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Everything posted by Negivv

  1. I might remember wrong from the tutorials but I believe you can only have 1 type of each (craft, mission, gathering) so if you take up slicing you cut yourself out on the...mission one? If that is the category slicing falls in. As I said though I'm not 100% sure as I might be mixing up the restriction with something else atm.
  2. Honestly I don't see all this problem with insufficient creds unless you have slicing. Granted, my main is only lvl 16, but I train abilities regularly and I am levelling Armortech constantly (which means spending money on scavenging for the mats, so far no Unerworld Trading needed apart for the blue recipes I learned from RE) and before logging off yesterday night I had 21K creds. Sure, I've been doing a lot of Warzones inbetween quests to start building up the commendations for the mando style armor I want to use later on for RP, so a good chunk of my creds come from there. But that only shows that you don't need to have slicing at all costs to make a living.
  3. And I actually forgot...about the blueprints you can get through the GTN: I actually don't remember a single MMO where you could know how an item actually looked like unless you already learned the recipe for it (speaking of loot/drop onse ofc). The difference here is that despite all the long beta there are still very few of those blueprints about so almost nobody know what the items coming from them look like, wether in other MMOs that have been running for years almost everyone does.
  4. As much as I loved the A-tab in every other MMO I played, I believe that what is needed here is improve the curent system that allows for visual customization. Mesh wise, and I repeat, MESH wise (for those who don't know tech speak is the shape of the model) there is really a low variety when it comes to crafted gear. I have armortech on one of my toons and from level 11 to 50 gear I only have 3 different meshes available for crafting (blueprints from the trainer). The only thing that differs is the color pattern. Which is what makes the difference on a good 75 to 80% of the gear ingame. And is something I really believe needs improvement from the Devs. Coming to moddable gear. It's true, it requires some work to get what you want and sometimes it can be a guessgame, but I believe in general works. What doesn't work, is the fact that color patterns are locked and do not mix up together on a good 60% of cases, lowering the appearance customizability a lot. If I want to create a certain look, I shouldn't be forced to wear what the Devs created as a set, to have a nice looking set. I've tried mix-matching stuff between crafted stuff, some loot and PvP armors (Yeah it was a pain running around all the time with the dressing room up on screen to not loose the apperances) and what I found out is that as much as with mesh models things would lok good together, most of the time color patterns were completely off and few times slightly asimmetrical but still decent, going down to really very few mixes that were really good looking overall. That is something I believe can be easily solved by implementing a colour costumization system, and since it's something BW is working on "in some form" we only will need to wait. And on the long argument of "you peeps just want everything handed to you from the start" against "I don't want everything at the start, I want something simple" I just want to remember everyone this: on SWG (since it's being called for comparison many times) post-NGE you werent able to wear armor until lvl22, but then apart from some armor that was level or class restricted because of the stats or game design decisions (like the Boba Fett style Mando armor for the latter), from lvl22 on you could wear any mesh variation of armor your class allowed you to from that level until cap. The great thing was, you could mix and match as you pleased because there were armor coloring kits (crafted, so making crafters needed and a plus source of income for them) allowing you to look cool whenever. other MMOs don't do that and keep the armor mesh variations hard-linked into lvl ranges, so you would still need to level up to wear a specific appearance (meaning waiting to look exactly as you wanted to) but on the road to that, since you can dye the armor as you want to you can still look good and not like you dressed up hastily in the morning with the lights off without looking. Which is something lacking in TOR. Doing any possible colour variation for items is a really daunting task for the devs, not to mention it requires an absurd amount of resource files put into the game because each variation would need to be a standalone item. With a dye system one has the same result, if not better, since the files are a lot fewer and the players have almost complete control on the look. So to make a long story short: an A-Tab would be cool, but improving on the currernt moddable system by combining it with a type of dye system would make visual customization a lot more interesting and enjoyable for everyone (yes, even those who claim they don't care). Sorry for the wall of text, but I love SW, I love this game, and am an Hardcore RPer, so character customization is something I keep to my heart.
  5. Agreed 200% on. Not to mention that if one thinks over it carefully, you can easily realize how sad such people's existance is, considering they need to rage like this because they "can't live" if they don't get into an MMO exactly when they want it. And on a slightly different level...I have nothing better to do today while waiting for my account to be activated (been silly enough to redeem the code mid Nov.) but must admit, reading all these senseless threads has been way better than any comedy show I've seen so far in my life
  6. If anything (as much as I can understand the OP whish to get in at the same time of his/her friends) replies to threads like these show how little people read before posting, making assumptions and the like. >.< There is a stickied post by Stephen Reid saying that today they will send invite waves up to the last week of Nov or so. Which means that by Friday basically everyone who has pre-ordered is going to get in, leaving the "less lucky" (or better put, the late ones) with 4 days of EGA.
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