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10 Good

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    Horror movies
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    Oil and Gas
  1. Did a lot of PvP with different classes and a few random late-game raids. What are the biggest changes I can look forward to? tNX
  2. I see a whole lot of complaining but I can only imagine how NOISY the complaining would be if they released Ranked Warzones and *gasp* it wasn't ready. It really is funny to me how much noise is made about TOR being broken - clearly from people who have never played any mmo in the first year - and then when they delay a HUGE game component so they can get it right, noise is still made. I would much rather the system be put on hold until it is workable. If for no other reason but to save 1000 pages of crying in the forums. Roll an alt already and calm down.
  3. I'm holding out for the Kaliyo romance since it just seems so right because she digs every evil thing I do. But I will admit that I was going to hook up with Vector because it seemed creepy and weird to get it on with a hive-mind: "as if a million voices cried out in pleasure and were completely satisfied."
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