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  1. I'm quite certain armorings will not override or work in parallel with a shell bonus. I recall putting columi field techs armoring in my vintage Centurion set and to no avail, it kept the PvP bonus. Luckily, I can run with Centurion chest/boots and PvE head,gloves,pants for both 2 set boni and have augments in all of it.
  2. At the top of my head, I believe Power provide slightly more damage than Cunning point per point (by slightly I mean like 0.03 or so) , however, Cunning also increases your critical chance and you get 9% additional cunning from talents and 5 % from an Inquisitor's buff. If the choice is between power and cunning as you say, I'd go for cunning. If it's Crit/Acc/Surge vs. Power, I'd go for power as long as you got those a decent amount of the other secondary stats.
  3. No parses here, just my thoughts on today's play. I feel the energy has smoothed out a bit, the new 45 CD Sniper's Volley lines up beautifully with Orbital strike. The 'standard' rotation almost never dipped anyway, with the exception of getting OS to fit into your adrenal/relics a long with all your other high DPCT abilities - having your increased energy regen trigger at this time always is so much a an improvement in a snipers quality of life that I wouldn't mind if it turned out to be a slight dip in overall DPS. I doubt that, however, I believe even the easier energy management itself could lead to an increase solely due to a decrease in mistakes on the player's part.
  4. http://mmo-mechanics.com/swtor/forums/Forum-Imperial-Agent-and-Smuggler This site has guides for every sniper spec, so pick a favourite (They're close enough that it doesn't really matter other than preference) and read a guide, I play marksman myself and the MM guide is up-to-date with everything you'd want. GLHF with your sniper.
  5. With a bit of good will, the guy I quoted does have a valid point, the cooldown reduction will effect how much energy we would want to spend on those respective abilities in a fight and so we would have to rearrange our energy usage, I can only assume we would skip the least wanted parts of our rotation in favour of SoS and Ambush. The way I see it, we would either not change our rotation but simply have both Ambush and SoS sit idle or we would have to free up energy, preferably from Snipes, EP or CD. (obviously this is assuming you keep FT on cooldown by activating it either with Ambush or Snipe About the DPCT and DPE, thoughts often translate rather poorly into words in the middle of the night. Obviously, they aren't the best in both regards, but some of the best and perhaps only in one category depending on the situation, suffice to say snipe is rather awful in comparison, if not in DPCT then in DPE. (and I dare say, as long as you keep above 66,never hit 110 energy, and spent it all by the end. DPE is by far the most important grouping - not counting burst) @Notomorrow. Assuming you start at 88 energy and have an energy regen of 6 and 0 Alacrity. If you have any alacrity you might want make your own model, also I start at 88 energy, because I don't want to dip below 66 when firing the second SoS. You'd SoS for 3 secs. to 68 energy and regain 3*6=18 leaving you at 86. Use Sniper's volley and SoS for 2.7 secs. (3-(0.1*3)) to 66 energy, regain 2.7*9=24.3 leaving you at 90.3 At this point you can pretty much cast whatever ability you like and still not hit the cap, as long as it isn't Ambush without Reactive shot, even OS should fire before you cap energy. Obviously as with everything, do consider latency, if you're afraid you might cap it with OS or snipe, pick CD or EP as they have a front-loaded energy cost. Seeing as we're both on the Tomb of godforsaken lag, we might have to do just that
  6. How is being able to use sniper's volley when you actually have a energy deficit instead of having it pop when you're at 110 energy going to result in less sustained damage, least it can do is causing us to have less sporadic energy regeneration, which can be used to prevent lulls or boost our available energy during bursts. Also, how is reduced cooldown on our highest DPE and DPCT abilities going to result in more rifle shots, it won't change how much energy we will have available during a fight; it will, however, make us use much less snipes, our worst energy spender. Edit: @ Tibbel, great work with the MM compendium. I may be wrong, but I think that's the most comprehensive and thorough Marksman guide out there - stuff like that can make and break a class community. (You make it )
  7. I don't agree with your complaints about the class and in perticular the sharpshooter tree. I do however, not think, they are stupid complains and they do have some merit to them. but I don't understand why you complain about armor penetration, your energy system and our immobility and then list a couple of fixes, which has absolutely nothing to do with your complaints ? In my opinion the only of our main attacks (Charged burst, Aimed shot, Quickdraw, Trickshot and speed shot) that could use some work is Speed shot, because it's boring and doesn't feel like it's worth much and it rubs me the wrong way to see our 31 point talent spent on this mediocre stuff. Also. Almost every other game will teach you that positioning is likely the most important thing in competitive gameplay, hell even in soccer it is. Why can't people grasp that it's just as important in MMOs.
