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Posts posted by Jederix

  1. I'm wondering.... who is this "Everyone" people keep talking about and why is "Everyone's" opinion so important? I know you can't mean the actual definition of the word everyone because if that were true, none of us would be playing. So, I have to assume "Everyone" is someone specific named "Everyone." Otherwise, your statement makes no sense because I still play. Apparently a few others do too because while most servers are light with next to no one on them, there are a handful that still show as Standard, Heavy, and Very Heavy.


    I apologize if this subject has been brought up before. I'm just confused by who this "Everyone" is.


    Cleary "Everyone" is the imaginary flock of players that he was elected to speak for, the ones who hang on his every word and idea and only play games for the same reason he does.

  2. the majority of people who post on the forums are intolerant jackholes. :p yes delays happen.. but i have seen first hand how the majority of people react when they have to have a delay in something..


    look at ranked warzones.. there was a massive freakout and subsequant unsub after the announcement that they wouldnt make the cut for 1.2..


    yes they made the annoucement a few hours before release... but they did annouce it, and still people freaked out.


    the forums on average are not a tolerant place


    To be fair, you should change your "the majority of people" to a "very vocal minority of people" to be more accurate. Everything else you said is correct, and one of a multitude of reasons why specific dates are never given.

  3. All of this information sounds good, and the LFG tool sounds like it is shaping up nicely. Get it working now as it stands (or at least as it is described) in 1.3, then they can add the finishing touch, the X-server toggle, to it sometime down the road, once they get X-server functionality working.


    It's shaping up just as I'd like for it to. I'm excited.

  4. Why is it never practical to just give a deadline that is easily obtainable and then just surprise everyone with an early release of the content? For example, say major patches will come every 6 month but internally shoot for 3 per year (4 months).


    EDIT: Man, did I misread this post.


    It is painfully obvious to most of us why dates are not given in regards to computer program development, especially in the gaming industry. Why it is not obvious to everyone is a mystery.

  5. He took the time to list genuine grievances, and you speak of complainers while adding nothing constructive to the discussion. Also calling "most of the complainers" PVPers is just ignorant especially when his first two complaints are about endgame PVE and features he would like to see implemented. Lastly rolling alts is not end-game content it is an alternative to end-game content. Some people like to roll alts others don't; and in this game after playing once to 50 on each side you have seen a majority of the story content which can be a deterrent to rolling alts.


    Sorry, but when most complaint threads on this forum start out with, or contain the comment "I'm primarily a PvPer" it isn't hard to take the leap that most complainers are PvPers.


    People take much greater leaps in logic with much less evidence than that all the time around here.

  6. Unfortunately, it is this dissecting of any and everything that is said by BW guys no matter how innocuously it is meant that is restricting them from just being able to openly involve themselves in direct discussion with the player base. Pretty difficult to get involved in a conversation when you have a few thousand people all poised to twist and turn every word you say to support their many and various tinfoil hat theories.


    Spot on. It should be stickied somewhere with the title "READ THIS: Before you complain about no communication on these forums."

  7. I can't seem to find the direct quote now, but i'm almost positive I read that they were making new super servers and targeting the transfers there. Anyone else remember that? I'm not talking about speculation, I'm talking quotes from BW employees. I may be wrong, but that's what I'm remembering.


    Don't know where the quote is either, but "superservers" were mentioned in passing. There are no plans in the works for them...at this point, they are little more than vaporware, or an idea on the "Wall of Crazy" at Bioware.


    If you expect them soon, prepare for disappointment.

  8. Yes, there are still people playing this game...


    Unless they do server merges in 1.3 they'll lose yet another half of their player base...


    They had their chance, they dropped the ball at every chance and now can't make up for it...


    When people want to play an MMO... They want to play an MMO... ~100 people on a server is NOT an mmo!!!


    Merge the servers and people will actually be able to play with each other, transfers don't matter at this point, if they would have offered them in Feb, then maybe... If they would have come out with merges in March... this game would be thriving, compared to how it is now...


    Funny thing about predictions. They are generally wrong.

  9. Too late, 1.2 already broke it. Combat and balance were 10x better pre 1.2 This game will just continue to get worse. The PvP team has proven that they are clueless. Maintanence-Mode incoming.


    Translation: My OP class got nerfed and now it isn't OP anymore. THE TRAVESTY!

  10. You do know everyone's experiences in Wow's LFD/LFR tools are different right?


    Just because YOU had it happen only 4 times doesn't mean there are ALOT of jerks, A Holes, D Bags etc in Wow's LFG/LFR tools. And they can get away with it because odds are they won't see them ever again.


