trailers gets a mention. So... I have spent at least ten minutes concluding... In my professional opinion, with all the weight that it carries, is that if any of them asked nicely, of course it would be terribly rude not to. But if I was *forced* to endure any amount of time stuck with them naked in a zero gravity confined space then I would go for Mara. P.S. there is even some feisty Imperial bird on the Black Talon that I swear gives me the eye every time I see her... you know, the one with the huge smile... she would make the list.
  6. ^^This - well said sir, I salute you.
  7. Nothing to do at 50? You can't be talking about TOR. I play this game so much at night I dream of lightsabers, and when I wake up am crushed by the realisation that I don't actually have one...
  8. When I read the title, I was prepared for some hardcore foreign, domestic, cultural and economic policy debates on the European Union... I guess SW novels come close.
  9. Thanks for your post, some valid observations there. My experience: Cons: Synthweaving was no good at all for my character as he levelled to 50 as it was simply too expensive and time consuming to make appropriate gear for the level I was at. Pros: Now I'm level 50 I can totally pimp out my lower level alts with all artifact gear that is appropriate to their level. There is something to be said for being the best-attired character at your level (even if it's only for a short while). Appearance is everything!
  10. Well said, I accept the blame. However, as a deviant I wonder... can you equip the Slave Bikini on Vette and keep the collar on? Combined with those handle bars of hers... Deviants everywhere rejoice! Next thing you know the OP will be complaining about the fact you can get a Slave Bikini at all, as if it was never in the film. I think it's discrimination not to offer the bikini to male characters, I think a cross-dressing SW character would be superb in PvP, you'd really throw off your opponents if you come at them in a two-piece with matching slave slippers. The game would win more awards for being pro-choice etc etc, but probably lose some points on women's rights. Maybe all the female characters should stage a bra-burning at the Imperial Station, I'm sure all the male characters would come and watch/support them (no pun intended).
  11. Wait, I've been trying to do that for the last 48 levels of playtime! What's your secret? Do you play Good Sith/Bad Sith from one talk to the next, or is keeping the shock collar on the trick? I must admit, the collar is kinda kinky...
  12. Greetings. Situation: I'm roughly 330 Synthweaving and have been able to buy new schematics as I go along. No problems there. However, I'm at roughly the same level for Underworld Trading and Archaeology yet have never seen one new mission available at a Crew Skill Trainer. I'm disappointed that there are no new trainable missions at these vendors, at least for me. Am I missing something? Do you have to reach a certain level for them to offer something? Do you ever get any new missions from Crew Skill Trainers? Any constructive replies are appreciated. Cheers
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