  8. The good thing about mirror classes is, that if you can translate the abilities, you can always visit your brothers- and sisters-in-gaming for help. I'm really starting to grow on my smuggler, during the first ten levels or so I was convinced I would never stop missing my brutally charming, British Imperial Agent.
  9. I only sure it against stealthers or bosses. I tested it on a geared tank, it dropped his damage reduction from armour by 2% from 45% to 43%. I assume it does slightly more to a lightly armoured target because of the way armour works. But I still don't think that in a fast paced fight where people have 16k healthpools that 2% is going to make a difference a Charged Burst doing 1.2k damage couldn't.
  10. Ex-Marksman sniper here with some 35 rank and all FP/raids done. I just rerolled Gunslinger for more or less the same reason and have noticed the same things, I have some things to add however. It's not a smooth solution and doesn't make it require a fix any less, but if you time a jump in a straight direction as you cast Dirty Kick, you will keep jumping forward and avoiding the snare effect, obviously this is only helpful if you intend to go forward while stunning. And for Sabotage, it's absolutely annoying that you can't chain it like explosive probe, but I must mention that neither breaks Flash Bang/Grenade, so your burst-scenario is still entirely possible, just add the explosive probe before the Ambush/Aimed Shot and then Followthrough/Wild Shot afterwards, this will actually get you more burst than slapping Sabotage/Probe on after the ambush I'm a bit worried about Quick Shot/Takedown-difference, but and will have to wait until I level up a bit more and actually get the ability myself. This would be a positioning issue, if targets get away or line of sight you - work on placing yourself so that they don't. Granted it is a weakness of ours given cover, but it can be circumvented by simply being at the right place at the right time. - and abusing Leg Shot.
  11. I've played Marksman since released, done all flashpoints, PvP, raids you name it. I vouch for the legitimacy of his post, while I'm no guru nor known, let it be known that there's one marksman who does well and thinks the rest of the complainers should start working on their MMO basics before they start complaining about class mechanics.
  12. When two normal hits connect right after each other, they'll merge into what looks like a critical hit. I have no idea why Bioware thought this was the way to go, but Try testing it with Rifle Shot, this ability will hit in 2 parts (like your ambush/FT) if both hits are non-crits, you will see the same thing happening, if one of them is a crit however, you will see 2 separate numbers. (I had no problems with the link - it looks shady, but is legit)
  13. Cover is fine Interruption immunity is absolutely beastly Entrench is borderline overpowered, I have the best ranged damage and I can become immune to controls for 20 secs on a 45 sec cooldown (yea I got it talented, because it's that good.) Snap Shot triggers Followthrough and provides more than enough damage on the move and you still have a huge array of CC and Leg Shot. (abuse the **** out of Leg Shot) idk what you've been doing while getting your rank 48, but sniper is fine. What am I saying, I'm just glad people keep complaining about operatives and Mercs (lol?) and keep out of my hair, in the meantime I'll be shredding anything that moves with my cc, my burst and my cc immunity.
  14. It's all good, but marksman has no casts that can be interupted, because they all require you to be in cover, which grants interruption immunity and if the sniper is any good, by the time you get to him, he'll have popped entrench (why else would another sniper run into melee range if not to stun, which is probably the only ability worth anything and is melee range.)
  15. I second this, it pretty much covers the basic feeling of both PvP and PvE, minus the cover bugs
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