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Posts posted by Ampalaea

  1. Hello. I have 2250 cartel coins and would like to know what is the best way to make them into in-game credits..The level 60 boost now sells for 2k cc. Is that a good way and how much would you sell it for? Just don't tell me to try my luck in boxes, I am not lucky at all :).


    BTW, do you know if mounts go to collection too? If I buy the Throne mount once, can I pay some cc to unlock it for all characters?




    EDIT: I wish there was an option like GW2 to directly "convert" your cc into credits, depending on demand and supply...

  2. According to the "Core World Changes" blog, the quests in the "critical path" are required. Those quests are marked with purple icons and gold icons.


    Critical Path: Should you choose, these are the only Missions you need to do in order to level from 1-60 without falling behind or getting too far ahead of the curve. These are also the Missions we consider most critical to the story of The Old Republic from level 1-60.


    All Class Missions and the core story arcs for each planet are part of the critical path and we’ve updated these Missions to be easily recognizable on the map due to their purple triangle icon. They also have a purple display name in your Mission Log. Additional Missions on the critical path will retain the classic gold triangle icon and Mission log text.


    if it has the standard gold triangle, how we will recognize if it is part of the "critical path" and not just a random quest? I thought all "critical path" quests will be purple..

  3. Started a Bounty Hunter today and only did the purple quests (as advertised, purple quests are the only ones we need to level..). In fact, while doing the purple quest, I did every bonus mission popped up. I finished Hutta and I am 9 level and 20-30% xp. I am a subscriber and also in a Guild (5,4% extra xp)...


    So how far from truth is the "Only need purple quests to level"?

  4. Hello all. I have just returned to swtor after a long time and have some questions :)


    1) Collectibles: I have already purchased Treek companion and have it "unlocked". On other characters, it asks me to pay 700 cc to unlock it again. If I pay this unlock, does all my characters on that legacy, current and new ones , will have the option of this companion for free? Or each one will need to pay 700 cc?


    If with 700 cc, I unlock it for all my characters, I wonder what other items follow the same rule? Does the gear sets also work the same way? You pay once, then you pay again and after that you have them forever for all alts?


    2) Credits: Are dailies still the best way to make credits? My higher character is level 51, I wonder if I can use him to make some credits somehow, to help my alts leveling with comfort and glamour :) (buy outfits, good color crystals, etc).

  5. Requires level 15, the most basic ones cost 5k credits, which you should be able to afford. Quest giver is on your capital world or on the fleet and looks like a giant hologram.


    Thanks :)


    Smooth and relaxed experience? Quick Travel cooldown down to 10 minutes?


    Nice one! Got it :) Is really nice to have it almost every 1-2 quests


    The +41 stat crystals are a big help at early levels. The never really decrease in effectiveness, but they level out for how much difference they made as you level up.


    If you plan to have a tanking companion, slotting 2 of the +41 endurance crystals can give them, or yourself for that matter, a huge boost to health during early levels. Using the +41 crit or power crystals can give a substantial boost to damage output as well. Once you get to the point where these stats are showing up on gear in sufficient quantities they stop being over-powered though.


    Many of these crystals can be acquired for credits at very affordable prices on the GTN, unless you are trying for a specific color. If you don't mind the color as much though you find them pretty cheap. I wouldn't recommend buying a crystal with CC. Most of the crystals usually go for around 700 CC if I remember correctly. Instead of sinking that much CC into one, buy a single CM Pack for 250 CC, sell it on the GTN for 200,000 - 300,000 credits (prices vary by server) and then buy the crystal you want on the GTN. The less desired colors tend to sell for 15,000 to 50,000 credits on my server.


    I just did a search on my server too (The red Eclipse) and the +41 power sell for 185k while the critical one for 85k. Asking in chat, people told me that +41 Power is better that +41 critical :). I guess crystals will be a thing for my alts, after going this one on max level and make some credits.

  6. Hello there. I started leveling a IA (will go Sniper at level 10). I would like to ask what do you think is worth buying that will make my leveling experience easier and more enjoyable? I am looking for a relaxing leveling to enjoy the stories. So eventually whatever will help getting mobs down easier and faster will be good.


    So far I bought the rocket boots and the contracts that starts quest for Treek companion cause I heard is the best tank/healer companion. I am also planning to get Scavenging/Cybertech to gear up me and my companion with mods/armorings/ears.


    What else do you suggest? Are the +41 power crystals doing significant difference on damage?

  7. yea my bad :( I could have tank gear if I wanted..I have both cybertech and Artifice high level with lot of blue recipes learned..but I leveled my Jugg with dps gear with no problem and thought to do so with my sin. I had one year to play him...just logged and load him with full dps gear :)


    Now next gear upgrade is level 41 (I upgrade every 4 levels with full blue quality). I will make sure I get the right gear now.

  8. I just logged with a level 37 Sith Assassin I had and load him with full blue armorings/Mods/Enhancements plus Hilts. The gear is all blue quality and up to level. I have azhara as companion with full green up to level gear.


    My characters takes way too much damage...every fight gets me to half health...I also have level 41 operative - concealment and I kill things without even get to 80% life.


    What I am doing wrong? I use the rotation correctly... I always have Dark Ward up, Discharge on cooldown, shock when I have energize and Force Lighting when have stacks of Darkness...I also use my stun (electrocute) and Interrupt spell casts.


    I feel like I am fighting with level 10 armor...

  9. Quite a few 55 toons do Black Hole and Section X, probably most of them. So they can carry you a bit through the heroics needed for the weekly. The Section-X area quest many 55 toons of them do solo, but if you ask and I'm doing dailies I would be happy to group with you for it or the whole thing actually.


