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Everything posted by Snakelord

  1. I agree PvP is fine here, out of all the other mmos i've played swtor has the best PvP by far. Granted there is always room for improvement like more pvp games and make root/snare effect resolve bar. Yes they do need to bring 8v8 ranked back for the big guilds, but I mean come on this game has only been out for a little over 2 years, go look at other mmos that's been out for 10 plus and see what they have done. Most people QQ PvP sucks its so unbalanced, its a joke mostly cause they suck at it, And cant win 1v1s so they QQ, and say oh that class is op, no its just your not that good. Don't change a thing "Bioware"
  2. I Approve of this message!!! Cloud <Disciples>
  3. Always with the same names for best PvPers, here is some names of PvPers that if you have seen prolly rolled you! And theres alot more names that Should be on here too, if you know some post them. Morgotha Satanus Cloud Ohoe Zannahh Subzero Armageddon Legionn
  4. First off bring back world pvp quest give me something to do besides standing on the fleet waiting for next que. Next idea maybe huttball style pod/speeder bike racing. For all thows that played SWBF2 and remember the space battles maybe a pvp game some what like that, or Arena. Or maybe space battle pvp, thats just some ideas i have what does everyone else think, or there ideas?
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