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Posts posted by Ampalaea

  1. Hello. I leveled a sith inquisitor normally and my companion on DPS role could solo kill all mobs... and it did that very fast too.


    Then I used a level 70 boost on my Smuggler to enjoy just the story and skip all other quests. I noticed that my companion does almost zero damage... I sent him to fight a mob and he was fighting for like a minute... his abilities barely was scratching the mob health...


    Now I dont need companion to kill the mobs, my character are super OP. I just noticed the difference... is this a "bug"? Is it because of level scale down?

  2. Hello all! I am in the process of leveling all classes and would like to know which discipline you think is best for leveling for each class...


    i know leveling is dead easy, i am currently leveling a sith assassin "Deception" and mostly i can sit back and let my companion clear stuff for me!


    But still i think there are disciplines that are better than others because of more mobility, or more aoe, or simple more fun :)


    To help you answer i will list bellow all classes so you can copy and chose the discipline you think is better for solo questing, either leveling or endgame dailies etc.











    Thanks in advance!

  3. Greetings everyone. I have 8 characters, once of each class and each advanced class. I am thinking how to spread my crew skills for maximum potential (either personal use or selling to GTN). So far what I have is :


    Sith Marauder: -

    Sith Assassin: -

    Operative: -

    Powertech: Armormech - Scavenging - Underworld Trading


    Jedi Guardian: Biochem - Bioanalysis - Diplomacy

    Jedi Sage: -

    Gunslinger: -

    Commando: -


    How would you spread crafting skills on these characters? Also please explain the reason of your choice! One note, I would prefer duplicate mission skills (Underworld Trading, Diplomacy, etc) than duplicate gathering ones, only if they are equal on profit/efficiency!


    Also I am a casual player, I dont have a "main".. I play all of them equally. With my guild we do some flashpoints and story mode ops only, but we all roll alts there etc. I just want my crafting skill to craft better armor and make some credits possible (like a average player, craft few things, sell.. no flip things in GTN or spend try control market etc...)


    Thanks in Advance!

  4. Hello all. Is there a quick way to make some credits per day/week in 4.0? My highest character is level 51 Sith Warrior (Have not used the boost yet, still deciding what class to do). Before 4.0, I was doing only the black hole dailies with my warrior to get a small amount of credits every day, to help me with my alts (repairs, sending crafting missions, etc).


    Is there any "fast" way to make some good credits per day/week? I heard people say that going from 60 to 65 with their boosted character they made over 2 million credits! I am planning to do that too. but after that?


    Thanks in advance.

  5. I don't know about all the sets, but if you are simply interested in the armor appearances, I saw a new chestpiece on the GTN that looked like the Agent set. It was crafted, though I don't know where the schematics are from.


    honestly, only Jedi Knight, Inquisitor and smuggler are good (for my taste :) ). I think that since they are legacy bound, you can just save the appearance and then send them to other toons also..but if they can also be crafted, thats also good, for people that don't about that trick :)

  6. When you make your free 60 just look at each class, the armor they are wearing is exactly what you'll get. As of right now its possible to make a 60, strip them of the armor mail it to a main/alt then delete them and make a new one until you get all of the armors. Requires a lil bit of the quest to get coin to send it, but as long as you dont level to 61 you should be fine. This worked as of yesterday not sure if the patch might have changed things or not.


    What do you mean? That I have unlimited free level 60 if I delete the boosted character each time? Thats crazy :) anyone can confirm if he did that after the patch of today?

  7. So I was reading a post on reddit where people ask what class should they boost to 60 and someone advice him to level a Jedi Knight because of the legacy armor and gave this screenshot http://massivelyop.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/swtor_kotfe_screenshot_16-1024x576.jpg .


    Now I need to ask...If you boost a character to 60, you get an armor set specific to that class? And this set is not available to get from other sources?


    Also, depending on your class, a crew skill is also leveled with you...what crew skills are leveled for each class? Someone said he made a Bounty Hunter and he got Armormech..



  8. Lets say the nerf companions but they also cut all mobs health to half, will you still complain or no? Your problem is that companion is not supposed to be stronger than you right?


    But i am sure you will still complain after that...bioware wanted to make leveling super easy, and i am glad for it. They chose to do that by making companions stronger. Thats it.


    The news of 4.0 are all over the internet and first time my server had a que to login...thousands of players joined for 4.0 but i suppose forum posters know better how to make the game more enjoyable...


    I hope bioware will not cave in to forums...

  9. Before going crazy and acting dramatic: If a nerf did happen and companions were still useful, which is a huge step up from before, would you still say this is a bad thing? Currently stats are, like people said, about 2-3x the normal player's. Before they used to always be below, unless someone geared the heck out of them. If they were brought to at least same spot players are, stat wise, is this still an issue? Or even a possible compromise, 1.5 (give or take) more powerful then the player at max?


    I still have my questions, like I asked before, since that's were I'm really concerned. But I see no issue with a little nerf as long as it isn't too drastic, because I do want them useful.


    Look, I play swtor only to experience the stories and leveling, not to challenge my skills. If I want to challenge my skills, I ll play Flashpoints and Operations. The changes being made in 4.0 is that lot of new players and very inexperienced players, can play the leveling game which is the selling point.


    If companions are powerful, who cares? You can't bring them in operations or warzones..they just let inexperienced players have a relaxing leveling experience. Now, dont get me wrong, I have done the leveling before the 4.0 and I have played the game on day 1 too...did I leveled a character then? yes I did, but also I did not felt like a accomplished something difficult also..


    Leveling was an accomplishment back in the days of Everquest and Lineage...now that leveling is done within a week, the extra difficulty will not make it an epic journey like it was in old days, it will just make it more annoying and will drive away many new inexperienced players that just want to experience a star wars story.


    Where in my statement did I say it represented the majority of the players?


    You said: It's the developers job to make sure content is fun and entertaining for most of the audience


    Why do you believe that now is not fun for most of the audience?

  10. That's never been a good excuse, ever, in game design. It's the same argument when exploits exist. Players usually take the easiest path. A better argument would be if one said "It only impacts heroic 2+, which has always been doable with one person" or something.


    It's the developers job to make sure content is fun and entertaining for most of the audience & to make sure the companions aren't too powerful while not making them the equivalent of a worthless pile of sticks with a name tag on them.


    And why do you believe that your opinion represents the majority of players? Because you use the forums? Guess what, the vast majority of players does not use forums..also if someone have fun, most likely he will not visit the forums to say he has fun, unlike someone that dont have fun...the first thing he does is to complain in forums

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