    ^^ Thanks a lot :) People are really helpful in this game, whatever I asked, either on forums or in-game got immediately help


    /bow to community

  10. I just started the second chapter with my agent and I just landed in Taris. English is not my native language and sometimes Idon't clearly understand what happening. So, I am in the stage that I am going to be double agent and met with the Republic's leader of SIS. He did something with my mind to control me and then I heard the voice of the Watcher X (the madman from Nar Shada) something told me.


    If I understood right, they think that they control my mind but somehow I managed to resist it and they don't know that they don't control me? Is that right? Is this what Watcher X told me?


    Please, don't spoiler me further in story and if is impossible to answer my question without give me spoilers then please don't. Thanks

  11. That's great!

    Have fun with your agent :) It really is a nice class with an awesome story :D


    ^^ Thanks :) Is like I am in the movie Mission Impossible hehe. great stuff so far. Only worries me is that after the agent the other stories might feel a bit meh... From all the classes I got to around 20-30 is by far the greatest story. Sith warrior (my 50) was fun with all the tortures and assassinates but generally as story wasn't something special :)

  12. I just did the black hole dailies :). I did not completed the weekly because I did a daily before I get the weekly but I will do so tomorrow. I was very lucky with the H4 quest. I asked on general if there is a group for it and a level 55 player invited me and... well I can't say I helped a lot cause he flied through mobs alone :)


    Anyway, with all the quests and the credits from kills, I got 78k credit! Thats more than enough for me :) (I don't know what part of it was the H4 quest which I will not do each day though). For my casual - leveling gamestyle! So Ill skip illum for now and jump in to my Imperial Agent to continue the story..I just ended chapter 1 and is going awesome so far!


    Thank you all.

  13. Thank you both for answering :) I am not interested in xp, just to get some steady and small amount of credits every day as fast as possible :) It seems that both Illum and Black hole are the faster, but which is the "easiest"? My gear is not top :) some mostly level 49 epic armorings/mods e.t.c. and some 50 blue pvp (they gave that to me with mail once hitting 50).
  14. Hello there. I re-subscribed lately and playing an Imperial Agent and I have a blast :) I do also have a level 50 Sith Juggernaut but I do not wish to play him or level him to 55, I want to spend my time on leveling My Imperial Agent and my Sith Sorcerer.


    However, I could use him around 30-45 min per day to do some dailies to get some money to help my alts with. Are there any Dailies still left for 50 level characters? What are the easiest and fastest ones? I don't want the maximum profit, just 5-6 fast quests to get 30-50k credits per day if possible to slowly unlock things for alts.



  15. That's what I heard! That Agent story is awesome and also some rumors that the dev creating it got promoted :) That's why I am going to level him first hehe. After that the Sith Inquisitor which I hope also will have good story too. Thanks for the tips :)


    Just an idea...if I go healer with my agent and have a tank companion or DPS geared well and let him kill stuff while I keep him alive...is this viable? Don't mind if is the fastest, just to be easy and viable :) I just want to get back, relax and enjoy the story. I know you are gonna say "go watch a movie then" and I won't blame you, but thats what I really want..as relaxing leveling as possible.

  16. Thanks a lot all of you for quick and very informative answers :) I did check my planetary commendations and I found out that I have a total of 488 across my characters (have lot of characters at 15-30 level range but I will start over again since I forgot entirely the story so far and first levels are easy and fun).


    But according to this guide here http://thefanaticalswordsman.com/2013/06/13/update-2-0-leveling-gear-guide/ I am going to need a total of 95 comms without counting my companion to gear up every 4-5 levels...I can craft with cybertech many of them though :).


    As for underworld trading, is it really necessary? My Juggernaut had UT and I remember spending all my money for missions...besides that I don't think I will produce much to RE to discover blue recipes...more probably I will just craft what I need for me and companion every 2 levels, since you said that green gear is ok to level with :).


    As for cartel coins I guess you suggest to buy things and sell for credits right? I would love t obuy a portable trainer but they are on a pack...and I have to be very lucky or buy them with credits (which I am sort of). Sadly, I did not pre-ordered the Hutt expansion pack..I bought it while it was active and missed the portable trainer..


    EDIT: oh forgot to ask, where is the weekly for the Flashpoint? I see the daily on the lfg tool, but where I get the weekly and what day is reset?

  17. Hello all. I just re-subscribed to Swtor after a long break and would like to ask for advice since many things changed while I was away. I came back to level some characters to 50 and enjoy the stories. I am not interested in endgame and probably I will not go past level 50 once I finish my chapter 3 of story.


    Until now I have a level 50 Sith Juggernaut, 1 million credits and 3.000 cartel coins from previous subscriptions. When I was playing I remember that I had to change/upgrade gear every 4-5 levels in order to keep leveling in a acceptable speed and manage to complete difficult story quests (I am not very skilled player, so I am more gear dependent I suppose).


    So long story short, my classes on the list I wanna level first are Imperial Agent and Sith Inquisitor. My questions are:


    1) From those classes what Adv. class are easier to play (less buttons, less complexity, etc) and in what spec?


    2) I am thinking to take scavenging/Cybertech on them and keep them and companions with on level green Armoring/Mods while buying Hilts/Barrels and enhancements from planetary vendors. Is this gear enough to make the leveling "easy"(for a mediocre player)? Of course if I have the materials and being able to have some of the armorings/mods blue then I ll go for them. If you disagree with this, what is a better way to upgrade my gear and companions gear constantly?


    3) What should I buy with cartel coins I have to enhance my play style? I have already unlocked Rocket Boots and 10 min cd on quick travel. What else do you think is worthy to enhance my leveling experience (I prefer to be account wide).


    4) Any other tip/advice you think will help is welcome :)

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