    My opinion? We have all had the very same experience with WoW's LFD tool and the people using it (those of us who have used it).


    The difference: player perception. I don't let a few bad apples ruin my gaming experience. You do. That is the difference.

  11. That is the dumbest thing I ever heard. You got it all wrong.


    They WANT servers full, because players will be happier playing on a full server. If they just do transfers to low pop servers, then you are just reshuffling chairs on the titanic. The whole point of the free server transfers are to get servers more full so that they feel more vibrant.


    Time will tell, but I sure as heck am not betting on your scenario - that's just stupid and sounds like something you pulled out of your butt.


    They won't let you go to the Fatman for free. Why would they do this? If you really want to move to a high pop server, it is going to cost you. I would hope they would not allow this and risk overpopulating a few servers at the cost of all their others.


    Time will tell, indeed. Just be ready for disappointment.

  12. Again, depends on personal experience. My experience is that, while it was faster to get a group, it took three times longer to do the actual dungeon or raid because of cycling through group members the whole time. Drop. requeue... drop, requeue... drop, requeue.




    And, just for the record, it wasn't me or my guild doing the blacklisting. It was everyone on the server in 50- or world-chat. And it was quite effective. I've seen a few of the blacklisted actually apologize in 50-chat because they kept getting kicked when queued into a group.


    And I think this is exactly the way it should be handled. The community should police itself, not rely on GMs or the exclusion of useful tools.




    There are many MANY more reasons that just "ninja", which, personally, is just about the least of my personal worry. I could list them, but again, they're subjective. They're MY worries. So you'll likely not agree and just pick them apart. Not constructive.


    Yeah, maybe there are many reasons. I don't concern myself with what other people are doing; it doesn't affect me the way it seems to affect some of the people around here.


    Best part about getting a bad group with a group finder is, you don't have to stay there. You can drop group, queue up for another in a few minutes, and go about your business.


    We'll just have to agree to disagree. But denying the tool based on the subjective view of a few people around here is ridiculous.

  13. Most people are decent. But all it takes is 1 person out of 4 to ruin the experience. Or, in the case of Ops, 1 person out of 8. Or 1 person out of 16.


    This whole debate is subjective and anecdotal. Everyone's experiences differ from the next. I can categorically tell you that, when using a X-server LFG, my personal experiences were about 90% bad. In Rift, for example, when the LFG first came it was same server. The experience at the time was about 40% bad, and people were posting in world or 50 chat the name of the idiot that pulled a stunt and what he did. It became more difficult for that person to get a group. And usually that person's attempt at a defense told the story.


    Enter X-server. My personal experience is that the bad experience jumped from 40% to 90%, with no way to warn or call out the idiot. That person is more free to pull his shenanigans. Like I said, all it takes is one person.


    Your experience, as you have related, is totally different. Then again, I have extremely bad luck with RNG, too. :p


    So, an X-server toggle is the answer. It present us with choice since the nature of the tool provides anectodal and subjective experiences.


    Sure, add a toggle. I'm all for choice. If you are willing to wait longer for a same server group, kudos. Most people are not willing to wait. Because the wait will be longer. I'd venture to guess considerably longer.


    And just for the record, it's all fine and dandy that people blacklisted others. But don't think for a minute that you were denying anyone groups. Outside your circle of friends and maybe your guild, your blacklist meant nothing.


    I'm more inclined to think less of the person crying about a ninja than the actual ninja themselves. The term "ninja" too often is used when someone legitimately loses a piece of gear to someone else, and they feel they deserved it more than the other person, than an actual instance of someone stealing gear just because they can. Probably the whole "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" thing going on here, for me at least.

  14. Somewhere there is a thread where someone polled whether players wanted cross-server LFG. The result was about a 4:1 ratio against it. So if listening to the majority of your playerbase is viewed as "clueless", then this may not be the game for you.


    I usually agree with the things you say, but this one is just bad. Polling the forums is not an accurate representation of the playerbase. It is biased as most of those on the forums are those concerned with communities in the first place.


    Most of us don't care. We just want to play a game and experience as much of it as possible. Xserver allows this better than anything else.


    I want to run flashpoints, I don't want to create e-Friends. I have plenty of friends here in the real world.


    Xserver will come, once metrics show that same server does not get more people to the content. I'm all for a tool that allows both, but we all know that no one would use the same server option, as the queue times will be longer, because the pool of players will be smaller.

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